Show #3462 - Tuesday, September 28, 1999

Steve Fried game 2.


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Pam Byers, a homemaker from Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Lyle Hertzig, a computer materials manager from Los Gatos, California

Steve Fried, an airline and cruise scheduler from Phoenix, Arizona (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 5
    $100 22
It's been applied to a 747 jet, a Barnum elephant & eggs
    $100 1
In Panama, the fringe-lipped species of these flying mammals eats frogs
    $100 4
David Keith, Kurt Russell & Don Johnson have all portrayed this singer on film
    $100 10
Wilson A. Bentley spent most of his life taking photos of these & probably no 2 of the photos are alike
    $100 15
At night, you should get plenty of bo peep -- this
    $200 6
"Music City, U.S.A."
    $200 27
For cooks, it's the amount of, say, salt, that can be held between the thumb & forefinger
    $200 2
The sloth bear's long snout & flexible lips allow it to suck up these wood eaters
    $200 16
This 1982 Michael Jackson album has sold 25 million copies
    $200 11
Flakes of this ingredient are found in ambrosia, a dessert
    $200 23
Whether or not they're knobby, these body parts are your biscuits & cheese
    $300 7
"The Big Heart of Texas"
    $300 28
A kid who's hard to control is described as "a real" one of these approximate measures
    $300 3
Like pandas, some lemurs dine primarily on this
    $300 17
She was on the cover of the February 1999 Harper's Bazaar dressed like a geisha
    $300 12
This work in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie began to flake during Leonardo da Vinci's lifetime
    $300 24
It may be the staff of life, but to a Cockney it's Uncle Fred
    $400 8
"The Roger Williams City"
    $400 29
Clusters of short hair or grass growing close together, perhaps in a Medford, Mass. university
    $400 13
It wiggles an arm like a worm to attract a crab, pounces on it, then sticks its beak in, injecting a poison
    $400 18
(Hi, I'm Meredith Brooks.) I've performed several dates on this annual tour that premiered in 1997 to celebrate women in music
    $400 20
In 1894 at his sanitarium he accidentally invented flaked cereal
    $400 25
Isle of Wight means this, so if you buzz in with a correct response, I'll say it
    DD: $500 9
"The First City of the First State"
    $500 30
Amount of wine poet Edward Fitzgerald wanted in the wilderness with a loaf & thou
    $500 14
Lions like to gnaw on these, gnus for short
    $500 19
"At first I was afraid, I was petrified", is the first line of this disco anthem by Gloria Gaynor
    $500 21
Flakes of this top a bialy
    $500 26
Cockneys refer to these as April showers -- makes sense

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Lyle Pam
$700 $600 $2,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Lyle Pam
$2,700 $1,300 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

'70S TV
    $200 1
This system of ranking social orders was developed by the Aryans in ancient India
    $200 16
Characters he played on his new variety hour included the Reverend Leroy & Geraldine Jones
    $200 6
Last name of "The Chocolate Soldier" composer Oscar; it has one fewer "S" than a famous waltzing family
    $200 7
This County Cork landmark is scrubbed 4 times a day with disinfectant
    $200 10
"Bo Knows Bo"
    $200 24
William Tecumseh Sherman's 1879 3-word comment on armed conflict
    $400 2
Bartolomeu Dias constructed & outfitted 4 ships for this man's 1497-1498 voyage from Lisbon to India
    $400 17
This ABC show made its debut on Monday, September 21, 1970 & is still on
    $400 12
Thomas Morley was known for putting lots of fa-la-las into these songs for several voices
    $400 8
On Dublin's Grafton Street is a statue of this "sweet" cockle & mussel seller with her wheelbarrow
    $400 11
"Goodness Had Nothing to Do With It"
    $400 25
It precedes, "And I'm not going to take it any more"
    $600 3
During his 46-year reign, this 18th c. king doubled the size of Brandenburg-Prussia
    $600 18
In 1975 this TV family moved from Queens up to Manhattan's East Side
    DD: $1,500 13
He's better remembered for the rumor that he poisoned Mozart than for his operas like "Tarare"
    $600 9
Visit County Kerry to see the home of these "colored" terriers
    $600 21
"Child Star"
    $600 26
In 1775 Samuel Johnson said not the road to hell, but hell itself, "is paved with" these
    $800 4
Many mark the beginning of the French nation with the crowning of this king in 987
    $800 19
(Hi, I'm Jeff Greenfield.) During the 1970s I frequently appeared on this PBS show hosted by William F. Buckley
    $800 14
Krumpholz is best remembered for his works for this large, triangular stringed instrument
    $800 22
    $800 27
"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church and" these "shall not prevail against it"
    $1000 5
Around 1650 B.C. these people made their capital at Hattusas in central Anatolia in what is now Turkey
    $1000 20
When this series began, the youngest child Nicholas Bradford was 8
    $1000 15
Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf based 12 symphonies on this Ovid work about wondrous transformations
    $1000 23
"You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again"
    DD: $1,000 28
In "Paradise Lost" Milton wrote, "Better to" do this "than serve in heav'n"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Lyle Pam
$8,400 $5,100 $5,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In April 1999 Paul Simon took center field for the dedication of a monument to this man

Final scores:

Steve Lyle Pam
$6,100 $1,800 $1,300
2-day champion: $15,900 2nd place: Trip to Regal East Asia International Hotel, Shanghai, China 3rd place: Kathy Ireland Fitness Equipment

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Lyle Pam
$7,500 $6,100 $5,300
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $18,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1999-07-21
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