Suggest correction - #9000 - 2023-12-22

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    $600 9
It comes "on little cat feet" according to Carl Sandburg, so let up on the gas

Show #9000 - Friday, December 22, 2023

2023-2024 Second Chance competition week 1, final game 1.


Iris Masucci, a pharmacist from Rockville, Maryland

Jason Carpenter, a stand-up comic from Santa Rosa Valley, California

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
A big motorboat dyes the Chicago River & a smaller one churns the water to get it green in about 45 minutes to celebrate this annual event
    $200 11
2-word title of "A Celebration of the Sesame Street Theme Song"
    $200 30
This Michael Lewis bestseller is subtitled "The Art of Winning an Unfair Game"
    $200 23
Leland Stanford railroaded his policies through as governor of this state in 1862 & '63
    $200 29
Mongolia's once vast grasslands are being degraded by overgrazing of the goats that produce this soft sweater fabric
    $200 25
This carol was first performed in Austria on Christmas Eve in 1818 as "Stille Nacht"
    $400 27
2020 was the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking of the 100-story building & office space, then named for this retail company
    $400 10
Type of evening in the title of a 1923 Frost poem
    $400 16
In 2010 a Paris court gave Manuel Noriega 7 years in prison for this crime of disguising the source of illegal proceeds
    $400 22
The 1850s Utah War began with "Buchanan's Blunder", when President Buchanan moved to replace this man as governor
    $400 26
A tender feeling leading to kind treatment, or a synonym for the fontanel on babies' heads
    $400 24
In "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", we want you to bring us some of this dessert that looks more like a cake
    $600 5
In a 1998 victory speech, this Bulls coach told an adoring Chicago crowd, "This was our last dance & it was a wonderful waltz"
    $600 9
It comes "on little cat feet" according to Carl Sandburg, so let up on the gas
    $600 19
In the title of their debut album, The Black Crowes advised listeners to shake this
    $600 2
Richard Bellingham, a real governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, turns up in this novel & lets Hester keep her child
    $600 18
Often bigger than the objects of previous cuddleable crazes, these soft favorites were only launched in 2017
    $600 12
It's the title question that follows "said the little lamb to the shepherd boy"
    $800 4
In 1968, Vietnam War protesters clashed with the National Guard near the Hilton as this VP was to receive the Democratic nomination for president
    $800 7
Pirates be roaming in the novel titled this condition "in Jamaica"
    $800 20
This larval word describes one preoccupied with wealth
    $800 1
Not much is named for Eliot Spitzer, but the Hall of Human Origins in this Central Park West museum is named for his parents
    $800 17
Ken Jeong is now a spokesman for this soft bathroom brand with a fiber in its name
    $800 13
The words to this song first appeared in a church magazine in 1849
    DD: $1,000 6
Nearly 250,000 gathered to see Obama's 2008 victory speech in Chicago's front yard, this park named for another president
    $1000 8
Saul Bellow's Henderson gets this appellation in Africa
    $1000 21
Many men have lightened their billfolds by carrying this; JFK's was gold with an image of St. Christopher
    $1000 3
On that fateful 1963 day in Dallas, this Texas governor suffered 3 broken ribs, a shattered wrist & a punctured lung
    $1000 15
Sand, silt & clay combine to form this other 4-letter type of soil that's rich, soft & good for gardening
    $1000 14
One carol says he "looked out on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Juveria Jason Iris
$5,200 $2,000 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Jason Iris
$8,800 $2,600 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
Opened to Londoners in 2000, the Millennium Pedestrian Bridge is one of the newer ones to cross over this river
    $400 26
A series of articles in the L.A. Times about people dying in their sleep, perhaps during bad dreams, inspired this 1984 film
    $400 27
When Isaac Newton died in 1727, this 21-year-old Philadelphia clerk was still a few years away from taking up science
    $400 28
A chewable gelatinous candy, perhaps flavored with fruit, perhaps containing cannabis
    $400 29
Term for the organism that provides nutrition to a parasite, not always willingly or knowingly
    $400 30
Later to have a long-running TV variety show, she won her first Emmy in 1962 for work on "The Garry Moore Show"
    $800 5
Hindus consider it the most sacred river in India
    $800 24
Christopher Nolan said he got inspired to make "Oppenheimer" after this "Twilight" star gifted him a book of Oppie's speeches
    $800 19
She arrived in England from Virginia in June 1616, in time to take in a new masque by Ben Jonson
    $800 23
It means to dress up (& maybe perform) as a character from comic books, video games, movies etc.
    $800 10
This class of animals whose name indicates 2 habitats is extra menaced by climate change as warming of either home means trouble
    $800 21
Like her brother, Carl, Carol Lewis excelled in this field event & set a U.S. indoor record of 22' 3" in 1985
    $1200 2
Manama & Bushehr are on this body that was at the center of fighting in 1991 & again in the 2000s
    $1200 1
While writing "Boyz N the Hood", John Singleton drew inspiration from this Rob Reiner film based on a Stephen King tale
    DD: $10,000 7
J.S. Bach & this great German-British composer were born a few weeks & a few dozen miles apart in 1685
    $1200 22
Abbreviated MSM, it refers to traditional or established outlets of information
    $1200 9
It's the collective word for all the DNA, RNA, whateverna in an organism
    $1200 20
Carol II, pre-WWII king of this northern Balkan land, lost support due to his liaison with the mysterious Magda Lupescu
    $1600 3
More than 300 rivers & streams flow into this deep Russian lake, but only one flows out--the Angara
    $1600 14
James DeMonaco, writer of this film, had the idea after road rage made his wife wish for vengeance, a "free one a year!"
    $1600 11
In 1794 Thomas Jefferson wrote that he hoped the execution of this man marked a return to moderation in the French Revolution
    $1600 15
Alliterative term meaning a benefit that accrues to a larger community, not an individual
    DD: $10,000 4
This adjective for the organ that gives nutrients to the fetus describes all mammals except marsupials & a few even weirder ones
    $1600 18
Director Carol Reed was nominated for an Oscar for this 1949 Cold War thriller set in Austria & starring Joseph Cotten
    $2000 6
Passamaquoddy Bay between Maine & New Brunswick, Canada is an inlet of this bay famous for its high tides
    $2000 13
Orson Welles' "The Magnificent Ambersons" was an inspiration for this 2001 Wes Anderson movie about an affluent family
    $2000 12
Working from Indian miniatures, Rembrandt sketched this contemporary & Taj Mahal builder
    $2000 16
From meteorology, it's a long, narrow current of water-soaked air moving horizontally above the Earth
    $2000 8
As a pairing in biology class, A&P is amoeba, which moves using pseudopods, & this protist that moves with hairlike cilia
    $2000 17
In 1992, this Democrat from Illinois became the first African-American woman elected to the Senate

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Jason Iris
$45,600 $10,600 $6,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

On July 19, 1940 Hitler called this man a warmonger & wrongly predicted he would flee to Canada

Final scores:

Juveria Jason Iris
$51,200 $16,200 $2,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Juveria Jason Iris
$28,400 $10,600 $6,400
32 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $45,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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