Show #6902 - Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Catherine Hardee game 1.


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Christian Burks, a history student from Austin, Texas

Catherine Hardee, a hotel front desk clerk and recent college graduate from Kinston, North Carolina

Heather Jarvis, an editor at the United Nations from Trinidad and Tobago and now in New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,800)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, because we are celebrating the 200th birthday of [*], we have a whole category about that song.)
    $200 18
Rhode Island's official symbol of American folk art is one of these that features 56 hand-carved jumping horses
    $200 6
(Hi, I'm Kyra Sedgwick.) My ancestor Robert Sedgwick came to America in 1636 & was an early settler of Charlestown, now part of this New England city
    $200 1
Peculiar; or, a number like 17 or 23
    $200 7
Naturally, a booze hound likes the classic cocktail of gin & grapefruit juice named for this speedy dog
    $200 10
Has a day of the week named for him
    $200 9
There are actually 4 verses to the song, each ending with the line "O'er the land of the free and" this
    $400 24
In 2011 this Ivy League school sold Jerimoth Hill, the state's highest point at 812 feet, to the state
    $400 19
(I'm Anderson Cooper.) Around 1650 my family began its American adventure when Jan Aertsen Van der Bilt emigrated to America from this country
    $400 2
To effervesce
    $400 8
Tequila & grapefruit juice go into this cocktail that honors a little Mexican dog
    $400 15
Shares his name with a triathlon
    $400 11
Francis Scott Key wrote the words after the 1814 bombardment of this fort
    $600 25
Rhode Island the island, as opposed to the state, is in this bay
    $600 21
(Hi, I'm Dr. Oz.) I was born in Cleveland, but my father was born in Konya, an ancient city in the Anatolia region of this country
    $600 3
This supernatural Irish "woman of the fairies" was just a scream
    $600 29
Mentioned in "The Pickwick Papers", warm ale & gin is called a dog's this, which is wet & black, just like the drink
    $600 16
Shares his name with a character on "M*A*S*H"
    $600 12
Created under the Second Flag Act, the 1814 flag had this many stars, 2 more than the first U.S. flag
    $800 26
In 1636 this minister founded Providence as a "shelter for persons distressed for conscience"
    $800 22
(I'm Cesar Millan.) My teachers in canine psychology were dogs on my grandfather's farm in Sinaloa, a state in western Mexico, bordering this sea
    $800 4
Court officer similar to a sheriff who can execute writs
    $800 17
Sounds like a deadly spider
    DD: $400 13
After a decade-long preservation process, the flag is back on display in a new exhibition space at this Smithsonian Museum
    $1000 27
This man with a Presidential first name succeeded his father, John Chafee, as a U.S. senator & is now state governor
    $1000 23
(I'm George Stephanopoulos.) Like many Greek-Americans before them, my parents settled in Massachusetts & I was born in this city, site of an infamous double murder in 1892
    $1000 5
To sing with a vibratory or quavering effect
    $1000 28
Pomegranate vodka is key to the cocktail named for this fluffy toy breed originally from a Baltic duchy
    $1000 20
Was a role in "Easy Rider"
    $1000 14
In 2014 "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sung for the first time by an opera singer, this soprano

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Heather Catherine Christian
$1,200 $2,400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Heather Catherine Christian
$2,600 $4,600 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We dealt with "Little Rhody", now we have [*]; different kind.)
    $400 18
In 1993 bass tech Stuart Morgan played a gig for this Irish band when Adam Clayton couldn't make it
    $400 23
It's the property of some unstable atoms that causes them to give off ionizing radiation
    $400 5
In the Dewey Decimal System, books filed under the 720s cover this subject, including buildings & public structures
    $400 7
Michgan & Ohio share this Great Lake
    $400 1
It's a conversation between 2 people, or the talky part of movies
    $400 16
6'4'' from the University of Maine, this "Dead Zone" author
    $800 19
Shock G of Digital Underground said, "Of all the roadies we ever had", this rapper killed in Vegas in '96 "was the best"
    $800 24
This branch of physics deals with the structure & nature of cosmic bodies
    $800 12
Take a Big Gulp before telling us that DCCXI is this year in Roman numerals
    $800 8
Like the bigger Lake Titicaca, Lake Suches is on the border of Peru & this southern neighbor
    $800 2
To give a person official power to do something
    $800 17
6'9'' from Harvard, this man who wrote thrillers under the name John Lange (Lange is "tall" in German)
    $1200 25
Condensed-matter physics deals with superfluidity, in which certain liquids flow without this
    $1200 13
Hank Aaron ended his career with this record number of regular-season home runs
    $1200 9
Manitoba shares Reindeer Lake with this neighbor to the west
    $1200 3
You'd do well to learn about this Cabinet department
    $1200 20
6'6'' from the Repton School in Derbyshire, this children's author seen with wife Patricia Neal
    $1600 26
The smallest discrete amount of radiant energy is called this, also a name for a branch of physics
    $1600 14
Its cube root is 9
    DD: $600 10
Germany, Switzerland & this neighbor share the Bodensee, aka Lake Constance
    $1600 4
This veggie describes an ear deformed by repeated injury
    $1600 21
6'3'' from Fairfax High, this author of crime books like "L.A. Confidential"
    DD: $1,000 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is in the lab.) You can see the arrows are pointing in the same way, right? Well, watch what happens when water is added, & this direction-changing physics property takes place
    $2000 15
702 & 775 are area codes in this state
    $2000 11
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia & Tanzania have this long lake in common
    $2000 6
You qualify as this if your bank balance has a 2 followed by 6 zeroes
    $2000 22
6'8'' from Ontario Agricultural College, this economist who wrote "The New Industrial State"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Heather Catherine Christian
$2,200 $7,200 $6,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

She was born near London; her mother, near Madrid

Final scores:

Heather Catherine Christian
$200 $12,401 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $12,401 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Heather Catherine Christian
$2,200 $8,200 $7,600
8 R,
2 W
19 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-07-16
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