Show #4317 - Tuesday, May 13, 2003

2003 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


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Jill Bunzendahl Chimka, a speech and language pathologist from Washington, D.C.

Mark Dawson, a business manager from Chamblee, Georgia

Alan Bailey, a playwright and director from Sherman Oaks, California

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the Neil Simon work from which the quote comes.)
    $200 1
(Jimmy of the clue Crew presents from the Ronald Reagan Library.) On June 12, 1987, in Berlin, Ronald Reagan demanded of this man, "Tear down this wall."
    $200 3
"You folks live out of town?"
Gwen: "Oh yes"
"You're lucky"
    $200 13
On May 13, 1958 this U.S. Vice President's limousine was pelted with rocks in Caracas, Venezuela
    $200 11
A 1994 biography of him was called "Obsession"
    $200 16
The Silver Star in Europa Park in Germany is billed as Europe's biggest & highest steel one of these
    $200 2
It's a type of paint to coat your pottery, or a substance that coats your teeth
    $400 24
In the Cabinet Room, pretend it's 1981 & advise Reagan on what to do about 12,000 of these striking workers
    $400 4
"I know sometimes hotels change the numbers around & this could have been 723 or 715 & it's very important I get 719"
    $400 14
On May 25, 1935 Babe Ruth swatted this number home run, his last in the Major Leagues, at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh
    $400 6
A 2000 production of "Rigoletto", set in present-day Hollywood, had costumes by this Italian fashion designer
    $400 17
Next to the Goldfish Pagoda in Ocean Park in Hong Kong is the home of An An & Jia Jia, a pair of giant these
    $400 5
A proverb warns to "trust not a new friend or an old" one of these
    $600 30
(Jimmy gives the clue from the Reagan Library.) The Tomahawk missile benefitted from Reagan's defense buildups; it was used in this operation which began in January 1991
    $600 7
"Yes, it's five flights, if you don't count the front stoop"
    $600 25
On May 10, 1869 the Jupiter & the 119 touched noses at this Utah "Point", completing the Transcontinental Railroad
    $600 20
This designer seen here was born in London in September of 1971
    $600 18
The Drunken Basket at Lotte World in Seoul is basically the same ride as this one in Disneyland's Fantasyland
    $600 10
Not that you would be one, but it's someone who secretly listens in on others' conversations
    $800 29
There's a display of this Illinois town which Reagan said was "Heaven" when he moved there from Tampico at age 9
    $800 8
"I'm trying to clear my ears. You create a pressure inside and then it opens up"
    $800 26
The first message sent by telegraph was this 4-word Biblical phrase sent by Samuel F.B. Morse on May 24, 1844
    $800 21
The 1995 documentary "Unzipped" was about this fashion designer born in Brooklyn
    $800 19
In Las Vegas have some fun "clowning" around at this hotel's fully enclosed Adventuredome
    DD: $500 12
From the name of a Greek philosopher, it's a synonym for gastronome
    $1000 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue.) In 1989 the Notre Dame football team presented Reagan with this man's letter sweater
    $1000 9
"How am I ever going to play for the Yankees with a name like Eugene Morris Jerome?"
    $1000 27
At 4:07 P.M. on May 31, 1889 this Pennsylvania town was flooded when the South Fork Dam collapsed after heavy rains
    $1000 22
This 4-letter name of designer Max Azria's clothing line is an abbreviation for "good style, good attitude" in French
    $1000 23
Kurashiki Tivoli Park is in Japan; Tivoli Gardens is in this country
    $1000 15
It's just come to me that this festival, Jan. 6, celebrates the baptism of Jesus & the adoration of the Magi

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Alan Mark Jill
$3,200 $2,000 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Mark Jill
$3,000 $7,600 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
In 1915 this Hull House founder created the Women's Peace Party, which sought an end to World War I
    $400 8
In 1983 Prince has a "Little Red Corvette"; 20 years earlier The Beach Boys had this "fastest set of wheels in town"
    $400 3
Minneapolis has flour power as the headquarters of Pillsbury & this "General" company
    $400 21
Saskatchewan is home to the Training Academy & Centennial Museum of this police force
    $400 1
"A Hangman's Ditty"
    $400 11
It's used by astronomers to designate the second-
brightest star in a constellation
    $800 4
This controversial woman now represents Florida's 13th district in the U.S. House
    $800 9
It's the Ricky Nelson hit heard here
    $800 10
This carrier formed a subsidiardy called American Hotels in 1963
    $800 22
Great Britain is represented on Saskatchewan's official flag by this animal
    $800 17
"Friendless Pigeon"
    $800 13
The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, it also means a very small amount of something
    $1200 5
This daughter of William Booth composed many of the hymns sung by the Salvation Army
    $1200 12
In 1967 Dionne Warwick sang, "While combing my hair, now, and wondering what dress to wear, now, I" do this
    $1200 18
Known as ADM, this agribusiness was one of the first to sell food to the Cuban government since the 1960 embargo
    $1200 23
Together with Manitoba & Alberta, Saskatchewan is known as one of these treeless provinces
    $1200 28
"Some Guilt Admissions from an Antislavery Rebellion Leader"
    $1200 14
This variety of globulin is the part of blood that contains the antibodies
    $1600 6
During the Civil War, this social reformer was superintendent of the U.S. Army women nurses
    $1600 26
This line precedes "And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime"
    DD: $1,500 19
A real shell company, Shell Petroleum is a subsidiary of this petroleum company based in the Netherlands
    $1600 24
One of the 2 U.S. states that borders Saskatchewan
    $1600 29
"Bunny Napping"
    DD: $2,000 15
The Romans used their representation of this Greek letter as a numeral representing 50
    $2000 7
When she landed at Edwards AFB in 1986, she became the first woman to fly nonstop around the world without refueling
    $2000 27
She worked as a babysitter for songwriter Carole King until hitting the big time with King's song "The Loco-Motion"
    $2000 20
This former head of Time Warner quit as CEO of AOL Time Warner saying, "I want the poetry back in my life"
    $2000 25
The site of a major Canadian Air Force training base, this city sounds like the mandible of a large deer
    $2000 30
"One Alliance Made from Morons"
    $2000 16
It's also known as St. Anthony's cross & might suit you to a "T"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Mark Jill
$15,000 $16,300 $7,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

According to U.N. data, it's the world's most populous city named for a person

Final scores:

Alan Mark Jill
$13,000 $30,001 $7,900
2nd place: $10,000 Finalist 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alan Mark Jill
$15,000 $18,400 $8,400
15 R,
1 W
28 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-03-19
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