Suggest correction - #903 - 1988-07-06

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Show #903 - Wednesday, July 6, 1988


Steve Katz, a retired Air Force colonel from Rancho Palos Verdes, California

David Malvey, a freelance writer and seminar leader from Nelson County, Virginia

Kevin Frear, a U.S. Army captain from Baumholder, Germany (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $33,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Encyclopedia Americana calls it the most widely used of all modeling materials
    $100 7
One of the only classes for homeless kids in the U.S. is taught by Marilyn Treshow in this Utah city
    $100 16
This folk song promotes "love between my brothers & my sisters all over this land"
    $100 1
In the '50s, the price of raccoon skins soared to $8 per pound due to demand for these
    $100 6
In 1912, Arthur Eldred of Oceanside, L.I. became the 1st U.S. Boy Scout known to reach this rank
    $200 22
The famous bust of Nefertiti is polychromatic, meaning this was done to it after it was sculpted
    $200 10
After admitting past marijuana use, he withdrew as a Supreme Court nominee
    $200 17
The song "500 Miles" opens with this line
    $200 2
In the '60s feminists held public burnings of this article of clothing
    $200 8
Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash 7 years after having been this
    $300 23
The "Cire Perdue", or lost wax procedure, is used to cast sculptures made of this copper-tin alloy
    $300 11
In late 1987, the bishop of this city helped free hostages held in prison by Cuban internees
    DD: $500 18
Olivia Newton-John won the CMA's Female Vocalist of the Year shortly after this song came out:

"You came when I was happy in your sunshine / I grew to love you more each passing day / Before too long..."
    $300 3
Lambeth walk was a '30s dance that originated in this country
    $300 9
The Anti-Masonic Party was the 1st in the U.S. to hold one of these quadrennial events
    $400 24
Leonardo da Vinci studied the anatomy movements of this animal while planning Sforza's statue
    $400 12
On Jan. 8, 1988, this Arizona governor & his brother were indicted on felony charges
    $400 19
Terms under which Luther Ingram said "I don't want to be right"
    $400 4
Symptoms of the "disease" associated with this late '50s toy fad were pains in the neck & upper abdomen
    $400 26
A defining characteristic of cherries jubilee, it should be done only a moment before serving
    $400 14
With Heywood Broun & Christopher Morley among selectors, this club was 1st of its kind in U.S.
    $500 25
It's considered the other end of the scale from alto-relievo
    $500 13
In early 1988, the U.S. Senate voted sharp limits on the use of these to screen job applicants
    $500 20
"We could go on loving in the same old way. A Garden of Eden just made for 2" under these conditions
    $500 5
'50s fad for this faded when it was pointed out goats virtually live on it & smell bad just the same
    $500 15
William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Kevin David Steve
$1,400 $100 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin David Steve
$3,500 $1,400 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
On May 19, 1967, the U.S. launched an air strike on the center of this capital
    $400 22
Name for rockets used to decelerate a lunar lander so it can make a soft landing
    $400 6
He wrote songs & 2 autobiographies, "Sometimes I Wonder" & "The Stardust Road"
    $400 23
In the Algonquian language, this historic North Carolina site was "Chickahauk"
    $400 24
A large flaw in glass in the form of a bubble, Cinderella might get one from tight slippers
    $400 19
In 1868, this office of military dictator was abolished in Japan
    $600 2
Of the Square Deal, New Deal, or Fair Deal, the one that came first
    $600 17
Geocentric means having the Earth as a center, this means having the Sun as a center
    $600 5
"To Hell & Back"
    $600 20
Indian tribe that shares its name with a southwestern river & a venomous "monster"
    $600 21
Process in which glass is dipped in or sprayed with hydrofluoric acid to form designs
    $600 14
Babe Ruth's last public appearance was while attending this film starring William Bendix
    $800 3
In July 1938, this pilot who couldn't get a flight permit to Europe "accidentally" landed in Dublin
    DD: $1,200 16
You get vulcanized rubber by heating rubber with this volcanic element
    DD: $1,300 7
Paraphrasing the title of 1 of his father's films, he called his book "Going My Own Way"
    $800 13
A river, a lake & a city in Wisconsin were all named for this weapon
    $800 18
Now a region of Czechoslovakia, it was to 19th century glassmaking what Venice had been in the 16th c.
    $800 9
In the Old Testament, Samuel was the last of these leaders
    $1000 4
A constitutional amendment to allow this, defeated by the Senate in 1954, was finally ratified in 1971
    $1000 11
Device that, circa 1730, replaced the astrolabe
    $1000 8
Hers was "The Movies, Mr. Griffith, & Me"
    $1000 15
The name of this southern state capital is a Creek Indian word for "old town"
    $1000 12
Around 1930, a few glass tables were made by this French designer famed for his fine glass works
    $1000 10
In 1891, she became both the first woman & the last person to rule Hawaii

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin David Steve
$3,100 $1,800 $2,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Richard the Lion-Hearted & his parents are buried at an abbey in this country

Final scores:

Kevin David Steve
$5,100 $3,600 $4,400
3-day champion: $39,000 3rd place: designer glass from Stained Glass Overlay 2nd place: Gibson electric range + Ekco Ambassador 23-piece cooking system

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin David Steve
$3,100 $2,800 $3,500
15 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $9,400

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