Suggest correction - #9001 - 2023-12-25

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    $1000 10
In England, you stay on your best behavior by "minding your" these 2 letters

Show #9001 - Monday, December 25, 2023

2023-2024 Second Chance competition week 1, final game 2.


Iris Masucci, a pharmacist from Rockville, Maryland (subtotal of $2,400)

Jason Carpenter, a stand-up comic from Santa Rosa Valley, California (subtotal of $16,200)

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada (subtotal of $51,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
Chadwick Boseman starred as Jackie Robinson in the 2013 biopic with this name--er, number
    $200 30
Built by an English engineer around 1829, Stephenson's Rocket was a greatly improved one of these steam-driven transports
    $200 29
Scripts to master in this art of beautiful handwriting include copperplate & Spencerian
    $200 28
If you "paint the town" this color, you're out having a good time
    $200 26
this country after crossing its border with Chile, then we'll head directly east & zip into Uruguay
    $200 27
"Now when Jesus was born in" this town, "there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem"
    $400 12
She was up for a Golden Glove... I mean, a Golden Globe... for playing catcher Dottie Hinson in "A League of Their Own"
    $400 15
Anything from a stubbed toe to a nuclear meltdown can be attributed to this principle bearing a surname
    $400 22
Originally called Number Place, this puzzle got its more familiar name after appearing in a Japanese magazine
    $400 24
A person you're having obsessive thoughts about is "living" this cost-related way "in your head"
    $400 25
this Arizona town from Dodge City as Wyatt Earp did to join his brothers in 1879
    $400 23
"She brought forth her firstborn son... and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them" at this place
    $600 11
Robert Redford's Roy Hobbs puts on his own stadium light show with a home run for the ages in this movie
    $600 14
For many years "Betcha can't eat just one" was an ad slogan for these chips named for Herman W.
    $600 16
Folks pursuing this -alogy speak of frustrating "burned counties" where courthouse records have been lost
    $600 21
This heavily memed phrase of dismissive farewell was uttered by Ice Cube in "Friday"
    $600 20
this province of Spain with a plain where the rain helps grow its famous oranges
    $600 19
"When they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts": these 3 items
    $800 3
& today (today), I consider myself (myself) the luckiest man to say he starred as Lou Gehrig in "The Pride of the Yankees"
    $800 1
One of these eponymous "rules" is that to conduct business, a quorum must be present
    $800 17
Not just cucumbers are used in this craft that employs Mason jars, vinegar & spices
    $800 6
The pleasure of not being part of a trend can be expressed as JOMO, short for this
    $800 8
this capital on the Mediterranean whose name in Arabic is Tarabulus
    $800 18
"And when they were departed... the angel of the Lord" said take the child & his mom & "flee into" this present-day nation
    $1000 4
This 1993 film about kids who play ball in a certain vacant area includes the classic line "You're killing me, Smalls!"
    $1000 2
On January 30, 1968, CBS broadcast the reopening of this D.C. landmark; the stage had been dark for 103 years
    DD: $2,000 5
It's a period in British history, or a hobby involving refurbishing old cars
    $1000 10
In England, you stay on your best behavior by "minding your" these 2 letters
    $1000 7
the Strait of Tiran & on into this gulf at the top of the Red Sea, part of the very Middle-East-centric Q-no-U atlas
    $1000 9
This king "gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people" & "demanded of them where Christ should be born"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Juveria Jason Iris
$2,800 $400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Jason Iris
$5,000 $3,800 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
In addition to cranking out mystery novels, she wrote "The Mousetrap", which ran nonstop in London for over 60 years
    $400 29
When they aren't in any special hurry, the Galapagos giant type of these travel at about .16 miles per hour
    $400 28
In 1984 she wanted to know, "What's Love Got To Do With It"
    $400 27
The "Convict Era" of this nation's history spans 1788 to 1868, when some 160,000 prisoners were transported there
    $400 26
The mythic Annie Christmas was near 7 feet tall & kept bullies in line on the docks of New Orleans by this river
    $400 25
Abstemious is a synonym for this 5-letter adjective
    $800 12
Awarded the Nobel Prize for her truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China, she kept typing away through a long life
    $800 23
Widely abundant throughout the United States, it's the aptly named game fish seen here
    $800 17
In 1989 she knocked Milli Vanilli's "Girl I'm Gonna Miss You" out of the top spot with her own "Miss You Much"
    DD: $800 22
This "Age" began in the 1930s with the advent of a new type of engine, though it didn't take off for a decade or so
    $800 19
The 2011 rom-com "Jumping the Broom" is named for a Black American tradition during this life event
    $800 24
It's the "S" in SJW, a mocking term for an overly progressive person
    $1200 10
"Vicki" Baum is best known for her 1929 novel about a group of people thrown together that became this Greta Garbo film
    $1200 20
Global warming is taking its toll on this biodiverse ecosystem that extends in the ocean for about 1,400 miles
    $1200 1
While Kim Carnes sang about "Bette Davis Eyes", this pair's "Private Eyes" were watching you
    $1200 18
Last & longest of the 3 periods of the Mesozoic era
    $1200 4
This Harvard professor's "The Signifying Monkey" traces the bond between Black oral tradition & literature
    $1200 5
A form of talc, it's used by tailors not to wash their hands but, in the form of "French chalk", to mark cloth
    $1600 8
Educated at Smith College & Cambridge, she works on a poem here
    DD: $5,000 9
This plant whose Italian name means "beautiful woman" produces beautiful but poisonous berries
    $1600 15
He was on a Rick roll with his chart-toppers "Never Gonna Give You Up" & "Together Forever"
    $1600 6
Britannica says this late 19th c. era featured "gross materialism & blatant political corruption" in the United States
    $1600 2
In 1895 the exploits of a mack daddy in St. Louis by the name of "Lee" Shelton gave birth to this oft-recorded blues song
    $1600 14
Starring Whoopi Goldberg, "Sarafina!" is about South African students fighting apartheid in this township
    $2000 11
Young, gifted & Black, this playwright poses with her typewriter for a Vogue shoot in 1959
    $2000 13
Greek for "scale" & "wing", it's the insect order that includes moths & butterflies
    $2000 16
Remakes of 2 Tommy James & the Shondells hits became back-to-back No. 1s, this song by Tiffany followed by "Mony Mony"
    $2000 7
The name of this period when animal life "exploded" on Earth comes from Cymru, or Wales, where many fossils have been found
    $2000 3
This language also known as Geechee is spoken along the southeastern coast of the United States
    $2000 21
It's just a fancy French word for a nickname or epithet

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Jason Iris
$19,600 $15,800 $7,000
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this animal that died in 1885 after being struck by a train that subsequently derailed lives on as an adjective

Final scores:

Juveria Jason Iris
$19,600 $25,800 $2,000

Cumulative scores:

Juveria Jason Iris
$70,800 $42,000 $4,400
Tournament champion: $35,000 + advance to the 2023 Champions Wildcard tournament 1st runner-up: $20,000 2nd runner-up: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Juveria Jason Iris
$16,200 $17,800 $7,000
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $41,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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