Show #5096 - Monday, November 6, 2006

Jeff Spoeri game 1.


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Jeff Spoeri, a university administrator from Boynton Beach, Florida

Shane McCune, an editor and journalist from Pender Harbour, British Columbia, Canada

Dave Meddish, an alternative print coordinator from Moscow, Idaho (whose 2-day cash winnings total $36,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: There will be 3 "P"s in each correct response.)
    $200 6
La Boca, an area of this Argentine capital, is often called "Little Genoa" because of its large Italian community
    $200 1
Played Bluto in "Animal House"
    $200 19
Proverbially, "A miss is as good as" this, but I still don't want to run one
    $200 26
(Jon of the Clue Crew indicates a drawing on the monitor.) In Edison's light bulb patent, m represents the tube leading to a pump that creates one of these in the glass bulb
    $200 11
In 2005, Judd Gregg, a millionaire Senator from this "Granite State", won $853,492 in the Powerball lottery
    $200 13
As a noun, it's a condiment; as a verb, it means to hit with rapidly repeated short jabs
    DD: $2,200 7
In this city's Plaza de Armas, you're walking in the footsteps of Francisco Pizarro
    $400 2
Played "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo"
    $400 20
If you're lucky, you'll get one of these "in the door"; if not, you might have one "in the grave"
    $400 27
Encouraged by Firestone, Edison patented a way to get this material out of herbs & shrubs, but it wasn't practical
    $400 12
He's seen here riding some gnarley waves
    $400 17
Something that restores one's depressed spirits; Bounty paper towels are the "quicker" one
    $600 8
This section of Rio is known as the birthplace of the bossa nova; there was a "Girl From" there in song
    $600 3
Played anchorman Bill McNeal on TV's "NewsRadio"
    $600 23
Going "all 9" of these means in all ways, in every respect
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew indicates another drawing on the monitor.) Edison writes: "A is a cylinder, having a helical indenting groove" in the 1877 patent application for this device
    $600 14
Seen here at the 11th Annual Kenai River Classic, Lisa Murkowski of this state shows off her 63-pound king salmon catch
    $600 18
It's a roundish or oblate variety of apple
    $800 9
Punta Arenas, the southernmost large city in the world, lies at the tip of Chile on this strait
    $800 4
Did a regular stint as a commentator for "Monday Night Football"
    $800 24
The arrangement of words in feet in each of a poem's lines; the "Iliad"'s is dactylic
    $800 29
In the 1870s Edison battled Western Union over the patent on the quadruplex type of this device
    $800 15
This Arizonan penned the bestseller "Faith of My Fathers"
    $800 21
A fun kind of this is a children's book with 3-D cutout artwork; a not-so-fun kind happens while Internet surfing
    $1000 10
Cali, this country's 2nd-most populous city, is a center of paper production & the sugarcane industry
    $1000 5
Starred as the "Beverly Hills Ninja"
    $1000 25
Go deep & comprehend or understand this 6-letter term
    $1000 30
(Jimmy describes a third drawing on the monitor.) The film goes over pulley 41, under spring 42, through the slit, and over pulley 38 in this forerunner of the projector
    $1000 16
This Utah man & Senate Judiciary Committee member wrote songs for a 2003 "Christmas Eve" CD
    $1000 22
Nonsense! Bosh! Balderdash! Bunk! Falderol! & this word! I kind of went Mr. Burns on you there, didn't I?

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Shane Jeff
$2,400 $400 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Shane Jeff
$4,200 $800 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
A family doctor who treats common medical problems
    $400 16
Yich-h-h! It's the yucky name for 12 dozen
    $400 7
The husband of a famed love sonneteer, he wrote, "Escape me? Never--Beloved! While I am I, and you are you"
    $400 21
Joseph's brothers stripped this off him & threw him into a pit
    $400 26
The main temple on the Acropolis was built in the 5th century B.C. to honor this goddess
    $400 1
Ken Burns & Ted Turner both had cameos in this epic TV movie bearing the name of a July 1863 battle
    $800 3
This food industry giant produces products like Cheerios & Hamburger Helper
    $800 17
Bruce Willis must avoid plague-filled air in this time-travel thriller that gets its name from an animal rights group
    $800 8
He's the Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton seen here
    $800 22
Not just the seventh day but the seventh year can be this restful interlude, per Leviticus 25
    $800 28
Forces of this Italian city-state destroyed many of the structures on the Acropolis during a 1687 artillery barrage
    $800 12
This Stanley Kubrick film follows a group of Marines from basic training to bloody battles in Vietnam
    $1200 4
The U.S. government's Comptroller General is head of the GAO, which until 2004 stood for this
    $1200 18
Founded by a relative of a flying ace, this company became famous for its 12-string guitars
    $1200 9
"Remembrances" & "Postcards" are works by this choreographer who founded his own ballet company
    $1200 23
The Torah-reading pointer is called a yad, Hebrew for this, also what Moses stretched forth in Exodus 10:22
    $1200 29
This empire seized the Acropolis in 1458 & raised a minaret on the site
    $1200 13
"Leave no man behind" was the tagline for this 2001 film about army choppers shot down in Somalia
    $1600 5
With products like the Virginia class nuclear sub, this company is one of the USA's biggest defense contractors
    DD: $3,000 19
Chapter 12 was introduced in 1986 to the code for this & deals with the reorganization of family farms
    $1600 10
He edited "Citizen Kane" & directed "The Sound of Music"
    $1600 24
In the original Hebrew, this biblical question that Cain asks is "Hashomer akhi anokhi?"
    $1600 27
The Acropolis complex built by the ancient architects Ictinus & Callicrates was in this simple classical order
    $1600 14
The U.S. Civil War's first all-black military unit fights prejudice as well as the Confederates in this 1989 film
    $2000 6
Abbreviated GATT, it's governed world commerce since 1947
    $2000 20
Nennius famously lists Badon, Agned, Guinnion & Dubglas among this legendary king's 12 messy battles
    $2000 11
In 2005, at age 86, he was elected to his ninth term as Manhattan D.A.
    $2000 25
Aaron is described as a priest, or in Hebrew, this common Jewish surname
    DD: $5,000 30
Many of the friezes & panels that adorned the Parthenon were sold to the British Museum by this man
    $2000 15
The brutal 10-day battle for heavily defended Hill 937 unfolds in this 1987 film

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Shane Jeff
$4,200 $2,400 $10,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

John Dryden in 1683 was the first to use the term "biography"--appropriately, while writing about this Greek

Final scores:

Dave Shane Jeff
$3,599 $0 $8,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $8,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dave Shane Jeff
$6,400 $2,400 $14,000
18 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
7 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $22,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-09-19
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