Show #56 - Monday, November 26, 1984


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Sara Maikowski, a grocery store cashier originally from The Bronx

Leland Kennedy, an industrial sculptor from La Mesa, California

Richard Landon, a restaurant manager from Santa Cruz, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $27,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Central Africa's short people
    $100 11
When you step on these, they let out a little "wine"
    $100 18
Any remedy which counteracts a swallowed poison
    $100 6
An unlucky Friday or a baker's dozen
    $100 26
His spectacle invention that's a sight for sore eyes
    $100 12
At last count there were only 70 of these head servants left in England
    $200 2
S. Africa's form of segregation
    $200 16
Satanic term for food prepared with strong seasoning, as of eggs or ham
    $200 19
To prevent swelling & discoloring from a blow to the body, apply this kind of compress immediately
    $200 7
Number of stars on American flag raised at Iwo Jima
    $200 27
"Fish & guests stink in 3 days" are among this almanac's wise words
    $200 13
Nobody wants to hear all of this camp song about decreasing containers of brew
    $300 3
Tanganyika & Zanzibar joined to form this country
    $300 17
French term for meat served in its own juice
    $300 20
Kind of shot given to prevent lockjaw after a puncture wound
    $300 8
Square inches in a square foot
    $300 28
He was president of the 1st society to press for its abolition
    $300 14
A stew of various meats, a jar of mixed flower petals, or an old "Jeopardy" category
    $400 4
Africa's largest fresh-water lake, it's main source of the Nile
    $400 24
Found in rye bread, these seeds are also flavoring of kummel liqueur
    $400 21
This "hug" is recommended as effective method to remove object blocking windpipe
    DD: $1,000 9
Total of trombones & cornets in "The Music Man" tune
    $400 29
The postal service actually showed a profit when he held this position
    $400 15
This president is said to be related to John Kennedy, Princess Di & F. Mitterand
    $500 5
Kenyatta was leader of this bloody movement to end British rule in Kenya
    $500 25
The thymus & pancreas of young calves are sources of this meat
    $500 22
Full name for CPR
    $500 10
Age range of an octogenarian
    $500 23
The place you most readily find "QWERTYUIOP"; you can spell it using only these letters

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Richard Leland Sara
$1,100 -$300 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Richard Leland Sara
$2,700 $100 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
While either takes or, neither always takes this
    $200 10
The hat in the Mexican hat dance
    $200 9
A painting of inanimate objects, not people
    $200 6
It's "where the wind comes sweeping down the plain"
    $200 1
He was Dectective Lieutenant Dan August before he was Sharky
    $400 14
The interjection in "Whew! This is a tough answer"
    $400 11
South Seas garb worn by Dorothy Lamour on "The Road"
    $400 5
State whose counties include Crockett, Zapata & Pecos
    $400 7
He played father-in-law to Betty Jones & now is uncle to Matt Houston
    $400 22
Wurlitzer's pride, or what tissues grouped together form
    $600 15
Punctuation mark of the imperative mode
    $600 13
Where on his body an Arab would wear the traditional keffiyeh
    DD: $700 2
One of two states ending in "T"
    DD: $500 8
Name of station police work out of in series with this theme
    $600 17
Serology is the study of this body fluid closely resembling sea water
    $800 3
Historic pass at junction of TN., KY., & VA., associated with Daniel Boone
    $800 16
Ex-"radio receptionist" now "partner in crime" with Lynda Carter
    $800 18
In 1600's, amateur Dutch scientist van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria by using this
    $1000 20
The word, phrase or clause a pronoun must agree with
    $1000 4
Mountain range that surrounds city of Atlanta
    $1000 21
Det. whose show was spun off from "Barney Miller", but thrown back due to small ratings
    $1000 19
Exobiology is the study of living things here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Richard Leland Sara
$7,000 $2,000 $3,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Country that manufactures the most cars per year

Final scores:

Richard Leland Sara
$4,000 $3,995 $2,600
4-day champion: $31,400 2nd place: a typewriter + an encyclopedia 3rd place: a car stereo

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Richard Leland Sara
$7,900 $2,100 $3,800
27 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
11 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $13,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-09-12
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