This lake in the Western U.S. has a specific gravity that is 10-22% higher than that of fresh water |
the Great Salt Lake
Quarterback Roger Staubach spent his entire 11-seaons pro career with this team |
the Dallas Cowboys
In 1987 this U.S. college's chancellor got a new chain of office, with a badge reading "1693" |
(Anne: What is Harvard College?)
William and Mary
If Ms. Hunter of "Broadcast News" married Rolling Stone Ron, she'd say hooray for this name |
Holly Wood
The day after he landed from England in 1775, Penn.'s assembly named him to the Continental Congress |
Benjamin Franklin
It's the Turkish word for fate or destiny |
This largest Florida lake covers about 700 square miles, but its greatest depth is only about 15 feet |
Lake Okeechobee
This Pittsburgh Steelers tackle was named the AP's defensive player of the year twice: 1972 & 1974 |
Mean Joe Greene
Chains of office are worn by Grand Lodge Officers of this group, possibly named from being though peculiar |
the Oddfellows
If "Entertainment Tonight" anchor Mary married Irish actor Gabriel, she'd suffer with this hyphenated name |
John Dickenson's "Fabius" letters helped make this state he represented the first to ratify the Constitution |
(Anne: What is Connecticut?)
J. Strom Thurmond Lake, which has more than 100 small islands, lies on this state's border with Georgia |
South Carolina
In 1969 he left the Packers & became the head coach, general manager & part owner of the Washington Redskins |
Vince Lombardi
This chain-wearer seen here sailed from Lisbon in 1497 with the Sao Gabriel & other ships under his command |
Vasco da Gama
'80s singer Kim ("Kids In America") forms a duo with Daryl Hall's singer partner & sows this hyphenated name |
Thinking him conceited some added a "Y" to the last name of this Declaration signer born in 1737 |
John Hancock
A statement that has nothing to do with the argument at hand, this Latin term literally means "it does not follow" |
The 2nd-largest freshwater lake totally within the U.S., this state's Lake Iliamna is the spawning ground for red salmon |
In 1960, after 40 years in Chicago, this team moved to St. Louis |
(Alex: They moved to Arizona later on.)
the Cardinals
A chain of office is part of the regalia of this deluded steward in "Twelfth Night" |
(Sean: Who is Falstaff?)
Ms. Cantrell, a jazzy vocalist, weds actor Jude & gets this puritanical name |
Blu Law
1 of the 2 "Federalist" authors whose lives were not ended by gunfire |
James Madison (or John Jay)
This 2-word French phrase is used of a monomaniacal obsession |
idée fixe
Hawaii's Lake Waiau lies at 13,020 feet, atop this dormant volcano on the Big Island |
(Jim: What is Kilauea?)
Mauna Kea
The Las Vegas Outlaws & Los Angeles Xtreme were teams in this league that lasted just one season, 2001 |
the XFL
2-word term for the Sheffield, England offical who wears a 2-pound chain of 18-karat gold |
the Lord Mayor
Singer Vikki thinks "it must be him" of English dramatist Harold & hyphenates her name to become... |
Vikki Carr-Pinter
Literally Welsh for "session", it's an annual get-together of Welsh bards & musicians |