Suggest correction - #3320 - 1999-01-29

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    $400 17
It's believed that this disbelieving apostle went to India & was martyred in Madras

Show #3320 - Friday, January 29, 1999


Caroline Walsh, an advertising executive from Yorba Linda, California

Paul Reisser, a physician from Thousand Oaks, California

Karl Wallig, a property specialist from Salem, Oregon (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: There's something!)
(Alex: You'll love that one!)
    $100 16
Canaletto was noted for his vedute, or views, of this canal city, his birthplace
    $100 4
In 1998 the Yankees won the big league; Toms River East, N.J. the Little League; & USC the college version of this
    $100 21
This song begins "Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew, cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?"
    $100 26
In the original version, it's why the chicken crossed the road
    $100 7
    $100 1
Last name of the TV character Grammer's been playing since 1984
    DD: $500 17
Sir John Everett Millais painted an 1852 portrait of this Shakespearean heroine, seen here
    $200 12
Between 1975 & 1996 this midwestern school's Hawkeyes won 16 NCAA wrestling titles
    $200 22
Sonny the breakfast cereal spokes-bird is associated with this crazy chocolatey slogan
    $200 30
It's how you stop an elephant from charging
    $200 8
Les Etats-Unis
    $200 2
Though raised in New Jersey & Florida, Kelsey was born in this U.S. island group in the Caribbean
    $300 18
On a Saturday evening you might want to read his 1960 autobiography "My Adventures As An Illustrator"
    $300 13
This Penn State legend is the only coach to win all 4 traditional bowl games
    $300 23
Langston Hughes described this area of NYC as a melting pot "of honey and chocolate and caramel and rum"
    $300 29
It's what you call a 5,000 pound gorilla
    $300 9
    $300 3
In 1995 Grammer hosted a TV tribute to one of his heroes, this violin-playing comedian
    $400 19
Gustav Klimt was a founding member & first president of this Austrian city's Sezession movement
    $400 14
This Duke & Detroit Pistons star won 1995's ESPY Award from ESPN as Best College Hoops Performer
    $400 24
Teddy Roosevelt served as this man's VP & said that he had "No more backbone than a chocolate eclair"
    $400 28
It's why cows have bells
    $400 10
Afrique du Sud
    $400 5
On Broadway in 1982, Grammer as Cassio supported James Earl Jones in this Shakespeare play
    $500 20
The Prado boasts a fine portrait of 18th century artist Francisco Bayeu by this Spaniard, his brother-in-law
    $500 15
John McEnroe, Janet Evans & Tiger Woods all competed for & then left this California school
    $500 25
His play "Arms And The Man" includes the line "Oh, you are a very poor soldier: a chocolate cream soldier!"
    $500 27
It's why the skeleton didn't cross the road
    $500 11
    $500 6
The male lead in "Yentl", he gave without taking when he recommended Kelsey for a part on "Cheers"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Karl Paul Caroline
$1,200 -$300 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Karl Paul Caroline
$1,600 $800 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Remember that one?)
    $200 14
Maybe "dynasty" is the wrong word for this country's Hsin, which lasted about 15 years & 1 emperor
    $200 11
The "holes" from these items have been sold separately at least since the 1960s
    $200 21
"Wake Me When It's Funny" is the autobiography of this "Pretty Woman" director, Penny's brother
    $200 23
This 1968 thriller featured Charles Grodin as a doctor consulted by a pregnant Mia Farrow
    $200 1
You can dance with this composer
    $200 6
Nouns & prepositions are called parts of this -- the tongue & lips could be, too
    $400 17
It's believed that this disbelieving apostle went to India & was martyred in Madras
    $400 12
A baker who put the butter in the dough instead of the dry flour created this Scandinavian pastry
    $400 22
In 1971 this Herman Wouk novel breezed up the bestseller lists
    $400 24
This young hunk wasn't a star yet when he was cast in the 1955 talking mule classic "Francis In The Navy": "Yeah, what the well-dressed boatswain mate wears when he impersonates an Army officer"
    $400 2
Famous waltz played here with "icy" composure
    $400 7
The "main" type of these can stand alone as a sentence; the "subordinate" type can't
    $600 18
Mathematician Heron took flight with his formula for the area of this shape, once studied by Pythagoreans
    $600 13
This Procter & Gamble line of desserts bears the name of a restaurant critic who died in 1959
    $600 28
1985 bestsellers had short titles; Michener's "Texas", Sagan's "Contact" & her "Lucky" are examples
    $600 25
Daniel Day-Lewis played a young hoodlum who accosts Ben Kingsley in this 1982 epic
    $600 3
"Dance" heard here
    $600 8
Straightforward term for the type of "object" that follows a transitive verb
    DD: $1,000 19
As a philosopher of this movement, Seneca met forced suicide with great calm & fortitude
    $800 15
The thick cream named for this English region is spread on bread or, for the health-minded, strawberries
    $800 26
In one of his more ex"Zorba"tant roles, he cracked a whip at Dorothy Lamour in "Road to Singapore"
    $800 4
This funereal work is one of Mozart's last
    $800 9
"Went" for the verb "go", "had" for "have", or what we did walking through a campground
    $1000 20
In 60 A.D. this queen led her British tribe, the Iceni, in revolt against Rome
    $1000 16
If you want more of this curranty Scottish pudding, get off yours & take it
    DD: $2,000 27
In the 1955 hit "Blackboard Jungle", this future sitcom actor was billed under his real name, Jameel Farah
    $1000 5
Saint-Saens "Danse" heard here
    $1000 10
Absolutes shouldn't be used in comparative forms, so the Constitution's "A More" this kind of "Union" is wrong

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Karl Paul Caroline
$2,800 $5,600 $4,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This animal's name is from Bantu for "mock man"

Final scores:

Karl Paul Caroline
$0 $1,799 $1
3rd place: Oz Airlines Hot Air Balloon Flight over Southern California New champion: $1,799 2nd place: Monorail Desktop PC & Card Scan 300

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Karl Paul Caroline
$2,800 $7,900 $4,700
14 R,
5 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
17 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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