Show #4759 - Thursday, April 21, 2005

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 2, game 7.


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Jerome Vered, a writer from Los Angeles, California

Sean Ryan, a graduate student from Whitehall, Pennsylvania

Leah Greenwald, an architect from Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Fittingly, Francois Boucher painted "The Toilet of" this Roman goddess for Madame de Pompadour
    $200 6
Madylin Sweeten plays the daughter & her brothers play the twin sons on this sitcom
    $200 16
"Not just peanuts"
    $200 26
"Clem's plowin' the lower forty" & "them weevils is eatin' up the back forty" refer to 40 of these
    $200 15
Often, a route along a waterway isn't called a street or ave., but this, like Boston's Memorial & Storrow
    $200 25
If you're dining alfresco, you're dining here
    $400 2
Donatello was born in this city, where he assisted Ghiberti in finishing the bronze doors of the baptistery
    $400 7
She hosted "True Tales of Teen Trauma" on MTV & also played Sarah on "Party of Five"
    $400 17
"Don't stop thinking about tomorrow"
    $400 27
In a classic book, "its head was a small sack stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose and mouth painted on it"
    $400 12
Sodium vapor is a common type of these, which help prevent crime & traffic accidents
    $400 24
A 16th century hangman gave us this name for the framework over an oil well
    $600 3
Actress Ellen Andre posed as the dejected woman for his famous 1876 painting "The Absinthe Drinkers"
    $600 8
Yikes! Tiny Tim once played a suspected vampire on this comedy anthology series that debuted in 1969
    $600 18
"Tippecanoe and Tyler too"
    $600 28
A farrow is a litter of these
    $600 11
A defining characteristic of a high rise is having this item perfected in the 19th century by Otis
    $600 20
Used to express farewell, this French word means "I commend you to God"
    $800 4
Antonic Canova created 2 gigantic nude statues of this emperor (oddly, one was given to the Duke of Wellington)
    $800 9
Our own Johnny Gilbert was once the announcer for this dating show hosted by Chuck Woolery
    $800 19
"It's morning again in America"
    $800 29
This English word for a young, non-laying female chicken is related to the French for "chicken"
    $800 13
It opened in 1900, its first line running from Paris' Porte de Vincennes to Porte Maillot
    DD: $2,500 22
From the Latin for "yield", this verb can mean "to die" or to yield to temptation
    $1000 5
Known for his religious art, Sebastien Bourdon served as court painter to this queen of Sweden in the 1650s
    $1000 10
This '80s sitcom was based on a TV movie in which Tony Randall played a gay man
    $1000 21
"A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage"
    $1000 30
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue while milking a cow.) Stimulation of the teats tells the pituitary gland to produce oxytocin, one of these, which leads to milk production
    $1000 14
She became a symbol of urban indifference when she was killed in 1964 in earshot of her Queens neighbors
    $1000 23
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from a winery.) The science of growing grapes is viticulture; the science of making wine is known as this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Leah Sean Jerome
$2,400 $200 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Leah Sean Jerome
$8,900 $1,400 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you a country; you name the neighbor on its southernmost border.)
    $400 17
In a Duke Ellington hit song title, it's the line that follows "It don't mean a thing"
    $400 21
This word for a large system of stars comes from the Greek for "milk"
    $400 26
Europeans once called tuxedos by the name of this city in Monaco
    $400 12
    $400 6
To be "raised to the purple" is to become one of these, as Archbishop Terence Cooke did in 1969
    $400 1
It can be keynote or residential
    $800 8
Title transport in the big band classic heard here
    $800 22
Noted astronomer Fred Whipple famously described the comet as an enormous, dirty one of these
    $800 27
In 2005 he catered his 11th Governors Ball for Academy Award winners & disappointees alike
    $800 13
    $800 7
This murderous Detroit bootlegging mob is mentioned in "Jailhouse Rock"
    $800 2
According to Genesis 4, he was the middle child
    $1200 18
A 1941 hit for the Andrews Sisters, the song about this "boy" was also nominated for an Academy Award
    $1200 23
Algol is one of these, 2 stars revolving around each other, also called a double star
    $1200 28
Gentlemen should be prepared to dress for dinner on this newest Cunard ship, the longest, tallest ocean liner
    $1200 14
    DD: $1,000 9
Washington's HQ, a state historic site in Newburgh, N.Y., has the first one of these ever given, in 1783; it's made of wool
    $1200 3
In 1919 Ernest Rutherford bombarded nitrogen with these particles to transform it into oxygen
    $1600 19
Glenn Miller's version of this song with a 3-word title was his biggest hit
    DD: $1,000 24
A faint constellation in the northern sky, Camelopardalis represents this animal
    $1600 29
In January 2005 Donald Trump had a formal wedding reception at this Palm Beach estate of his
    $1600 15
Saudi Arabia
    $1600 10
This whisky brand, whose logo is seen here, comes in an elegant purple bag
    $1600 4
It can be a call to go left or right in square dancing with interlocking arms
    $2000 20
"Sing, Sing, Sing" was a smash hit for this clarinetist & his big band
    $2000 25
The Oort cloud & its inner region, this belt, are thought to contain billions of comets
    $2000 30
On Nov. 28, 1966 this author threw a star-studded "Black & White Ball" in honor of Kay Graham
    $2000 16
    $2000 11
As well as part of a punk rocker's coif, a purple hairstreak is a type of this insect
    $2000 5
Once a separate kingdom, it's now a state in the extreme northeast of India

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Leah Sean Jerome
$14,500 $9,000 $21,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1942 Aung San, commander of this country's Independence Army, married nurse Khin Kyi

Final scores:

Leah Sean Jerome
$15,999 $18,000 $30,000
3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000 + $15,000 as a member of the Nifty Nine Winner: $30,000 + an advance to UToC Round 3

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Leah Sean Jerome
$12,800 $10,200 $21,000
15 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $44,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-03-23
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