Suggest correction - #9094 - 2024-05-02

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    $400 28
Not just a whiz with a lever, Archimedes is said to have used this simple machine & cranks to drag a ship from land into the sea

Show #9094 - Thursday, May 2, 2024


Sarah Hardy, a pediatrician from Hot Springs, Arkansas

Angelus Kocoshis, an attorney and flower farmer from Muncie, Indiana

Weckiai Rannila, an engineer from Albuquerque, New Mexico (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,999)

Jeopardy! Round

1950s TALK
    $200 24
A center of violence during The Troubles, the Shankill Road is now a tourist attraction in this Northern Ireland city
    $200 25
Sister to Gigi, this American supermodel wowed at Cannes in the backless dress seen here
    $200 26
At the age of 15 this creator of Flopsy & Mopsy began keeping a journal in a secret code she invented
    $200 27
You can bank on it
    $200 21
The one without a mustache in a standard deck, he's been said to have represented Charlemagne
    $200 30
See you later, this, as in the title of a Top 10 hit
    $400 23
Here's a look from Paris' Place de la Concorde down to the Arc de Triomphe at the other end of this historic avenue
    $400 22
Fred Savage starred in "The Wonder Years"; his brother Ben played Cory Matthews on this sitcom
    $400 17
On Sept. 2, 1666 Samuel Pepys walked to this prison fortress & "got up upon one of the high places" to watch his city burn
    $400 28
This restaurant chain
    $400 20
In 1902 the original Valentine sweethearts candies from this company came with sayings like "be mine" & "kiss me"
    $400 29
1950s pescatarians could indulge in these battered items from the frozen food aisle
    $600 1
A twilight view of this Asian city includes its eponymous tower & a certain nearby mountain
    $600 18
(J.J. Watt presents the clue.) In 2020, I participated in a rare 3-brother NFL game; My Houston Texans played this team & I had to face the Terrible Towels as well as Derek & T.J.
    $600 16
One 1835 entry in his diary reads, "I met two very large tortoises (circumference of shell about 7 ft.)"
    $600 5
This soaps & fragrance retailer, incorporated
    $600 19
Turn around, bright eyes; in 1983 Bonnie Tyler had an "astronomical" hit with this song
    $600 14
A conventional person was a square; a super-conventional one was this, one power higher
    $800 2
Check out the New York City skyline aboard this free ride that runs between Manhattan & another borough
    $800 4
Kate Mara is married to Jamie Bell, while sister Rooney is partnered with this man with several celebrity siblings
    $800 15
On Dec. 24, 1943 she wrote, "I long to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel young"
    $800 6
This pharmaceutical giant
    $800 11
After enjoying the leaves, you can scrape the thistlelike part of this veggie away with your knife, then eat the heart
    $800 13
Often in a backyard, these refuges were meant to protect folks from radioactive residue
    $1000 3
Often called the world's widest avenue, the Avenida 9 de Julio & its giant topiary are in this city's downtown
    $1000 7
These siblings have both won Oscars; her for "Terms of Endearment" & him for "Reds"
    DD: $2,400 8
On July 4, 1862 he made an entry in his diary saying he went "to Godstow with the 3 Liddells; we had tea on the bank there"
    $1000 9
This clothing chain with nearly 1,000 U.S. locations
    $1000 10
This one of the 4 valves of the human heart is named for its shape, like a bishop's hat
    $1000 12
This literary movement might have taken you "On the Road"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Weckiai Angelus Sarah
$4,600 $1,800 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Weckiai Angelus Sarah
$6,600 $4,200 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
N.C.-set "Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp" was the second anti-slavery novel by this 19th century author
    $400 20
He co-czarred with his half-bro Ivan V from 1682 to 1696, then got single billing until 1725
    $400 28
Not just a whiz with a lever, Archimedes is said to have used this simple machine & cranks to drag a ship from land into the sea
    $400 29
Jetting across the Atlantic at Mach 2.04, the Concorde was an SST, short for this type of transport
    $400 27
This compound word now refers to a woman's purse, but in the 1700s it was a flexible leather folder for keeping papers or bills
    $800 23
2 lost souls find each other at a coastal North Carolina inn in this author's "Nights in Rodanthe"
    $800 19
Medieval popes called the Great included Gregory I & the first pope of this name who served from 440 to 461 & suppressed heresy
    $800 17
In the late 1700s James Watt coined this term that's equivalent to about 33,000 foot-pounds of work per minute
    $800 26
This dog breed that developed from the greyhound can run at up to 35 miles per hour; England calls it "the poor man's racehorse"
    $800 25
"Born To Run"--"I wanna die with you... on the streets tonight in an everlasting kiss"
    DD: $5,000 15
A wealthy & powerful businessman, it was borrowed from the Japanese who in turn borrowed it from the Chinese words for "great prince"
    $1200 21
Raleigh minister Thomas Dixon espoused racial purity in novels like "The Clansman", basis of this 1915 film
    $1200 18
Circa 1200, Queen Tamar the Great of this Black Sea nation presided when it dominated the Caucasus region
    $1200 1
2-word distance from the center of a lens to a point where the light rays that pass through it converge
    $1200 5
Anger at Christian converts & foreigners spurred this 1900 uprising in China
    $1200 22
"Church Bells"--she "slipped something in" hubby's "Tennessee whiskey no lawman was ever gonna find"
    $1200 14
In Matthew 23 Jesus accuses these people, from the Greek for "actor" or "pretender"
    $1600 8
Edna Ferber wrote this 1926 bestseller after meeting riverboat performers in Bath, North Carolina
    DD: $3,400 4
A 3rd century B.C. leader of this Punic city, Hanno the Great opposed costly wars & even negotiated peace with Rome
    $1600 2
This isotope of hydrogen also called 3H has one proton & 2 neutrons in its nucleus
    $1600 6
This amendment to the Constitution promises "a speedy and public trial"
    $1600 10
"Mambo No. 5"--"a little bit of" her "in my life, a little bit of Erica by my side"
    $1600 12
The chicken is in this sauce, part of Indian cuisine but named from Portuguese for wine of garlic
    $2000 9
2018's "Varina", about Mrs. Jefferson Davis, is by this North Carolinian author of "Cold Mountain"
    $2000 16
Berengaria the Great was an advisor to her son Ferdinand III in this series of campaigns to regain Iberia from the Moors
    $2000 3
Named for a Scottish botanist, it's the random movement of microscopic particles in a fluid
    $2000 7
Angry Young Men, a British literary movement of the 1950s, included John Osborne & this 1956 play of his, perfect for that movement
    $2000 11
"Pretty In Pink"--she "laughs and it's raining all day"
    $2000 13
This 4-letter word for antiaircraft fire or criticism is a merciful shortening of the German for "flyer defense cannon"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Weckiai Angelus Sarah
$15,000 $4,600 $9,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

It launched its first satellite, Asterix, in 1965

Final scores:

Weckiai Angelus Sarah
$18,001 $4,600 $17,999
2-day champion: $28,000 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Weckiai Angelus Sarah
$15,000 $10,200 $9,000
20 R,
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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