Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (33 results returned)

#9017, aired 2024-01-16HATS IN OTHER WORDS $600: A type of quark or kind of toy tops
#8778, aired 2023-01-04JUST A LITTLE NUCLEAR PHYSICS $2000: Here's your quark menu! Which flavor would you like--up, down, top, bottom, charm or this? strange
#8627, aired 2022-04-26MINI-"ME" $1000: This subatomic particle is made of a quark & an antiquark a meson
#8351, aired 2021-03-08SCIENCE TIME $1200: In 1995 physicist Melissa Franklin was part of the team that discovered the elusive "top" one of these a quark
#8034, aired 2019-07-11PHYSICS $800: Sheldon Glashow gave this adorable name, C-quark for short, to a particle discovered in 1974 charm
#7975, aired 2019-04-19NOVEL VOCABULARY $600: "Finnegans Wake" used this word 25 years before the physicists applied it to a "flavored" subatomic particle quark
#7822, aired 2018-09-18QROSSWORD QLUES "Q" $600: Flavor-ful physics particle (5) a quark
#7658, aired 2017-12-20"S"CIENCE $1200: A fundamental elementary particle, this flavor of quark is the third lightest strange
#7405, aired 2016-11-18PHYSICS $2000: A subatomic particle consisting of a quark & an antiquark, the J particle is also called by this Greek-letter name psi
#7311, aired 2016-05-30PHYSICS TEST $800: I'll find it strangely charming if you can identify these particles with a word taken from "Finnegans Wake" quark
#6549, aired 2013-02-21THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER $800: The LHC tries to approximate the time when the universe was a hot, dense soup called a QGP, a quark-gluon this plasma
#6482, aired 2012-11-20DIFFERS BY A LETTER $800: With an "I" in the middle, it's a peculiar mannerism; with an "A", a subatomic particle quirk/quark
#6370, aired 2012-05-04CROSSWORD CLUES "Q" $1600: "Charm"ing or strange particle (5) a quark
#5926, aired 2010-05-24PHYSICS $2,000 (Daily Double): This elementary particle has 6 types: 3 have 1/3 unit of negative charge & 3 have 2/3 unit of positive charge a quark
#5524, aired 2008-09-18ACCELERATOR $800: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Stanford Linear Accelerator in Menlo Park, CA.) In the first of several Nobel Prizes won at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the high rate of new particle production was traced to a new kind of particle, the charm type of this a quark
#5468, aired 2008-05-21PHYSICISTS $1200: In 2000 a group of physicists finally found evidence of the tau type of this subatomic particle a neutrino
#5387, aired 2008-01-29LET'S BUILD AN "ARK" $1000: It's a family of tiny building blocks of matter quark
#4567, aired 2004-06-15MIND YOUR SCIENCE "P"s & "Q"s $2000: Sadly, James Joyce died before these hypothetical particles were named for a word he used in "Finnegans Wake" a quark
#4363, aired 2003-07-16"P"SCIENCE & MEDICINE $2000: This subatomic particle, which has no electric charge, consists of a quark & an antiquark psi particle
#4351, aired 2003-06-30YOU'RE THE "TOP" $2000: In 1995 scientists at the Fermi National Accelerator Lab announced the discovery of this subatomic particle top quark
#4180, aired 2002-11-01"ME" $2000: One of these particles consists of a quark & an antiquark a meson
#3945, aired 2001-10-26PHYSICISTS $800: In 2000 a group of physicists finally found evidence of the Tau type of this subatomic particle neutrino
#3890, aired 2001-06-29GEE "Q" $800: Its electrical charge can be equal to one-third of an electron a quark
#3744, aired 2000-12-07PHYSICS $1,500 (Daily Double): Max Planck gave this name to the smallest amount of energy that can be emitted as electromagnetic radiation Quantum
#3336, aired 1999-02-22REACH FOR THE STARS $1,900 (Daily Double): Unimaginably dense material is found in these "stars" named for subatomic particles neutron stars
#2904, aired 1997-03-27C'EST CHEESE $200: Quark is a soft, unripened cheese that may be substituted for this baked potato topping which it resembles Sour cream
#2786, aired 1996-10-14SCIENCE $1000: The particle called the lambda baryon is made of an up one, a down one & a strange one quark
#2645, aired 1996-02-16GENERAL SCIENCE $500 (Daily Double): In 1995 scientists announced the discovery of the hypothetical particle dubbed the top one of these the quark
#2643, aired 1996-02-14STAR TREK ALIENS $300: Armin Shimerman plays this Ferengi who runs a bar on Deep Space Nine Quark
#2187, aired 1994-02-22STAR TREK: DS9 $100: This Ferengi runs the bar on the promenade Quark
#2158, aired 1994-01-12NOBEL SCIENTISTS $1000: Richard Taylor, Jerome Friedman & Henry Kendall were honored in 1990 for proving the existence of this particle the quark
#1437, aired 1990-11-27STARTS WITH "Q" $500: It's believed to be the basic subunit of neutrons & protons quark
#1321, aired 1990-05-07PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1000: When an atom undergoes a quantum leap, one of these of comparable energy, is emitted or absorbed photon

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#4466, aired 2004-01-26THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY: Tolkien helped the editors define "hobbit"; Murray Gell-Mann, the term "quark", & this man, "dymaxion" Buckminster Fuller

Players (0 results returned)

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