Show #4610 - Friday, September 24, 2004

2004 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.


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Jim Stalley, a crime data specialist from Denver, Colorado

Anne Boyd, a freelance writer and student from Los Angeles, California

Sean Ryan, a cab driver from State College, Pennsylvania

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
This lake in the Western U.S. has a specific gravity that is 10-22% higher than that of fresh water
    $200 11
Quarterback Roger Staubach spent his entire 11-seaons pro career with this team
    $200 26
In 1987 this U.S. college's chancellor got a new chain of office, with a badge reading "1693"
    $200 21
If Ms. Hunter of "Broadcast News" married Rolling Stone Ron, she'd say hooray for this name
    $200 4
The day after he landed from England in 1775, Penn.'s assembly named him to the Continental Congress
    $200 1
It's the Turkish word for fate or destiny
    $400 17
This largest Florida lake covers about 700 square miles, but its greatest depth is only about 15 feet
    $400 12
This Pittsburgh Steelers tackle was named the AP's defensive player of the year twice: 1972 & 1974
    $400 27
Chains of office are worn by Grand Lodge Officers of this group, possibly named from being though peculiar
    $400 22
If "Entertainment Tonight" anchor Mary married Irish actor Gabriel, she'd suffer with this hyphenated name
    $400 7
John Dickenson's "Fabius" letters helped make this state he represented the first to ratify the Constitution
    $400 2
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew eats a slice of pizza on Arthur Avenue in New York.) A motto on Arthur Avenue is "mangia bene, vivi bene", which translates to this
    $600 18
J. Strom Thurmond Lake, which has more than 100 small islands, lies on this state's border with Georgia
    $600 13
In 1969 he left the Packers & became the head coach, general manager & part owner of the Washington Redskins
    $600 28
This chain-wearer seen here sailed from Lisbon in 1497 with the Sao Gabriel & other ships under his command
    $600 23
'80s singer Kim ("Kids In America") forms a duo with Daryl Hall's singer partner & sows this hyphenated name
    DD: $400 8
Thinking him conceited some added a "Y" to the last name of this Declaration signer born in 1737
    $600 3
A statement that has nothing to do with the argument at hand, this Latin term literally means "it does not follow"
    $800 19
The 2nd-largest freshwater lake totally within the U.S., this state's Lake Iliamna is the spawning ground for red salmon
    $800 14
In 1960, after 40 years in Chicago, this team moved to St. Louis
    $800 29
A chain of office is part of the regalia of this deluded steward in "Twelfth Night"
    $800 24
Ms. Cantrell, a jazzy vocalist, weds actor Jude & gets this puritanical name
    $800 9
1 of the 2 "Federalist" authors whose lives were not ended by gunfire
    $800 5
This 2-word French phrase is used of a monomaniacal obsession
    $1000 20
Hawaii's Lake Waiau lies at 13,020 feet, atop this dormant volcano on the Big Island
    $1000 15
The Las Vegas Outlaws & Los Angeles Xtreme were teams in this league that lasted just one season, 2001
    $1000 30
2-word term for the Sheffield, England offical who wears a 2-pound chain of 18-karat gold
    $1000 25
Singer Vikki thinks "it must be him" of English dramatist Harold & hyphenates her name to become...
    $1000 10
(I'm John DeStefano, Mayor of New Haven, but) This man, our first mayor, was the only man to sign the 4 great U.S. founding documents, including the Constitution
    $1000 6
Literally Welsh for "session", it's an annual get-together of Welsh bards & musicians

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sean Anne Jim
$3,600 $1,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Anne Jim
$4,000 $2,600 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Until 1998 a plant in Fairfax, Vermont churned out the wooden tiles for this game, about a million a day
    $400 6
Lester Bangs called this "Combat Rock" band "the missing link between black music and white noise"
    $400 21
On this date in 1862, Mexico defeated France at the decisive Battle of Puebla
    $400 26
It's the only Olympic event that bears the name of a famous battle
    $400 11
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
    $400 14
This Spanish surrealist said, "Have no fear of perfection--you'll never reach it"
    DD: $2,000 2
It was in this state in the late 1800s that Standard Oil & National Cash Register rang up their first sales
    $800 7
The Damned began as the Masters of the Backside with this "Pretender", the Emma Peel of Rock & Roll, on guitar
    $800 22
In 711 a Muslim army defeated Roderick, the last king of these people in Spain
    $800 27
In the 1800s this American removed the Us from honour & colour & turned "centre" into "center"
    $800 12
"It is more blessed to give than to receive"
    $800 17
When asked what his favorite one of these was, Jack Palance joked, "poppy seed"
    $1200 3
The Breakers, an opulent mansion in Newport, Rhode Island, was built as a "summer cottage" for this family
    $1200 8
So-Cal Punk was personified in this Black Flag frontman with the "Hot Animal" soul of a poet
    $1200 23
In 878 this great king of Wessex defeated the invading Danes at the Battle of Edington
    $1200 28
The only 2 letters with which a current independent country name in English does not begin
    $1200 13
"My cup runneth over"
    $1200 18
H.L. Mencken defined Puritanism as "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be" this
    $1600 4
In 1997 this 12-year-old Springer Spaniel passed away at home in Kennebunkport
    $1600 9
To secure this band's 1978 U.S. visas, Warner reportedly put up $1 million to guarantee their behavior
    $1600 24
Lord Admiral Howard's warships defeated the vaunted Spanish Armada in the English Channel in this year
    $1600 29
In a 1968 film it was revealed that this machine was born on January 12, 1992 in Urbana, Illinois
    DD: $400 15
"Physician, heal thyself"
    $1600 19
Jeremy Bentham said these are "the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished"
    $2000 5
In 1986 this model kit company merged with its main competitor, Monogram
    $2000 10
This "Godfather of Punk" is still a "Real Wild Child" jamming with Green Day & Peaches on his "Skull Ring" album
    $2000 25
In 1954 Viet Minh forces under the commands of this general defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu
    $2000 30
Months that contain a Friday the 13th will always begin on this day of the week
    $2000 16
"Many are called, but few are chosen"
    $2000 20
"It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors", wrote Oscar Wilde in the preface to this novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Anne Jim
$5,200 $9,000 $2,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

After WWI he wrote, "To develop a horse-surgery… would necessitate a knowledge of horse language"

Final scores:

Sean Anne Jim
$2,600 $7,599 $2,400
2nd place: $5,000 Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sean Anne Jim
$5,800 $11,000 $2,400
20 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-04-29
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