Central Africa's short people |
the Pygmies
When you step on these, they let out a little "wine" |
(Alex: There was a groan out of the audience on that one.)
Any remedy which counteracts a swallowed poison |
an antidote
An unlucky Friday or a baker's dozen |
His spectacle invention that's a sight for sore eyes |
At last count there were only 70 of these head servants left in England |
(Sara: What are major-domos?) ... (Alex: There's a difference between a [*] and a major-domo.)
S. Africa's form of segregation |
Satanic term for food prepared with strong seasoning, as of eggs or ham |
To prevent swelling & discoloring from a blow to the body, apply this kind of compress immediately |
a cold compress
Number of stars on American flag raised at Iwo Jima |
"Fish & guests stink in 3 days" are among this almanac's wise words |
Poor Richard('s Almanack)
Nobody wants to hear all of this camp song about decreasing containers of brew |
"99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall"
Tanganyika & Zanzibar joined to form this country |
(Leland: What is Zimbabwe?)
French term for meat served in its own juice |
au jus
Kind of shot given to prevent lockjaw after a puncture wound |
a tetanus shot
Square inches in a square foot |
(Alex: You were doing the math in your head while you were answering, I know.)
He was president of the 1st society to press for its abolition |
A stew of various meats, a jar of mixed flower petals, or an old "Jeopardy" category |
Africa's largest fresh-water lake, it's main source of the Nile |
Lake Victoria
Found in rye bread, these seeds are also flavoring of kummel liqueur |
caraway seeds
This "hug" is recommended as effective method to remove object blocking windpipe |
the Heimlich maneuver
Total of trombones & cornets in "The Music Man" tune |
(Richard: What is 177?)
The postal service actually showed a profit when he held this position |
(Richard: [no response]) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Postmaster General
This president is said to be related to John Kennedy, Princess Di & F. Mitterand |
(Richard: [no response])
Ronald Reagan
Kenyatta was leader of this bloody movement to end British rule in Kenya |
the Mau Maus
The thymus & pancreas of young calves are sources of this meat |
Full name for CPR |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Age range of an octogenarian |
the 80s (or 80-89)
The place you most readily find "QWERTYUIOP"; you can spell it using only these letters |
a typewriter