Suggest correction - #3625 - 2000-05-12

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    $500 30
This Greek goddess of the hunt took an interest in Atalanta, who grew up to be a great hunter

Show #3625 - Friday, May 12, 2000

2000 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.
From the Atlanta Civic Center.


Carolyn Cracraft, a college senior from Chicago, Illinois

Darlene Lieblich, a television executive from Van Nuys, California

Terry Currin, a systems analyst and pharmacist from White Lake, Michigan

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The Centers for Disease Control)
    $100 1
Earl Browder, author of "Marx And America", was general secretary of this U.S. party from 1930 to 1944
    $100 4
"A Doll's House"
    $100 16
Many Deadheads' lives revolved around the live concerts performed by this band
    $100 21
A lot of investors are stuck on this company that markets Acuvue & baby shampoo
    $100 8
In 1992 the CDC added this word to its name to reflect its broader role, but didn't add "P" to its initials
    $100 26
Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus, king of Arcadia, on this peninsula that was also home to Sparta
    $200 2
By the time he died in 1992, his "Any Car, Any Color" offer had risen from $29.95 to $119.95
    $200 5
"Summer And Smoke"
    $200 17
Jack Nicholson is a courtside fixture at this NBA team's home games
    $200 22
Fall into this retailer that also operates the Banana Republic & Old Navy stores
    $200 9
The CDC says this form of cancer, which includes melanoma, is the most common in the U.S.
    $200 27
Left to die in the wild by her dad, who didn't want a girl, she was suckled by one of these ursine creatures
    $300 3
He narrated, no doubt resonantly, the 1972 documentary "Malcolm X"
    $300 12
"The Sisters Rosensweig"
    $300 18
Fans of this high-flying sport involving lots of string may know it's Thailand's most popular
    DD: $800 23
This Dallas-based maker of semiconductors got its start in the 1930s as an oil exploration company
    $300 10
At its inception in 1946, the CDC fought this mosquito-borne disease that was prevalent in the South at the time
    $300 28
To marry Atalanta, a suitor had to beat her in one of these competitions
    $400 6
This future chief justice was Dewey's running mate when he didn't defeat Truman
    $400 14
    $400 19
Male fans of this football team's "Hogs" dress as women & are called "Hogettes"
    $400 24
In 1999 the Class A stock of this company headed by Warren Buffett reached a 52-week high of $81,000 a share
    $400 11
In 1981 the first cases of this disease were published in the CDC's "Morbidity And Mortality Weekly Report"
    $400 29
After being the first to wound the Calydonian, one of these wild tusked creatures, Atalanta was awarded its hide
    $500 7
"The Ballad of Jed Clampett" wasn't recorded by Flatt & Sharp but by Flatt & him
    $500 15
"Murder In The Cathedral"
    $500 20
The band Simply Red took their name in part from their love of this northern English soccer team
    $500 25
Here's to your health & here's to this insurance group, whose service mark is seen here
    $500 13
The CDC is an agency of this department of the federal government
    $500 30
This Greek goddess of the hunt took an interest in Atalanta, who grew up to be a great hunter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Terry Darlene Carolyn
$1,400 $400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Terry Darlene Carolyn
$2,300 $300 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
The Earls of Arundel & Warren got their names on this 1215 document along with King John
    $200 26
Her nicknames include "Queen of the West" & "Queen of the Cowgirls"
    $200 8
In colonial America, this crime of being married to 2 persons at the same time was punishable by death
    $200 1
This Spanish surrealist designed a"maze"ing sets & costumes for the 1941 ballet "Labyrinth"
    $200 17
On the death of his wife Linda in 1998, this musician said, "I have lost my girlfriend, and that is very sad"
    $200 2
In 1793 he invented the cotton gin in Georgia
    $400 22
We don't know if the Earl Granville gave advice on outhouses as lord president of this council from 1751 to 1763
    $400 27
The 90-word title of her 1999 album is a poem that she wrote in response to an unflattering magazine article about her
    $400 9
This type of court is used to determine the validity of a deceased person's will
    $400 3
A picnic with Rasputin is the opening scene of the ballet named for this grand duchess
    $400 18
David Ben-Gurion once remarked, "Without" this city, "we are a body without a soul"
    $400 13
This presidential brother is buried in Plains
    $600 23
This 1623 edition of Shakespeare is dedicated to the Earls of Pembroke & Montgomery
    $600 28
Her books include "I Lost It At The Movies" & "5001 Nights At The Movies"
    $600 10
From the Greek for "not remembered", it's a pardon granted by the government to political offenders
    $600 4
In 1992 dancer Kevin McKenzie became artistic director of this company once led by Mikhail Baryshnikov
    $600 19
The witticism "A verbal agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on" is attributed to this film pioneer
    $600 14
In 1733 he founded the Georgia colony & served as its governor for the next 10 years
    $800 24
The surrenderer, seen here, was both Earl & Marquis of this
    $800 30
Fruity first name of acclaimed Japanese author Yoshimoto, whose books include "N.P.", "Amrita" & "Kitchen"
    DD: $600 11
He was the first of our presidents to practice law
    $800 5
A cowgirl wins the heart of a champion roper in this Agnes De Mille ballet
    $800 20
Of that famous incident in 1955, she said, "All I was doing was trying to get home from work"
    $800 15
Add 3 words to New York State's nickname & you get this nickname for Georgia
    $1000 25
In 1896, commanding Egypt's army, Earl Kitchener invaded this country to the south
    DD: $1,500 29
She published her first book "Contemporary Women Artists", to raise money for the Carmelite order
    $1000 12
In 1979 this Watergate judge wrote a book about his experiences titled "To Set The Record Straight"
    $1000 6
This "Pomp And Circumstance" composer is a character in the ballet named for his "Enigma Variations"
    $1000 21
Last name of the officer to whom Admiral Dewey gave the command, "You may fire when you are ready"
    $1000 16
The Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins has an exhibit on this famous group of Black American pilots

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Terry Darlene Carolyn
$9,900 $1,200 $4,300
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 1920s this nation's churches pooled their money & erected a 120-foot religious monument on a 2,300-foot peak

Final scores:

Terry Darlene Carolyn
$10,000 $2,400 $5,500
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated 2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Terry Darlene Carolyn
$10,100 $2,700 $3,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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