March 29, 1792: King Gustav III of this nation is assassinated at a masquerade ball |
(Marlene: What is Austria?)
The verdict is in: a dozen unnamed & notably indignant jurors gave this drama its title |
Twelve Angry Men
An inlet or cove, or to equip with weapons |
Shania Twain was born on Aug. 28, 1965 in Windsor, Canada; Mark Twain, on Nov. 30, 1835 in this state |
Of first, second or third degree, murder by poison usually falls under this designation |
(Alex: Yes. Clearly premeditated.)
first degree
It's what you do when casually offering "a hint" or "a name", hoping someone picks it up |
March 5, 1770: British troops gun down 5 American colonists in the event that would become known as this |
the Boston Massacre
One of the stretches in a relay race |
a leg
Shania's given name is Eilleen Regina Edwards; Mark's was this (including his middle name) |
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Since 1993, rape by this person has been a crime in all 50 states; it isn't one in most other countries |
a husband (or spouse)
Powerful people may be surrounded by these "men" named for the syllable they often utter |
yes men
March 16, 1935: Hitler orders Germany to rearm itself in violation of this treaty |
the Treaty of Versailles
Yikes! A flame device that uses liquid butane is part of this "Beauty and the Beast" character's costume |
(Eric: What is the chandelier?)
A card game participant, as in "Sir Nigel, we need a fourth" one "at whist" |
Mark first visited this city in 1872; in 1999 Shania played the Prince's Trust concert in Hyde Park there |
Two-word name for the crime seen here in a Goya painting, or an informal term for overcharging |
highway robbery
It's a 5-letter archaic word for "the truth"; a "sayer" of it speaks truth about the future |
March 28, 1854: The U.K. & France declare war on Russia, beginning this war |
the Crimean War
This musical features vaudeville cutie Baby June, who, in real life, grew up to be actress June Havoc |
(Alex: Yes, Gypsy Rose Lee's sister.)
10 penny, 16 penny or 20 penny, for example |
a nail
In 1870 Mark married the lovely Olivia Langdon; in 1993 Shania wed this adorable "mutt" |
Robert "Mutt" Lange
In 2004 the U.S. government announced the first capital prosecution in a case involving smuggling these |
(Eric: What are computer disks?)
immigrants (into the U.S.)
"Make a clean breast" & "go to pot" are in the "American Heritage Dictionary of" these, which give ESL students fits |
March 1967: She, Joseph Stalin's last surviving child, asks for asylum at the U.S. embassy in New Delhi |
Svetlana Stalin
To tease, or a primary vein of a leaf |
(Mike: What is... a needle?)
a rib
Shania's self-titled debut went gold in 1996; in 1873 Mark's first novel had this "golden"-sounding title |
The Gilded Age
It's a form of extortion or blackmail under the guise of keeping you or your business safe |
Solipsism says that the self is the only reality; this -ism is a general term for a verbal impropriety |
(Eric: What is malapropism?)