Shagreen, the dried skin of this meat eater, was once used as sandpaper |
the shark
"Joey" |
(Bruce: What is All in the Family?)
One of these with a carrot nose was the mascot of the 1976 Winter Games in Innsbruck |
a snowman
In the 1840s a potato famine killed close to 1 million in this country |
Horace Mann began his career as "The Father of American Public Education" in the 1830s in this "Bay State" |
A plant, Apium graveolens, of the parsley family |
Unlike most sea animals, in the sea horse this pair of sense organs can move independently of one another |
"Fish" |
(Bob: What is... ooh.)
Barney Miller
Decked out in a red, white & blue top hat, an eagle named this was the mascot of the 1984 Los Angeles games |
Science class: with a little wire & strips of copper & zinc, you can turn lemons or potatoes into these |
Mann depended on an itinerant teacher to learn Latin, required for entry to this Rhode Island Ivy League school |
Brown University
Credit card ad: Cost of books to help study for tournament, $412... beating Ken Jennings, this 9-letter word |
In 1957 this undersea explorer became director of Monaco's Oceanographic Museum |
(Jacques-Yves) Cousteau
"Mama's Family" |
The Carol Burnett Show
The mascots for the 2004 Summer Games were a brother & sister named Phevos & this, like the Greek goddess |
Made of hollow metal, earthenware or plastic, this musical instrument is also called a "sweet potato" |
an ocarina
Mann said, "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for" this; oh, the this! |
This New World cat can be 4 feet long, including the tail |
The largest crustacean is a Japanese species of this; it can measure 12 feet between its claws |
a crab
"Phyllis" |
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Hidy & Howdy, polar bears with cowboy hats, were the mascots of the 1988 Winter Games in this city |
(Alex: [*], yes, not far from Bob's home.)
Calgary (Alberta)
Famous for another spuddy image, he painted the potato-peeling peasant seen here |
Van Gogh
Mann: "Seek not greatness but seek" this "and you will find both"; you might get justice & the American way, too |
Full title of the Minister of Finance in the British government |
the Chancellor of the Exchequer
"The Simpsons" |
The Tracey Ullman Show
The mascots for the Sydney games were Syd the platypus, Olly the kookaburra, and Millie, this spiny anteater |
an echidna
Most of this state's potatoes are produced in Aroostook County |
In 1848 Mann again "donned" this political party in winning a second term in Congress |
The University of this seaport city on the Mediterranean was founded in 1450 |