Suggest correction - #9052 - 2024-03-05

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    $1000 10
This type of formal discussion is from Latin for "together" & "speak"; one "of Marburg" in 1529 included a debate on Matthew 26:26

Show #9052 - Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2024 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 8.


Emmett Stanton, a freelance writer from Baltimore, Maryland

Justin Bolsen, a public policy economics student at Brown University from Canton, Georgia

Ben Chan, a philosophy professor from Green Bay, Wisconsin

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: As you may recall, that's Jack Nicholson's character in the courtroom in A Few Good Men.)
    $200 13
George III & George Washington figure prominently in the David McCullogh bestseller entitled this pivotal year
    $200 30
Some of the clothing from this designer features a cute polo bear instead of a pony
    $200 29
Ben McKenzie played Ryan Atwood, a tough kid from Chino taken in by a wealthy Newport Beach family on this show
    $200 25
Games played at this type of party include bobbing for pacifiers & guess how big Mom's belly is
    $200 24
Kangaroos & wallabies are members of the Macropodidae family, meaning "big" these
    $200 16
It's said there are "three sides to every story: yours, mine" & this
    $400 12
A recent bestseller by Kate Moore chronicles the struggles of the "Girls" who applied this element to watch dials
    $400 26
A longtime vegetarian like parents Paul & Linda, she doesn't use any leather or fur in her designs
    $400 27
Frankie Muniz would often break the 4th wall as a precocious middle schooler on this show
    $400 28
Dropping -ulation gave us this informal word for a chat or a conference
    $400 19
Looking sharp there! Espandon is another name for this creature
    $400 23
The spinal column, or firmness of character
    $600 4
With 1920's "The Outline of History", this "Time Machine" man went from bestselling novelist to bestselling educator
    $600 20
In 1990 this designer opened her flagship bridal salon at the Carlyle Hotel in New York City
    $600 18
This actress was the title star of "Lizzie McGuire" on the Disney Channel
    $600 15
John Sayles wrote a comic story about a convention of these people opposed to government, but they do happen, since the 1800s
    DD: $3,600 8
The 2 main species of this great ape are the Bornean & Sumatran
    $600 22
You don't want plaque building up in these of your arteries
    $800 1
"The Broken Heart of America", about St. Louis & American violence, ends with a 2014 police shooting in this Missouri city
    $800 2
Sure to please your little girl is a pair of kids' sneakers for $2,400, with rhinestones & a red rubber sole from this designer
    $800 5
The title of this Miami-set spy show co-starring Bruce Campbell refers to an official statement that blacklists a spy
    $800 11
These corporate meetings are often dull, but not when Ross Perot challenged GM's leadership in November 1985
    $800 6
Found in the rainforests & grasslands of Asia, this feline is named for the distinctive spots on its coat
    $800 21
Great material comfort, or anything you enjoy but don't need
    $1000 3
Edward Gibbon wrote "The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire"; William Shirer wrote "The Rise & Fall of" this sinister regime
    $1000 14
Fashion royalty--here's this Belgian-born designer & icon & Talita, her princess granddaughter, a designer in her own right
    $1000 9
Regina King voiced brothers Huey & Riley Freeman on this Adult Swim satire created by Aaron McGruder
    $1000 10
This type of formal discussion is from Latin for "together" & "speak"; one "of Marburg" in 1529 included a debate on Matthew 26:26
    $1000 7
The only known carrier of malaria, this genus of mosquito also transmits encephalitis
    $1000 17
Hideous, or the style of art seen here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben! 文瀚 Justin Emmett
$7,400 $1,800 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! 文瀚 Justin Emmett
$11,400 $1,600 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: These are facts about the musicians in one iconic 1958 photo.)
    $400 27
Both Sonny Rollins & Coleman Hawkins, masters of spontaneity on this instrument, blew into Harlem that day
    $400 24
Elizabeth Bishop rhymed "disaster", "faster" & "vaster" with "the art of losing isn't hard to" this
    $400 25
Rick Warren's last one, to thousands at a Saddleback Church service in August 2022, was the same as his first one, to tens in March 1980
    $400 30
This author & Pulitzer Prize winner's best-known work is subtitled "The Saga of An American Family"
    $400 29
The MacKenzie Mountains are part of the Canadian section of these mountains; the Bighorn Mountains are in the U.S. part
    $400 28
Feed the body, or the soul
    $800 26
Classics from Thelonious Monk include "Straight, No Chaser" & "'Round" this time, when jazz musicians are just warming up
    $800 23
Wilfred Owen's poems about this conflict include "Spring Offensive" & "Anthem for Doomed Youth"--of which, sadly, he was one
    $800 20
A spin on this 5-syllable worship of many gods is henotheism, the worship of only one of many gods
    $800 22
The first Latino senator from California, Alex Padilla grew up in this L.A. area with a Spanish name
    $800 12
A Disneyland attraction is exactly 100 times shorter than this 14,700-foot Alp
    $800 21
It's the French-derived word for a device used to stop severe bleeding; a belt or strong piece of cloth can do in a pinch
    $1200 4
Charles Mingus got low on this instrument on "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat", which he wrote about Lester Young, also in the picture
    $1200 7
Claude McKay wrote a sonnet about one of these awful events, with "the ghastly body swaying in the sun"
    $1200 19
Bar mitzvah checks are often in multiples of this numerological equivalent of chai, "life"
    $1200 18
This Moscow-born captain of the Washington Capitals is seen with the only man ahead of him--for now--in career NHL goals
    DD: $4,000 5
Ranges within this mountain system include the Rif, the Saharan & the Tell
    $1200 17
Condolences to the dark-colored butterfly known as this type of cloak
    $1600 3
Gene, Gene the drumming machine, he was one quarter of an amazing quartet with Lionel Hampton, Teddy Wilson & Benny Goodman
    $1600 6
Published after his 1850 death, "The Prelude" is an epic poetic memoir by this Romantic
    DD: $4,400 10
After writing the name of a prophet, English-speaking Muslims write this, "PBUH" for short
    $1600 14
WWII field marshal Harold Alexander led the extrication of 340,000 men at this location in 1940 & was the last man off the beach
    $1600 2
The highest peak in Russia, in ancient times it was called Strobilus, meaning pine cone & a reference to its shape
    $1600 16
Billie Eilish has spoken publicly about having this syndrome, which is just part of who she is
    $2000 13
A Jazz Messenger, but with a touch of "Flash Dance", this Pittsburgh drummer once worked in steel mills by day, jazz clubs by night
    $2000 8
John Donne used the stuck-up sounding similes called metaphysical these, as when he compared lovers' souls to the 2 legs of a compass
    $2000 9
In a Hindu temple men perform ashtanga pranama, doing this to oneself, from the Latin for "lay flat"
    $2000 11
Alexandra of Denmark, who married Queen Victoria's oldest son, is seen during the record 38 years she spent holding this title
    $2000 1
Edward Whymper was the first to summit this highest mountain in Ecuador, putting him at the farthest point from Earth's center
    $2000 15
France lost about 6,000 troops, England, less than 500, in the 1415 battle of this village

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! 文瀚 Justin Emmett
$29,800 $10,000 -$2,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Isolated in 1945 during uranium fission research, it was named for an ancient deity to suggest humans gaining a new power

Final scores:

Ben! 文瀚 Justin Emmett
$29,800 $9,958 -$2,000
Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben! 文瀚 Justin Emmett
$24,000 $10,000 $2,400
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
12 R,
2 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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