He not only founded the University of Virginia, he also chose its first professors |
Thomas Jefferson
Michael Graves' Dolphin Hotel at this Florida theme park is topped with 2 55'-high dolphin sculptures |
(Ellen: What is Sea World?)
Walt Disney World
Perrier-Jouet's Belle Epoque brand of this sparkling wine comes in a special painted bottle |
Mel Gibson used members of the Irish army for the battle scenes in this Best Picture of 1995 |
Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Great Britain, is located in this country |
(Rick: What is Wales?)
This "Pygmalion" author wrote his 1913 play "Great Catherine" for actress Gertrude Kingston |
At 5' 6" he was nicknamed "Little Van" |
Van Buren
Eliel Saarinen moved to the U.S. after placing second in the competition to design this city's Tribune Tower |
As many as 40 herbs & flavorings go into this wine-based martini ingredient |
This movie taught us that life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get |
Forrest Gump
Of the 10 longest rivers in the world, 1 of the 3 that flow into the Atlantic |
Amazon, Congo, Parana
Plautus was the leading comic playwright of this ancient empire |
Roman empire
In 1906 he became the first president & the first American to win a Nobel Prize |
Teddy Roosevelt
Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers designed this Parisian cultural center noted for its controversial industrial style |
Pompidou Center
The name of mead goes back to madhu, the Sanskrit word for this mead ingredient |
This 1941 Best Picture centered on a Welsh mining family |
(Ellen: What is The Corn is Green?)
How Green Was My Valley
Bratislava, Belgrade & Budapest all lie on this river |
His comedy "The Star-Spangled Girl" is set in a duplex apartment overlooking San Francisco Bay |
Neil Simon
In 1849, less than a week before his death, this first "dark horse" president was baptized |
Designed by Johnson & Burgee, this glass church in Calif. is higher & wider inside than Notre Dame |
Crystal Cathedral
This country makes retsina as welll as mastika, a gin-like drink flavored with resin |
"Consider yourself" smart if you know it won Best Picture of 1968 |
(Rick: What is The Sound of Music?)
A breed of sheep is named for this range of hills in western England known for it beautiful villages |
This Swede satirized Stockholm society in his first novel, "The Red Room", published in 1879 |
(Rick: Who is Ibsen?)
The Cincinnati home of this President & Chief Justice is now a national historic site |
Built in 1968, this architect's New National Gallery in West Berlin exemplifies his "less is more" style |
Mies van der Rohe
Alborg on the Jutland peninsula is a center for the manufacture of this spirit, Denmark's national drink |
Based on an Edna Ferber novel, it was the first western to win the award |
Swaziland is bounded on one side by Mozambique & on 3 sides by this country |
South Africa
"Lonely people talking to each other can make each other lonelier", she wrote in "The Autumn Garden" |
(Alex: And we have less than a minute to go, Davia.)
Lillian Hellman