Suggest correction - #9039 - 2024-02-15

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    $400 24
Titles in the book series featuring this protagonist include "The Titan's Curse" & "The Battle of the Labyrinth"

Show #9039 - Thursday, February 15, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 2 quarterfinal game 9.


David Bederman, an attorney from Los Angeles, California

James Tyler, a senior editor from Blandon, Pennsylvania

Diandra D'Alessio, a technical writer from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: These are 8-letter words beginning with the letter F.)
    $200 28
Well-preserved sections of it run about 5,500 miles from Mount Hu near Dandong to Jiayu Pass in the Gansu province
    $200 26
Andrew Jackson appears on the bill of this denomination
    $200 30
The process of photosynthesis converts water & carbon dioxide into organic compounds & this gas
    $200 23
She sorts her songs based on the pens used to write them: fountain, quill or glitter gel; "You Need To Calm Down" is glitter gel
    $200 29
If you're a rich guy in an old movie, such as "Gilda", you keep your important papers in a wall safe behind this
    $200 21
Collective term for the traditional legends of a culture handed down orally
    $400 27
To the north, Minnesota is bordered by Manitoba & this other province
    $400 24
Titles in the book series featuring this protagonist include "The Titan's Curse" & "The Battle of the Labyrinth"
    $400 25
It's the branch of chemistry that studies elements & compounds containing little or no carbon, i.e. nonliving stuff
    $400 22
We are rabbit fans of this performer born Benito Martinez Ocasio in Puerto Rico in 1994
    $400 19
Dating back to the 1870s, it's the usual term for a burglar specializing in opening safes
    $400 20
A retailer's primary location, or for Sir Francis Drake, the Pelican
    $600 3
This largest city in Uganda was originally built on 7 hills at about 4,000 feet up
    $600 12
Economists get a taste of the outdoors at the Central Banking annual conferences in Jackson Hole in this state
    $600 11
It's the general term for a chemical process that converts a substance into a different one; give us your gut...
    $600 8
Of course fireworks burst across the sky-y-y in her video for "Firework"
    $600 15
In 2023, the Commerce Department lifted tariffs on this type of safe that helps protect children in many homes
    $600 16
This word meaning "spontaneous" is also the name of the channel that's home to the show "grown-ish"
    DD: $1,000 1
Once you come ashore from this gulf, you can enjoy the delights of Haiphong
    $800 4
Randy Rhoads helped create the Jackson brand of these, now owned by Fender
    $800 9
Mg is magnesium; Mn is this element
    $800 6
She's named in honor of her grandfather William; the rest of her name is Pirate Baird O'Connell
    $800 14
To secure winnings, Vegas hotels with room safes include this one on the downtown street of the same name, once Nevada's tallest
    $800 17
Found in Teflon, this dangerous gas has the symbol F
    $1000 2
The name of this fortress in Granada, Spain gets its name from Arabic for "the red one"
    $1000 5
New Orleans-born Mahalia Jackson, "The Queen of" this music style, sang at JFK's inauguration
    $1000 10
This unit with an animal name is used to measure extremely large numbers of atoms & other tiny particles
    $1000 7
This rapper, is like, totally from the San Fernando Valley
    $1000 13
A guard posted to say, "Who goes there?" to possible intruders; here he is as the logo of a safe company founded in 1930
    $1000 18
The theme for "Bolero" came to Ravel while on vacation, but he originally titled it this other dance

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Diandra James David
$4,800 $1,400 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Diandra James David
$7,000 $4,000 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will have something edible inside it.)
    $400 30
Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to buy this port city & West Florida for $10 mil, max; Napoleon said how about all of Louisiana for 15?
    $400 22
This icon, the focus of a blockbuster film & a Mattel mainstay, made it onto Forbes' list of the most powerful women of 2023
    $400 29
In 1956 Harry Coover received a patent for "alcohol-catalyzed cyano-acrylate adhesive compositions" or just "Super" this
    $400 28
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, of all the continents, this one has the fewest earthquakes
    $400 24
Sir Alec Guinness won a Tony for his performance in this play about poet Thomas, not musician Bob
    $400 27
Containing a veggie, it completes the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman..."
    DD: $5,000 21
The 6th century Peloponnesian League was a coalition of city-states led by this one big on the military
    $800 13
He briefly played in the minors in Baltimore before the Red Sox & his 1914 rookie card recently sold for more than $7 million
    $800 17
The pillar kind of this device loved by dogs was invented by... uh... we dunno; an early patent was ironically lost in a blaze
    $800 25
In 1968 this NYC school dropped "of Music" from its name to reflect its broader scope that includes dance & drama
    $800 23
In this play named for a Danish city, the spirits of Heisenberg & Niels Bohr come together to discuss a meeting they once had there
    $800 26
There's a fruit inside this word meaning "marked with small patches" such as "of sunlight"
    $1200 18
In 1994 U.S. diplomats got this country's deposed President Aristide reinstated just in time to head off an invasion
    $1200 12
In 2009 it was revealed that Joy is the first name of this pancake syrup spokescharacter
    $1200 14
Inventor Dan Klitsner said he was working on a zany remote control for kids when he came up with this '90s hit toy
    $1200 9
More than 6,000 athletes from some 40 countries compete in these games, the Olympics of the Western Hemisphere
    $1200 4
It ends with Malcolm saying, "So thanks to all at once and to each one, whom we invite to see us crowned at Scone"
    $1200 1
There's lunch meat nestled in this cloth used for polishing
    $1600 19
In 2023 Saudi Arabia resumed diplomatic work in this other Arab country a decade after ending it due to the long Civil War
    $1600 10
The leg warmers may be gone but 50 years after Judi Sheppard Missett founded this dance & fitness franchise, it's still going strong
    $1600 15
In 1978 Julio Palmaz heard a talk about the problem of arteries re-closing after surgery & invented this tube to hold them open
    $1600 7
With a Russian name meaning "union" & launched in the '60s, it's the longest operational manned spacecraft program in history
    $1600 5
The musical "My Fair Lady" was based on this play by George Bernard Shaw
    $1600 2
The English word for unagi is inside this old pirate torture where you got dragged by ropes under the ship
    $2000 20
In 1956 this U.N. Secretary-General from Sweden worked with Canada's Lester Pearson to resolve the Suez Crisis
    $2000 11
Miyawaki is the last name of the "Your Best American Girl" indie rock goddess who goes by this single name
    $2000 16
Puppets dancing to steel drums in Port of Spain on this island inspired the design of those wiggly tube dudes in front of car dealers
    $2000 8
The youngest veep at 36, John Breckinridge served under this president before running against Lincoln for president
    DD: $3,000 6
This 2005 Pulitzer Prize winner by John Patrick Shanley is set in a Bronx Catholic school in 1964
    $2000 3
Help yourself to a piece of dessert within this word meaning lack of reverence

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Diandra James David
$24,600 $12,800 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The distance between its 2 legs at ground level is 630 feet, making it as wide as it is tall

Final scores:

Diandra James David
$23,599 $0 $0
Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Diandra James David
$19,200 $12,800 $7,600
23 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
18 R,
1 W
13 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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