Show #6111 - Monday, March 21, 2011

Tom Kunzen game 5.


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Erin Maxwell, a high school English and drama teacher from Chicago, Illinois

Stephen Huey, a lawyer from Arlington, Virginia

Tom Kunzen, a geotechnical engineer from Orlando, Florida (whose 4-day cash winnings total $110,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you a show. You identify the network that carries that program.)
    $200 1
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a flag on a monitor.) On the flag of Kiribati, the blue & white waves stand for the Pacific Ocean; the rising sun represents this, which straddles the nation
    $200 2
    $200 13
It's 404 B.C. & here is our top story: Athens has been forced to accept a humiliating peace treaty with this city-state
    $200 22
A museum at Temple University's School of Podiatric Medicine has some 900 pairs of these in its collection
    $200 7
This term for an important person sounds like a giant toupee
    $200 12
In Hollywood, it's the major street 2 blocks north of Sunset Boulevard
    $400 8
The castle & key on the flag of this British dependency symbolize its strategic position on the Mediterranean
    $400 3
"Dinner: Impossible"
    $400 14
Here's Helios with the forecast: lots of rain in Athens from this god of weather & so much more... watch out for his lightning!
    $400 23
Next time you're roaming through North Dakota, visit the museum of this animal & its herd of about 30
    $400 15
It can be a meeting among business colleagues, or a Native American ceremonial feast
    $400 27
A 2009 study recommended treating heroin addicts with diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient in this
    $600 9
The armillary sphere on this country's flag honors Prince Henry the Navigator
    $600 4
"Project Runway" (formerly on Bravo)
    $600 16
Breaking news 479 B.C.: Greece has beaten the remaining forces of this Xerxes-led empire! Let's party!
    $600 24
In Austin, Minnesota you can ham it up at the museum of this meat product in a can
    $600 19
It's a sturdy carryall worn by hikers as well as students
    $600 28
This lubricant's name means "water displacement, 40th attempt"
    $800 10
The green flag of this kingdom has a white sword & the shahadah, the Muslim statement of faith, in white script
    $800 5
"Man vs. Wild"
    $800 17
What's goin' on in sports, Aetos? King Augeas said now that this hero has cleaned the stables, rodeo season is open
    $800 25
Suite! A museum in Leavenworth, Wash. displays over 6,000 of these nifty tools, many resembling toy soldiers
    $800 20
A natl. assoc. of wanderers says you can still be this 4-letter term even if you never rode a freight train
    $800 29
If today is Jan. 14, 1952, this show is premiering on NBC
    $1000 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a flag on a monitor.) In its talons, a bald eagle holds two traditional emblems--a fue, or a flyswitch, & an uatogi, or war club--on the flag of this territory
    $1000 6
"The Closer"
    $1000 18
Up next, entertainment reporter Klakos has a review of this tragedy master's new play, "Oedipus Rex"
    DD: $2,000 26
Get a whiff of the Brimstone Museum in Southwest Louisiana & learn all about mining for this element
    $1000 21
This adjective meaning unkempt & varied is often applied to disorganized armies or militias
    $1000 30
China's Song Dynasty was noted for its contributions to the tz'u, a form of this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Stephen Erin
$800 $2,400 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Stephen Erin
$5,800 $3,800 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You identify the sport for us.)
    $400 22
Alfred Uhry's "Driving Miss ____"
    $400 1
    $400 6
Here's this Confederate president in full beard, later in life
    $400 11
If you're convinced you're the one true savior, odds are you have this type of complex
    $400 16
This gas that I breathe, you call CH4 & use to heat your homes--funny universe
    $400 21
This Ohioan who became a licensed pilot on his 16th birthday is remembered for the one small step he took in 1969
    $800 24
Robert E. Sherwood's "Abe Lincoln in ____"
    $800 2
The WBO & the WBA
    $800 7
He's the king of the wild frontier, looking rather dapper in the portrait seen here
    $800 12
Hard reddish-brown wood of the genus Swietenia
    $800 17
You named my home galaxy after this--a spinning toy on a stick? How quaint; prepare to be destroyed
    $800 23
A 2010 episode of "Glee" featured his song "Hello Again"
    $1200 25
William Saroyan's "The Time of Your ____"
    $1200 3
The ITTF--it's what the "TT" stands for
    $1200 8
In 1927, Orville Wright, on the left, came face-to-face with this man, famous in the same field as Orville
    $1200 13
This slang term for an unnecessary article of ornamentation comes from the chorus of "Camptown Races"
    $1200 18
My planet's star will reach the late stage called white this in only 3 billion years, so I had to get out of there
    DD: $4,000 28
Neil Estern sculpted him with his dog Fala for his Washington, D.C. memorial
    $1600 26
Jason Miller's "That ____ Season"
    $1600 4
The ISF (it's big in Japan)
    $1600 9
There was something a little fishy about this treasury secretary & Chief Justice seen here
    DD: $1,600 14
3-dimensional figure with 8 plane faces
    $1600 19
I got the first message from Earth to the stars, sent from this type of telescope at Arecibo in 1974
    $1600 29
In 2000 Neil Clark Warren founded this website that aims to unite people in long-term relationships
    $2000 27
Donald L. Coburn's "The ____ Game"
    $2000 5
The FIS (it's big in Austria)
    $2000 10
1972 U.S. presidential candidate seen here
    $2000 15
Now meaning a type of woven carpet, it formerly referred to a residence set aside for a noblewoman in India
    $2000 20
Now that I am here, everyone who dismissed Erich von Daniken's book "Chariots of" these beings should feel shame
    $2000 30
Before writing dark children's books like "Coraline" & "The Graveyard Book", he penned a bio of Duran Duran

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Stephen Erin
$19,000 $11,400 $10,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

From 1966 to 1968 this role was played by 2 different actresses in a TV series; it was also the title role in a 2004 film

Final scores:

Tom Stephen Erin
$22,801 $22,800 $20,800
5-day champion: $133,402 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tom Stephen Erin
$19,000 $11,400 $7,000
27 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2010-11-16
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