Suggest correction - #9032 - 2024-02-06

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    $1200 3
In a Shrike Commander, Bob Hoover perfected a routine of aerobatics, landing & taxiing all deadstick, i.e. this

Show #9032 - Tuesday, February 6, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 2 quarterfinal game 2.


Matt Harvey, a healthcare administrator from Providence, Rhode Island

Crystal Zhao, a tech consultant from Bloomington, Minnesota

Deb Bilodeau, a restaurant server from San Francisco, California

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
(Ken: You'll need to name both books by the same author that we've combined here.)
(Ken: You'll name the character.)
    $200 30
This portable device from Sony was introduced & quickly became one of the company's most popular consumer products
    $200 22
"'Salem's Sematary"
    $200 1
Who knew? These on footwear have dulled rowels designed not to puncture the animal's skin
    $200 29
Act I, Scene v of a Shakespeare play finds this title pair meeting at a masked ball
    $200 28
Him: "If my aunt finds out I left my class trip, she's going to kill me"
    $200 26
This division in men's professional boxing has an upper limit of 126 pounds
    $400 20
Making it the world's 6th nuclear power, in 1974 this nation set off its first atomic test, dubbed "Operation Smiling Buddha"
    $400 21
"In Cold Tiffany's"
    $400 25
I realized bluffing didn't get you too far in the event called cowboy this, in which a bull helps players know when to fold 'em
    $400 23
In 1953 these 2 men teamed up to sell 31 flavors of ice cream
    $400 27
    $400 24
I went down to this type of public protest to get my fair share of abuse
    $600 19
This woman was the first person Lorne Michaels cast when he was putting together "Saturday Night Live"
    $600 4
"A Room to India"
    $600 2
No joke, bullfighter (not that kind) is another name for this rodeo performer who helps out when a rider hits the dirt
    $600 5
They were first paired up in the RKO film "Flying Down to Rio"; "Top Hat" was a more successful venture for them & the studio
    $600 7
Stepping up in "Endgame":
"The radiation's mostly gamma, it's like... I was made for this"
    $600 18
If you know what a hungry Liz is, thank Jesse Sheidlower & colleagues in this job for the "Historical Dict. of American Slang"
    $800 14
A 1971 Supreme Court decision opened the road for this transit-based method of integrating U.S. schools
    $800 3
"A Farewell to the Sea"
    $800 11
I thought it would be longer, but a male rider only has to stay on a bronc this long to get a score in a rough stock event
    $800 6
This duo that figured out a double-stranded structure shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Maurice Wilkins
    $800 8
Asked if he knows what he's doing:
"Yeah. I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times"
    $800 16
In the Army it's an officer whose job is to provide clothing & sustenance to a body of troops
    $1000 9
He gradually lost popular support through the decade, leading to his ouster & the formation of an Islamic Republic
    $1000 10
"A Prayer for Garp"
    $1000 12
What better way to start off than a trip to this Alberta city's Stampede that's been a-hootin' & a-hollerin' since 1912
    DD: $2,300 15
Depending on whose journal you read, it was either in October or November of 1871 when they first met at Lake Tanganyika
    $1000 13
Keeping it real in "Age of Ultron":
"Well, I was born yesterday"
    $1000 17
It's part of the full name of JFK, but not of LGA

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Deb Crystal Matt
$1,700 $600 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deb Crystal Matt
$3,500 $1,600 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Notable performances from the NPR series.)
    $400 28
20 degrees east longitude is the arbitrarily chosen boundary between the Atlantic & this body of water
    $400 25
The excavated layers of this ancient city have been numbered I through IX, with VI possibly being from the Homeric Age
    $400 27
The F-16 has the alliterative name "Fighting" this speedy type of raptor
    $400 29
This woman + The Machine performed "Ship To Wreck" from their album "How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful"
    $400 30
Born in Tulsa in 1962, this country singer known for "The Dance" once tried his hand at baseball while already famous
    $400 21
When you're eager either to leave or to hop on your Pogo stick, you might say "gotta" this
    $800 18
Icebergs are common in the Davis Strait, which runs between Baffin Island & this even bigger island
    $800 24
The layers of a company's hierarchy appear in this type of chart, a term popularized in the early 1900s by Willard C. Brinton
    $800 26
This Grumman & amphibious plane, essential to the defenders of Bataan, is not named for an amphibian, but for a water bird
    $800 23
Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, Jon Batiste & Trombone Shorty all hail from this "Crescent City" & showcased bounce hits
    $800 22
This "Invisible Man" author made his first appearance March 1, 1914 in Oklahoma City
    $800 20
A British way of saying goodbye is this, which sounds like a single piece of a circular General Mills cereal
    $1200 8
The city of Colón is this country's major Atlantic port
    $1200 11
It's the MD in MDA, an agency working to create a layered system to keep foreign enemies from striking America from afar
    $1200 3
In a Shrike Commander, Bob Hoover perfected a routine of aerobatics, landing & taxiing all deadstick, i.e. this
    $1200 13
The "T" on the 2014 performance of this future winner on "The Masked Singer" is that he sang "Buy U A Drank" sans Auto-Tune
    $1200 10
This Oklahoma-born guy nicknamed "Gordo" & "Hot Dog" had the "right stuff" for NASA's Mercury & Gemini program
    $1200 1
At a White House correspondents' dinner, Pres. Obama said goodbye with one of these actions that could have hurt the equipment
    $1600 7
This river flows into the Atlantic in a giant delta that begins about 400 miles southeast of Caracas
    $1600 5
This outermost layer of the Sun can't be seen with the naked eye, unless you use an instrument that adds -graph to the end of the word
    $1600 4
70 years after Louis Blériot first did it, the human-powered Gossamer Albatross flew across this body of water in 1979
    $1600 12
This Motown legend played "The Tears Of A Clown" & "Cruisin'" during his Tiny Desk Concert
    DD: $4,000 9
This folk singer was born in Okemah in 1912 & named for President Wilson
    $1600 2
This word used for wishing someone well on their upcoming journey sounds like it could be Thor's time in a sprint
    $2000 17
Ponta Delgada on São Miguel is the capital of this island group that's about 1,000 miles west of Lisbon
    $2000 6
This "wall" that protects your internal organs has 9 layers, including muscles & connective tissue called fascia
    DD: $4,000 19
During World War II, one job of the Howard DGA-15 was as a Navy air ambulance with this bird name that's associated with nursing
    $2000 16
This acerbic songwriter sang about "Putin puttin' his pants on one leg at a time”
    $2000 15
This radio legend, famous for giving us "The Rest of the Story", received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005
    $2000 14
As this 8-letter word can mean "goodbye forever" in Japan, most Japanese people don't use it that often

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deb Crystal Matt
$10,700 $5,200 $16,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 1902 work says an enigmatic character has a half-English mom & a half-French dad, but this name of his is German for "short"

Final scores:

Deb Crystal Matt
$10,700 $4,900 $10,599
Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Deb Crystal Matt
$13,000 $5,200 $17,600
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $35,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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