Show #4740 - Friday, March 25, 2005

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 33.


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Bob Blake, an actuary from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

John Cuthbertson, an investment analyst from San Diego, California

Bruce Ikawa, a college professor from Hillsdale, Michigan

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Shagreen, the dried skin of this meat eater, was once used as sandpaper
    $200 6
    $200 19
One of these with a carrot nose was the mascot of the 1976 Winter Games in Innsbruck
    $200 26
In the 1840s a potato famine killed close to 1 million in this country
    $200 16
Horace Mann began his career as "The Father of American Public Education" in the 1830s in this "Bay State"
    $200 1
A plant, Apium graveolens, of the parsley family
    $400 12
Unlike most sea animals, in the sea horse this pair of sense organs can move independently of one another
    $400 7
    $400 20
Decked out in a red, white & blue top hat, an eagle named this was the mascot of the 1984 Los Angeles games
    $400 27
Science class: with a little wire & strips of copper & zinc, you can turn lemons or potatoes into these
    $400 17
Mann depended on an itinerant teacher to learn Latin, required for entry to this Rhode Island Ivy League school
    $400 2
Credit card ad:
Cost of books to help study for tournament, $412... beating Ken Jennings, this 9-letter word
    $600 13
In 1957 this undersea explorer became director of Monaco's Oceanographic Museum
    $600 8
"Mama's Family"
    $600 21
The mascots for the 2004 Summer Games were a brother & sister named Phevos & this, like the Greek goddess
    $600 28
Made of hollow metal, earthenware or plastic, this musical instrument is also called a "sweet potato"
    $600 18
Mann said, "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for" this; oh, the this!
    $600 3
This New World cat can be 4 feet long, including the tail
    $800 14
The largest crustacean is a Japanese species of this; it can measure 12 feet between its claws
    $800 9
    DD: $1,600 22
Hidy & Howdy, polar bears with cowboy hats, were the mascots of the 1988 Winter Games in this city
    $800 29
Famous for another spuddy image, he painted the potato-peeling peasant seen here
    $800 24
Mann: "Seek not greatness but seek" this "and you will find both"; you might get justice & the American way, too
    $800 4
Full title of the Minister of Finance in the British government
    $1000 15
(Jeff Probst, host of Survivor, delivers the clue from Palau.) This nearly extinct sea cow is found in the coastal waters of Palau, & even here, it is threatened by poaching
    $1000 10
"The Simpsons"
    $1000 23
The mascots for the Sydney games were Syd the platypus, Olly the kookaburra, and Millie, this spiny anteater
    $1000 30
Most of this state's potatoes are produced in Aroostook County
    $1000 25
In 1848 Mann again "donned" this political party in winning a second term in Congress
    $1000 5
The University of this seaport city on the Mediterranean was founded in 1450

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bruce John Bob
$400 $2,400 $5,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce John Bob
$1,400 $7,200 $8,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
On Dec. 30, 2002 this billionaire mayor signed a law banning smoking in most working-class bars
    $400 16
Brandon Teena/
Teena Brandon
    $400 21
In September 1992, noted humanitarian Audrey Hepburn visited this famine-stricken African country
    $400 26
For silver, it's 1,762 degrees Fahrenheit
    $400 3
Little Wolfie played piano duets sitting on the lap of J.C., "the English" member of this musical family
    $400 11
CBers & C.W. McCall use it to mean "okay"
    $800 2
Mayor Dinkins fought to divest the city of funds invested in companies that did business with this country
    $800 17
Christina Drayton;
Eleanor of Aquitaine
    $800 22
The Nevsky Cathedral seen here is a landmark in this Eastern European capital city
    $800 27
Silver-107 & silver-109 are 2 naturally occurring these of silver
    $800 4
Lorenzo Da Ponte simultaneously wrote librettos for "Don Giovanni" & this Mozart rival's "Tarare"
    $800 12
New York Central Railroad's flagship train, it ran from Chicago to New York City from 1902 to 1967
    $1200 8
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Umbertos in New York City.) As part of a civil lawsuit, in 1987, the Feds took over Umbertos at the request of this U.S. attorney & future mayor, but couldn't make a go of it
    $1200 18
Nurse Mildred Ratched
    $1200 23
Guadalcanal is part of this nation of islands east of New Guinea
    $1200 28
Light changes colorless silver ions into black silver atoms, leading to this technology in the 1830s
    $1200 5
Michael Puchberg, a fellow member of this secret society depicted in "The Magic Flute", was a soft touch for loans
    DD: $4,000 13
These were posted October 31, 1517; the Archbishop of Mainz got a copy
    $1600 9
This flamboyant pol has the distinction of being the only mayor to later host "The People's Court"
    $1600 19
Eve White/
Eve Black/
    $1600 24
The Bear Flag Republic was proclaimed in this California city now known as a wine center
    $1600 29
Silver is the best metal conductor of these 2 things
    $1600 6
In scores for this type of work for orchestra & soloist, Mozart said horn player Ignaz Leutgeb was an ass, ox & fool
    $1600 14
This 1844 rallying cry referred to the northern boundary of the Oregon Territory
    $2000 10
Mayor George McClellan was subjected to scathing newspaper attacks when running against this mogul
    $2000 20
Marge Gunderson
    $2000 25
One of the possible sites for Camelot is said to have been South Cadbury in this historic English county
    DD: $2,800 30
Silver is second only to gold in ductility & this, the ability to be hammered into thin sheets
    $2000 7
Mozart wrote a lovely motet for Venanzio Rauzzini, one of these specially treated singers
    $2000 15
The heroes in the title of this Aeschylus tragedy include Polyneices, Tydeus & Capaneus

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce John Bob
$9,400 $24,000 $18,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A chemist in the 1920s coined this term after finding lavender oil not only hid the odor of his burnt hand but also healed it

Final scores:

Bruce John Bob
$1 $11,500 $10,200
3rd place: $5,000 Winner: $15,000 + an advance to UToC Round 2 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bruce John Bob
$9,400 $22,400 $15,400
8 R,
1 W
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $47,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-03-01
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