Suggest correction - #2132 - 1993-12-07

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Show #2132 - Tuesday, December 7, 1993


Bob Collins, an administrative assistant originally from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Joanna Pashdag, a freelance writer from Woodside, California

Adam Kasanof, a police lieutenant from New York City, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,099)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
This famous female flagmaker died January 30, 1836
    $100 12
She made her New York Stage debut in 1954 in "The Boy Friend"; "My Fair Lady" came 2 years later
    $100 26
This big river is Texas' longest
    $100 1
Raphael's "Alba Madonna" features a baby Jesus & this baby Baptist
    $100 6
In 1986 David Copperfield "walked through" this landmark wall on TV
    $100 7
This was the first Wonderland resident that Alice saw
    $200 22
The "William Tell" overture was the theme to this radio show that debuted January 30, 1933
    $200 13
She was married Dec. 22, 1968; if she had waited until Jan. 21, 1969 she could have had a White House wedding
    $200 27
The Texas Range cattle industry began with this breed, also the University of Texas' team name
    $200 2
Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People" has a gun in her left hand, this flag in her right
    $200 16
Their last names are Fischbacher & Horn
    $200 8
In 1993 this Beatrix Potter title bunny celebrated his centenary
    $300 23
What Edward Bransfield saw January 30, 1820 & called Trinity Land may be this continent's first sighting
    $300 14
For a while MTV had 2 on-air women with this name; one was "Downtown"
    $300 28
Total number of U.S. states that are smaller than Texas
    $300 5
In classifying artists, Cezanne is considered a "Post" one of these
    $300 17
Writings of this late escape artist "On Magic" were published in 1954
    $300 9
In the book this fawn's friend was named Hare, not Thumper
    $400 24
Balls celebrating FDR's birthday held January 30, 1934 raised over $1 million to battle this disease
    $400 15
On TV she's been a living doll & a Catwoman
    $400 29
Common name for the northern part of the state also called the Llano Estacado or staked plains
    $400 3
Seeing sculpture from this continent helped turn Picasso to Cubism
    $400 18
P.T. Selbit & Horace Goldin both claimed to have invented this illusion; they should have split credit
    $400 10
Gary K. Wolf's book asked "Who Censored" this character, not "Who Framed" him
    $500 25
Queen Elizabeth II made history in 1965 when she attended this commoner's funeral
    $500 21
Ex-husband Jack Webb put this "Cry Me A River" singer in the "Emergency!" ward; on TV, that is
    $500 30
This Texas city was the first place mentioned by a man on the Moon
    $500 4
This "Blue Boy" artist was a founding member of the Royal Academy
    DD: $1,900 19
Names of the famous magic duo seen here:
    $500 11
Hazel's heroics got him appointed chief rabbit in this bunny tale by Richard Adams

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adam Joanna Bob
$1,300 $1,600 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Joanna Bob
$5,600 $2,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, our tribute to...)
    $200 3
High-altitude cirrus clouds are composed entirely of these crystals
    $200 8
When it comes to "Baby and Child Care", he claims, "You know more than you think you do"
    $200 13
Pabst Peak, Wyoming was so named because climbers of it drank a bottle of this made by Pabst
    $200 25
This Union general ordered the people of Atlanta to evacuate their homes September 7, 1864
    $200 1
1993 marks the 120th birthday of this state's oldest surviving paper, the Bismarck Tribune
    $200 20
Though he was this man's VP, Jefferson played practically no role in his administration
    $400 4
Astronomers speculate that quasars are the bright nuclei of these star systems
    $400 9
In "Walden" he wrote, "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth"
    $400 14
Both an Iowa county & its county seat are named for this daughter of Chief Powhatan
    $400 26
Spotsylvania Court House & Appomattox Court House are among the Civil War sites in this state
    $400 2
It's the dominant paper in our nation's capital
    $400 21
In his "Notes on a Money Unit", Jefferson called for a unit named this
    $600 5
Geysers & volcanos are sources of this type of energy that emanates from deep within the Earth
    $600 10
H.L. Mencken called these payments to an ex-spouse "the ransom that the happy pay to the devil"
    $600 15
Elizabeth in this state is named for Sir George Carteret's wife
    $600 27
On the third day of this Pennsylvania battle, the Union Army's position resembled a giant fishhook
    $600 17
A monthly edition of the Vatican's L'Osservatore Romano is published in this native tongue of Pope John Paul II
    $600 22
In March 1790 in New York, Jefferson became the first secretary of this Cabinet department
    $800 6
From the Greek for "water measure", it's a device for measuring the density of liquids
    $800 11
"Poor Richard's Almanac" included the line "Eat to live, and not" this
    $800 16
Enid, Oklahoma may have been named for a character in this author's "Idylls of the King"
    $800 28
On August 21, 1863 Quantrill's Raiders set fire to the town of Lawrence in this state
    $800 18
This country's last afternoon paper, the News of Adelaide folded in 1992
    $800 23
Jefferson had mastered the classical languages before he entered this college in 1760
    $1000 7
Meaning "ancient life", it's the geologic era when the first amphibians & reptiles appeared
    $1000 12
In his "Adagia", Erasmus wrote, "In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is" this
    DD: $3,000 29
10 states have counties named for this Massachusetts signer of the Declaration of Independence
    $1000 30
Rutherford B. Hayes & William McKinley both survived this, the war's bloodiest one-day battle
    DD: $200 19
Atlantis, a New York daily published from 1894 to 1972, catered to immigrants from this country
    $1000 24
She was the widow of Bathurst Skelton when Jefferson married her in 1772

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Joanna Bob
$13,400 $200 $6,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 4 presidents of France's Fifth Republic

Final scores:

Adam Joanna Bob
$13,401 $399 $6,700
2-day champion: $27,500 3rd place: Galerie Lassen Maui Night Dancer limited-edition graphic by marine artist Christian Riese Lassen + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii aboard Delta Airlines & a week at the Kahala Hilton + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Adam Joanna Bob
$12,200 $3,200 $6,200
27 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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