Show #3204 - Thursday, July 2, 1998

John Skelton game 3.


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Lauren Slauson, a travel consultant from Seattle, Washington

Scot Peterson, a market researcher from Seattle, Washington

John Skelton, a lawyer and real estate appraiser from Seattle, Washington (whose 2-day cash winnings total $41,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
The U.S. government encourages traveling citizens to smile for their photos in these booklets
    $100 6
A cute dog named Crab appears in the comedy about "The Two Gentlemen of" this city
    $100 1
In 1971, just 2 years after his death, he was honored on a U.S. coin
    $100 18
Sinitic is an adjective referring to these people, their language or their culture
    $100 15
As the Fresh Prince, Will Smith moved from west Philly to this ritzy California enclave
    $100 11
Beanie Babies & teddy bears are types of these toys
    $200 23
Colorful term for a document allowing aliens to legally work in the United States
    $200 7
In 1964 Diana Rigg appeared as Adriana in "The Comedy of Errors" & Cordelia in this tragedy
    $200 2
ATMs have made this bill second only to the one-dollar bill in the number printed
    $200 19
If you're piscivorous, you eat this, which can "net" you some health benefits
    $200 30
Frasier left his Boston practice to host a radio show on this city's KACL
    $200 12
It's a small, inexpensive gift given during Christmas; if you're naughty, it's a lump of coal
    $300 24
"To take" this often means to sign a document forswearing liquor
    $300 8
The play in which Portia says, "I never did repent for doing good, nor shall not now"
    $300 3
This bill's reverse side features generic representations of 1920s autos outside the U.S. Treasury Building
    $300 20
Imitable means capable of being imitated; this word, its antonym, is 2 letters longer
    $300 29
She left her troubled past in L.A. for not-so-sunny Sunnydale, mecca to demons & vampires
    $300 13
Chuck Yeager was a technical advisor & had a cameo in this 1983 movie
    $400 25
After this proceeding is complete, a court issues the child a new birth certificate
    $400 9
"Friendly Shakespeare" calls this comedy about gleeful spouses "an Elizabethan I Love Lucy"
    $400 4
In 1943 the Treasury Dept. minted this coin in zinc-coated steel
    $400 21
From Portuguese for "a place for spitting", it's a synonym for spittoon
    DD: $1,000 27
(Hi, I'm Ian Ziering.) On "90210" the Walsh family moved to Beverly Hills from this state
    $400 14
Ads for this Kraft side dish urge you to try it "instead of potatoes"
    $500 26
Once, this document disposed of personal effects, while property was covered in the "last will"
    $500 10
Vincentio, duke of this Austrian city, is the first character to speak in "Measure for Measure"
    $500 5
The Mint Act of 1792 made the U.S. the first country in the world to adopt this system for its currency
    $500 22
Of waxing, waning & decrescent, the 2 that are synonyms
    $500 28
Lisa & Oliver Wendell Douglas left Manhattan life for a Hooterville farm on this '60s series
    $500 17
According to the slogan, it's what Snapple is made from

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Scot Lauren
$2,100 $1,700 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Scot Lauren
$5,300 $2,500 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
His delegates at the 1960 Democratic National Convention received PT 109 paperweights
    $200 14
This Scottish draft horse can certainly pull a heavy load, bud
    $200 2
It precedes "boy loses girl" &, sometimes, "boy gets girl"
    $200 19
More than 80% of Oceania's land mass is composed of New Guinea & this country's North & South Islands
    $200 1
We'll show you the money if you can name this film in which Glenn Frey played a sports team owner
    $200 26
Like a surgeon, a comedian may have you "in" these
    $400 10
Important songs in this Democrat's 1928 campaign included "Better Times With Al" & "The Sidewalks Of New York"
    $400 15
The Criollo is a breed from this country & is popular with the gauchos of the Pampas
    $400 3
It comes after "Hail Mary" in a Hail Mary
    $400 20
This relatively new nation has a name which means "small islands"
    $400 5
In 1996 Madonna portrayed "Evita" & this singer played "The Preacher's Wife"
    $400 27
Animal sounds that also refer to laughter include a hen's cackle & this sound wolves make
    $600 11
In 1984 the GOP distributed "Fritz Busters" campaign buttons, referring to this Democrat
    DD: $2,300 16
Missouri has a fox-trotting horse & this state has a walking horse
    $600 4
"Neck and neck" is listed as a synonym of this phrase that sounds like plastic surgery
    $600 21
This territory is the only place in the south Pacific that celebrates U.S. holidays
    $600 6
"Love on the Rocks" was one of the songs introduced by this pop singer in 1980's "The Jazz Singer"
    $600 30
Disrespectful laughter, or a popular candy bar
    DD: $3,100 12
His run for the presidency produced the pamphlet "United We Stand -- How We Can Take Back Our Country"
    $800 17
The Nez Perce Indians are famous for developing this breed of horse seen here:
    $800 24
On TV's "Alice", if you changed your breakfast order you'd probably hear this from Flo
    $800 22
Due to its proximity to the Int'l Date Line, this tiny kingdom is the first country to greet the new day
    $800 7
He met wife Barbara Bach during the filming of "Caveman"
    $800 29
Amused actor seen here in 1947's "Kiss of Death":
    $1000 13
In 1908 this third party's platform called for an amendment to outlaw making & selling alcoholic drinks
    $1000 18
A high-stepping carriage horse in England, or the coach for hire that it pulls
    $1000 25
It completes the Oscar Wilde quote, "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking..."
    $1000 23
Annual events in this country include the Bula Festival in Nadi & the Hibiscus Festival in Suva
    $1000 8
"Graffiti Bridge", which he directed & starred in, was sort of a sequel to "Purple Rain"
    $1000 28
In a 1996 film witty French aristocrats try to avoid becoming an object of this, the film's title

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Scot Lauren
$12,200 -$1,200 $2,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

From 1919 to 1924, this artist taught art in the public schools of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Final scores:

John Scot Lauren
$16,000 -$1,200 $4,799
3-day champion: $57,000 + a Jeopardy! scorekeeper 3rd place: a pair of Festina Megaquartz watches + a Jeopardy! scorekeeper 2nd place: a trip to Volcano House Resort, Hawaii + a Jeopardy! scorekeeper

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

John Scot Lauren
$9,900 $1,900 $2,400
32 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $14,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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