Show #4689 - Thursday, January 13, 2005


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Patricia Perlowski, a finance administrator from Wheatley Heights, New York

Kevin Montgomery, a divinity student from Berkeley, California

Tim Russell, a teacher from Lancaster, Ohio (whose 1-day cash winnings total $24,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Come on, oh! WRITE ON, GIRL! ...I said "Come on" instead of "Write on"--that shows you where my mind is.)
    $200 1
This pair fled the Battle of Actium soon after fighting began, & their forces surrendered to Marcus Agrippa
    $200 11
Closely identified with Gene Kelly, this song was introduced by Cliff Edwards in "The Hollywood Revue of 1929"
    $200 26
With its Jigglers recipes & all the neat new molds, this dessert is more fun to eat than ever
    $200 6
This failure or omission may be culpable, criminal or gross
    $200 16
Under the name of A.M. Barnard, this "Little Women" author published Gothic tales like "The Abbot's Ghost"
    $200 21
This type of "goose chase" is fruitless
    $400 2
Around 981 this explorer was banned from Iceland for 3 years for killing a neighbor in a feud
    $400 12
Hoagy Carmichael wrote this "stellar" song's melody as a piano piece; Mitchell Parish later added lyrics
    $400 27
At Starbucks they dilute this strong coffee with water to make Caffe Americano
    $400 7
Kids kept after school & prisoners awaiting trial are held in it
    $400 17
She wrote "American Star" and "Rock Star"; her actress-sister Joan wrote "Star Quality"
    $400 22
It's a deep, involuntary intake of breath through a wide-open mouth when you're sleepy
    DD: $1,000 3
From Aug. 19 to 21, 1991, this leader was placed under house arrest during an attempted coup by hardliners
    $600 13
Kate Smith, the "First Lady of Radio", once had the exclusive rights to sing this song on the air
    $600 28
On "Seinfeld", George's ATM password was this chocolate syrup
    $600 8
"L.S." on a document indicates the spot where this object is to be affixed
    $600 18
Mine eyes have seen the glory of her being the first woman in the American Academy of Arts & Letters
    $600 23
The core of your tooth; we hope the school bully doesn't beat you to a bloody one
    $800 4
In 1969 West Irians voted to remain a part of this nation, & the U.N. recognized its control of Irian Jaya
    $800 14
It's the title line that follows "Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again"
    $800 29
The taste of this tropical fruit has been described as a mix of peach & pineapple, only sweeter
    $800 9
This district of a bailiff might be your area of expertise
    $800 19
Kit Carson turns up in her 1927 novel "Death Comes for the Archbishop"
    $800 24
The upper floor of a warehouse converted to residential or studio use
    $1000 5
The last of Henry VIII's wives to be beheaded, she was accused of adultery & 2 of her lovers were beheaded as well
    $1000 15
"When somebody loves you, it's no good unless he loves you" this much
    $1000 30
Yukon Gold is a type of this
    $1000 10
This word for all your personal property shares its roots with "cattle"
    $1000 20
Writing the 1927 opera "The King's Henchmen" & also her poetry, she was burning her candle at both ends
    $1000 25
Sir Francis Drake's ship that circumnavigated the world was the "Golden" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Kevin Patricia
$3,000 $2,200 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Kevin Patricia
$7,200 $4,400 -$200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Athens, Greece.) In 480 BC, Athens & the monuments on the Acropolis were destroyed by these invaders under the command of Xerxes I
    $400 7
In 1867 he patented dynamite
    $400 15
A diplomatic emissary of the highest rank
    $400 12
The porcupinefish is covered with these that become erect when it gets all puffed up
    $400 22
He was a cashier in a Brooklyn theater in 1931 when he first subbed for Lou Costello's sick straight man
    $400 1
The carrier type of this gives a satellite the 18,000-mph speed it needs to achieve orbit
    $800 3
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from Athens, Greece.) Socrates was often to be found chatting people up in this area, the social & administrative heart of Athens
    $800 8
This associate of Marx wrote about "the condition of the working class in England in 1844"
    $800 16
It can be an area sunk below its surroundings or a psychological state of extreme sadness
    $800 13
In April 2000 the U.S. Navy used these marine mammals to help locate WWII mines off the coast of Norway
    $800 23
With this partner, Bud Yorkin produced such shows as "Good Times" & "Sanford & Son"
    $800 27
In October of 1970, driver Gary Gabelich averaged 622.407 mph over 2 runs at this Utah plain
    $1200 4
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Tinos, Greece.) This country's 1940 sinking of a Greek cruiser in Tinos harbor helped spur Greek resistance to its invasion
    $1200 9
This mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois tried to run for President in 1844
    $1200 17
This type of RNA transfers the genetic information
    $1200 14
The nurse type of this fish can pump water over its gills, so it doesn't have to swim constantly to keep breathing
    $1200 24
As baseball's acting commissioner in the '90s, he moved his own team, the Brewers, from the AL to the NL
    $1200 28
Calliphlox amethystina is a species of this; a male's wing-beat rate is about 80 per second
    $1600 5
(Cheryl of the clue crew reports from Aegina, Greece.) The island of Aegina is rich in this tree that produces a cooking oil as well as this beloved nut
    $1600 10
Clausewitz said the atmosphere for this is composed of danger, chance, exertion, & uncertainty
    $1600 18
Meaning delicate skill, it's a common term in the game of bridge
    DD: $2,000 20
This "sea" animal named for a flower pulls in its tentacles & shortens its body when it's disturbed
    $1600 25
Christopher Paul Curtis won a Newbery Medal in 2000 for his kids' book, "Bud, Not" this
    $2000 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Greece.) I'm on this island, where the Cretan princess Ariadne was stranded after Theseus abandoned her (seems not so bad)
    DD: $2,000 11
In 1847, in a variation on a theme by Chopin, this composer basically gave up his career as a piano virtuoso
    $2000 19
This tropical root is used to make tapioca
    $2000 21
This term for a breeding ground for seals sounds like something to "crow" about
    $2000 26
In 2002 this filmmaker celebrated 50 years of chronicling the Olympic Games

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Kevin Patricia
$16,000 $10,800 $7,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

With 7 years' service, this man who resigned in June 2004 had the longest tenure in his position in over 4 decades

Final scores:

Tim Kevin Patricia
$22,000 $16,800 $1
2-day champion: $46,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tim Kevin Patricia
$16,000 $10,400 $7,000
23 R,
4 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-11-08
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