Show #5332 - Tuesday, November 13, 2007

2007 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


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Jeff Spoeri, a university administrator from Boynton Beach, Florida

Celeste DiNucci, a recent graduate student from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Christian Haines, a college student originally from Newport News, Virginia

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
The British tell the tale of St. George & this; the Apocrypha has the book of Bel & this
    $200 1
In the ESPN drama "3", Barry Pepper played this late NASCAR legend
    $200 14
(Kelly of the Clue Crew observes a female kabuki performer at a kabuki theatre in Tokyo, Japan.) In the word "kabuki", the middle syllable, "bu", stands for this art form, a major part of kabuki
    $200 13
I could go for some of these sugar & marshmallow chicks--especially the blue ones--when's Easter?
    $200 20
It's black & white & eats about 80 pounds of bamboo shoots a day
    $200 5
A pentad is a group of this many
    $400 12
You can read his "Song" in the Old Testament & his "Wisdom" in the apocrypha
    $400 2
3 sharps team up to take down Don "The Matador" Everest in "Tilt", an ESPN series about this card game
    $400 15
Kabuki introduced the revolving stage to the world in the 1770s; it was inspired by this children's toy
    $400 16
"Joy of Cooking" has a recipe for dark chocolate this & credits Baltimore with the invention; I prefer vanilla or maple
    $400 21
Born in South Africa, this Sisters of Notre Dame nun wears her habit to host TV shows on art
    $400 7
In 1840 Christian Schonbein followed his nose to identify this form of oxygen & named it from the Greek for "smell"
    $600 28
There are up to 4 books of this military group associated with Hanukkah
    $600 3
John Turturro played this oft-fired manager in the 2007 ESPN miniseries "The Bronx is Burning"
    $600 25
(Alex holds up a mask in a store in Tokyo, Japan.) These traditional masks are worn by the shite, or hero, of this revered & highly stylized form of Japanese drama
    $600 17
Meaning "no equal", it's another name for snow caps
    DD: $2,000 22
Famous for his B&W images used in psychology, as a youth he was named "Kleck", German for "inkblot"
    $600 8
Triglycerides are these, from the Greek for "fat"
    $800 29
Break out the hamantaschen--the apocrypha contains additions to her Old Testament book
    $800 4
In 2005 ESPN aired "Four Minutes", about this athlete who was born in Middlesex, England in 1929
    $800 26
Instead of human actors, bunraku theatre features these, which are manipulated in full view of the audience
    $800 18
You can buy squares of its chocolate, like the raspberry or mint-filled, at its famous square in San Francisco
    $800 23
"My fellow Americans", this black & white cocker spaniel gave its name to a 1952 speech
    $800 9
From Greek for "steward", it's been defined as "the dismal science"
    $1000 30
This beautiful widow who beheads General Holofernes gets her own book
    $1000 6
Matt Dillon narrates "Once in a Lifetime", about this New York City soccer team Pele played for
    $1000 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents in front of a kabuki demonstration in Tokyo, Japan.) Kabuki theatre's golden age came as Japan developed an urban culture in this era, named for what Tokyo was called then
    $1000 19
Hershey's could have called this candy bar "Thingamajig"; it would have been 4 letters shorter
    $1000 24
An African name for this monkey that sits in trees as if in prayer means "messenger of the gods"
    $1000 10
This first name of poet Roethke means "gift of God"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Christian Celeste Jeff
$2,000 $1,600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Christian Celeste Jeff
$5,600 $4,800 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It'll help you if you know what that word means.)
    $400 5
Susanna the maid is the bride in this Mozart opera
    $400 13
In "A Day at the Races", while checking a pulse, he said, "Either he's dead or my watch has stopped"
    $400 21
Bishop Albert made this Latvian capital the HQ of the Knights of the Sword
    $400 22
Lava that flows far forms shield volcanoes; this island is made up of 5 of them, including Mauna Kea
    $400 11
Some yoga poses, or asanas, are named after animals, like the upward facing this, seen here
    $400 6
This 2-word phrase for a loyal & resourceful assistant comes from a character in a Daniel Defoe novel
    $800 4
The name of this Verdi opera means "The Fallen Woman"
    $800 20
This good sport said, "Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours"
    $800 27
Newly independent at the time, Latvia joined this world body on Sept. 22, 1921
    $800 23
One difference between wide & narrow craters is the presence of this to mix with magma & cause big steam explosions
    $800 12
Contrary to popular belief, only a minuscule fraction of this "weaving" school of yoga deals with sex
    $800 7
March Madness is in effect with this instrument named for a composer whose band first used it
    $1200 1
Puccini's last opera, it's set in Peking
    $1200 17
This director: "There are worse things" than death; "ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"
    $1200 28
About 60% of Latvians are ethnically Latvian; this nationality makes up about a third of the population
    $1200 24
Volcanoes can be formed by plumes of magma originating in this layer of the Earth below the crust
    $1200 14
A tradition of yoga teaches that the cosmos was once filled with this 1-syllable mantra
    $1200 8
Call the sheriff! This English shire is named for an Old Saxon landowner; the name means "Snot's home"
    DD: $4,000 2
This 1892 Leoncavallo work has a play within the opera
    $1600 18
This man who played Honore Lachaille in "Gigi" said, "I prefer old age to the alternative"
    $1600 29
This is the sea on Latvia's west coast
    $1600 26
In this island country, nearly 60% of eruptions, like those of Katla, occur under glacial ice
    $1600 15
Yoga is mentioned in these ancient religious texts of India that date back 3,500 years
    $1600 9
Seen here, it's named for a U.S. Army officer who designed it as an effective weapon for trench warfare
    $2000 3
"La Bisbetica Dominata" was based on this Shakespeare play
    $2000 19
This 19th c. journalist said, "Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate"; then he disappeared
    $2000 30
In Latvia, male first names usually end in "S"; female first names, usually in this vowel
    $2000 25
From words meaning "fire" & "broken", this type of flow of searing gas & rock swept down Mt. Pelee in 1902
    DD: $1,500 16
According to yoga philosophy, these "wheels" are the 7 main centers of spiritual energy in the human body
    $2000 10
It's the financial "scheme" named for the Italian swindler who made it famous in the 1920s

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Christian Celeste Jeff
$13,100 $8,800 $15,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title of this award-winning 1963 film refers to the number of films its director felt he had made to that point

Tiebreaker Round

A Longfellow poem & a Lillian Hellman play about a girls' boarding school share this timely title

Final scores:

Christian Celeste Jeff
$15,401 $15,401 $4,599
2nd place: $10,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Christian Celeste Jeff
$13,600 $11,400 $15,400
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $40,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-10-10
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