Suggest correction - #9048 - 2024-02-28

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    $1200 13
The Swedish title of the first book about this heroine translates as "men who hate women"

Show #9048 - Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2024 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4.


Yogesh Raut, a social and personality psychologist from Vancouver, Washington

Jake DeArruda, a delivery routing assistant originally from Ludlow, Vermont

Nick Cascone, an orthopedic physician assistant originally from Queens, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
This dance music was big in 1977 but by '79 a "Demolition Night" promo at Comiskey Park led to a bonfire in center field & a riot
    $200 29
Pete Davidson told Teen Vogue, "I was" this "in high school, but I always took it too far"
    $200 28
Col. H.H. Godwin Austen is a bit of a mouthful for a name, so a 28,000-foot mountain keeps it alphanumeric with this
    $200 26
He won a 1974 Emmy for his role in "M*A*S*H"; he'd also win for writing & directing that series
    $200 27
This charity traces its origins to a 7-year-old boy battling cancer who got to fulfill his dream of being a police officer
    $200 1
The U.S. sent 10,000 troops to Lebanon in 1958 as part of the anti-Soviet doctrine named for him
    $400 25
Dating to around 1927, the Hop, with this new hero's nickname, had folks jitterbugging out
    $400 21
It's a telescoping rod for taking turnaround photos from a distance
    $400 14
Dating back to 4000 B.C. fortified settlements, it's the largest city in Jordan & the residence of the king
    $400 24
He's got a 50% success rate, winning 4 out of 8 nominations for playing the same supporting role
    $400 23
This Children's Hospital is named for the patron saint of hopeless causes
    $400 8
In French this 17th & 18th century "Age" is the Siècle des Lumières
    $600 19
Ländler, a traditional dance of Germany & Austria, evolved into this originally scandalous dance of 1, 2, 3... & 1, 2, 3
    $600 15
Literally, it's seen here; metaphorically, it's any exhaustive itemization
    $600 11
The infinity pool is 57 levels up at Marina Bay Sands Hotel in this island city-state
    $600 20
From 1983 to 1988 the Best Actress in a Drama Emmy went to either one or the other of the 2 stars of this female cop drama on CBS
    DD: $6,600 22
May 28, 1961, when the newspaper story "The Forgotten Prisoners" ran, is considered the founding date of this organization
    $600 7
This armed "rising" began April 24, 1916 in Dublin
    $800 18
Spelled with an I you have a delicious dessert, but with an E, it's this 3-syllable dance that began in the Dominican Republic
    $800 12
A valuable collection or resource, or literally, a hidden pile of gold & jewels
    $800 10
The Krishna River is one of many that flow into this 839,000-square-mile bay, as it is, after all, an 839,000-square-mile bay
    $800 9
Long live the queen; she won two Emmys for playing Queen Elizabeth in "The Crown"
    $800 17
This group of diseases is paired with leukemia in the name of a society that invests in research to cure blood cancers
    $800 6
This 1807 act restricted U.S. trade with Britain & France
    $1000 13
"España Cañi", a song with 2/4 marching rhythm that builds slowly, is a traditional choice for this "two-step" dance
    $1000 4
In 1911 the Kenosha, Wisconsin Bijou advertised its new nitro this "for projecting motion pictures" on
    $1000 3
Lake Tengiz is in this large -stan that's on the northern border of 3 other -stans
    $1000 2
This series set at the Boston firm of Cage, Fish & Associates won as Best Comedy Series for 1999
    $1000 16
Founded to protect places & species threatened by human development, it got its name & its giant panda logo in 1961
    $1000 5
This ancient people inhabited an area between the Arno & Tiber rivers & west & south of the Apennines

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Nick Jake Yogesh
$0 $4,800 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nick Jake Yogesh
$1,000 $14,400 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Harriet Tubman & Harriet Jacobs are pictured on a set of stamps celebrating this; its general route is depicted on the back of the pane
    $400 30
At one point in "Vanity Fair", her 'do is said to be "in perfect order"; look at her with the good hair!
    $400 29
The imperial crypt of Dom Pedro I lies on the grounds of Independence Park in this largest Brazilian city
    $400 28
A 2023 miniseries tells the story of "Archie: The Man Who Became" this legendary star
    $400 27
Aputiak is another name for this snowy domed dwelling whose name means "house"
    $400 9
Here, a man holds this item fallen from the skies; call an expert in aerolithology, an old word for the study of them
    $800 25
A guitar, fiddle, banjo & mandolin are all featured on the 2024 stamp celebrating this uniquely American genre of music
    $800 24
The Widow Steavens helps care for the newborn baby of this Willa Cather title heroine
    $800 22
This final resting place in Manhattan of a president & his wife is the largest mausoleum in North America
    $800 23
In 2023 this dame portrayed Golda Meir in "Golda" & also narrated "Barbie"
    $800 21
Alex Trebek said he worked behind one of these, from the Latin for "to read"
    $800 8
Love ticks & these other little parasites with a minuscule name? Then acarology is for you!
    $1200 19
On the 250th anniv. of the 1st of these bodies, a stamp quotes its letter to King George III: "We ask but for peace, liberty & safety"
    $1200 13
The Swedish title of the first book about this heroine translates as "men who hate women"
    DD: $5,800 10
Cyrus the Great's tomb still stands at Pasargadae in this country, but his gold sarcophagus is gone
    $1200 18
Knighted in 1947, in 1970 he became the first actor to be named a baron
    $1200 20
A single member of the second order of angels, or any angelic baby
    $1200 1
Casting & tuning are parts of campanology, the art & science of these
    $1600 17
Captured by the James Webb Space Telescope & featured on a new stamp, are these pillars in the Eagle Nebula
    $1600 3
In an interview upon the release of this sequel, Margaret Atwood asked about Aunt Lydia, "How do you get to be such a person?"
    $1600 5
The inscription on this conquistador's tomb in Puerto Rico reads, "Here rest the bones of a valiant lion"
    $1600 15
He played C.S. Lewis in 1993's "Shadowlands"; in his role in "Freud's Last Session", he debates Lewis on the existence of God
    DD: $10,000 11
Spur-of-the-moment, or a piano piece that's meant to sound spontaneous, like Chopin's Opus 29
    $1600 6
Silvics is the study of these, & silviculture, the art of their propagation
    $2000 16
This Nobel Prize-winning author of "The Adventures of Augie March" wears a jaunty hat on his 2024 stamp
    $2000 2
"It was naturally of the essence that the young woman should be herself complex", wrote Henry James of this "Portrait of a Lady" heroine
    $2000 4
The tomb of this father of modern China lies on Purple Mountain in Nanjing
    $2000 14
They're the mom & daughter pictured here at a gala
    $2000 12
Head to the end of the alphabet, past yarmulke, for this skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy; the pope wears a white one
    $2000 7
Actinobiology studies the effect of this, whether in particle or electromagnetic form, on living things

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nick Jake Yogesh
$2,400 $14,400 $26,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1959 Bob Bartlett & Hiram Fong each won a coin flip to gain this alliterative title

Final scores:

Nick Jake Yogesh
$1 $1,999 $24,799
3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Nick Jake Yogesh
$7,800 $8,400 $26,800
10 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
26 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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