Suggest correction - #8988 - 2023-12-06

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    $200 30
A bite-size piece of chicken

Show #8988 - Wednesday, December 6, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Hearts quarterfinal game 6.


Patrick Hume, a client operations director from Van Nuys, California

Kate Freeman, a financial manager originally from Lake Orion, Michigan

Ed Coulson, an economics and real estate professor from Dana Point, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the work.)
    $200 10
These small glass or plastic dishes used to culture microorganisms are named for a German bacteriologist
    $200 3
Arthur Freed published the lyrics to this in the 1920s but it took another 2 decades plus for Gene Kelly to immortalize it
    $200 21
This house in Massachusetts is actually on Turner Street, not Pyncheon Street as in the 1851 novel
    $200 23
A memoir:
"On Feb. 4, 2004... Larry drove me to the women's prison in Danbury, Connecticut"
    $200 24
Trust your friends--don't pass up this type of set-up evening, also the title of several TV shows including one Nikki Glaser hosted
    $200 30
A bite-size piece of chicken
    $400 6
373.15 is the boiling point of water on the scale named for this Scottish scientist
    $400 2
In 1984 Prince "never meant 2 cause U any sorrow" with this colorful tune
    $400 20
Hansel could tell you that building one of these houses requires more sugar than timber
    $400 22
By Stephen King: "The inmates made jokes about the chair... they called it Old Sparky, or the Big Juicy"
    $400 25
Despite the pandemic & post-#MeToo caution, the organization SHRM says 1/3 of American workers have found love here
    $400 29
Take aim at this "date" set for completion of a task
    $600 7
Galileo used a supernova in 1604 to disprove this ancient Greek's theory that the universe never changes
    $600 1
In 1970 this "Travelin' Band" wondered "Who'll Stop The Rain"
    $600 19
Billed as "the most shocking tale of carnage ever seen", Rob Zombie's first movie was titled "House of 1000" these
    DD: $1,000 12
This 1849 work says, "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is... prison"
    $600 26
You're a Gemini? An astrologer might suggest a lover born under this water bearer sign for a really deep connection
    $600 14
Rise to the occasion & say this informal word for an outfit or costume
    $800 8
Christiaan Huygens was an early telescope developer & found the moon Titan when he looked at this planet
    $800 4
"I Go Swimming" appeared on the album this British singer plays live
    $800 16
From words for "house study", it's the study of the relations of organisms to one another & to their environment
    $800 11
"Dantes crossed the awful threshold and the door closed noisily behind him... he was in prison"
    $800 27
Maybe you'll find one on this app with a buzzy name, founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd
    $800 13
Do you recollect this plant seen here?
    $1000 9
Introduced in 1855, his process using blasts of air to remove impurities made the mass production of steel possible
    $1000 5
The 2 title items in this Carpenters tune, No. 2 in '71, "always get me down"
    $1000 18
In 1899 the first juvenile court in the nation was organized at this Chicago house co-founded by Jane Addams
    $1000 17
"At last news arrived... that Raskolnikov shunned everybody and that in prison he was unpopular with the convicts"
    $1000 28
Just remember that the root of this word for a strong, often one-sided attachment is Latin fatuus, "foolish"
    $1000 15
A plain in northwest Tanzania

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ed Kate Patrick
$2,600 $200 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Kate Patrick
$4,400 $2,200 $7,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
In the wee hours of Jan. 7, 2023 he was elected Speaker of the House on the 15th ballot; he was voted out about 9 months later
    $400 26
In a nursery rhyme it precedes "pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her"
    $400 28
Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley wrote a poem about a "Little Orphant" named this who would later inspire a comic strip
    $400 21
Mealie is the name for this cereal plant that is used to make mush & batters
    $400 29
In 1883 Melvil Dewey took this job at Columbia College
    $400 30
The representation of a number in the decimal system is called its decimal expansion; for 1/4, it's this
    $800 25
A Connecticut town gave its name to this tick-borne disease that was first identified in the 1970s
    $800 22
It's the name of the Darlings' nursemaid/dog in "Peter Pan", or what you might call your grandmother
    $800 7
Even with inflation this "Peanuts" character was always willing to give her advice for 5 cents
    $800 20
Doro wat, stewed chicken often eaten with injera bread, is a national dish of this East African country
    $800 23
They're Donald Duck's 3 nephews
    $800 24
Each numeral from 0 to 9 is a decimal one of these, from a word meaning "finger"
    $1200 13
A flexible spine allows this fastest dog breed to have all 4 feet off the ground at the same time when galloping
    $1200 8
In 2015, these '80s legends released "Paper Gods", their 14th studio album
    $1200 6
It followed the imaginative adventures of a 6-year-old boy & his trusty toy tiger
    $1200 17
Angola's cuisine is influenced by this European country that brought ingredients from its Brazilian colony
    $1200 15
Jazz instrument on which Miles Dewey Davis III was a legendary virtuoso
    $1200 1
Though not required, "trailing" these to the right of a decimal point are often used to show levels of accuracy
    $1600 11
1978 saw the deaths of 2 popes: Paul VI & then, less than 2 months later, this pope
    $1600 9
This Washington city famous for its sweet onions has been described as "the town so nice they named it twice"
    $1600 5
You could say it's wife Helga who wears the skins in the family in this strip
    DD: $3,000 18
Granular semolina goes by this name which is also the name of a stew made in Morocco, Algeria & Tunisia
    $1600 14
On May 1, 1898 Commodore George Dewey & his fleet sailed into this bay
    $1600 2
One of the 2 baseball statistics, both expressed to 3 decimal places, that make up the stat OPS
    $2000 12
"Deep in my heart, I do believe" this folk song has been called the anthem of the civil rights movement
    $2000 10
In 2015, a new member of the panda family was born at the Smithsonian National Zoo & given this name, not Newborn
    $2000 4
Though his original strip ended in 1975, this character lives on as Georgia's state 'possum
    $2000 19
They go gaga in Ouagadougou for riz gras, this country's national dish of rice with cabbage & eggplant
    DD: $3,000 16
U.S. educator & psychologist John Dewey helped develop this philosophic branch associated with William James
    $2000 3
Founded in 1792, it reported prices in 1/8 or 1/16 of a dollar before moving to a decimal system in the 21st century

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Kate Patrick
$14,600 $9,000 $10,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Subject of a 2003 film, his 1947 obituary said he fathered at least 100 & died of a heart attack at 14, at a California ranch

Final scores:

Ed Kate Patrick
$20,401 $7,799 $18,001
Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ed Kate Patrick
$13,600 $10,000 $13,200
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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