Suggest correction - #8985 - 2023-12-01

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    $600 15
This Aerosmith power ballad says, "Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for the tear"

Show #8985 - Friday, December 1, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Hearts quarterfinal game 3.


Brianne Barker, a biology professor from Madison, New Jersey

Bryce Hwang, an ophthalmology resident from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Garrett Marcotte, a software engineer from Boulder, Colorado

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will be an ingredient mentioned in the Scottish play.)
    $200 30
It cost $1.5 million to build by 1889 but now can be yours! We'll even throw in its antenna! Say oui to this while you can!
    $200 1
Testis is Latin for this participant in a trial; can I get a testis?!
    $200 29
Use a whole toad but only the toe of this similar creature--you want that subtle flavor
    $200 27
A Japanese-style grill
(7 letters)
    $200 28
If you're frigophobic, you won't like your pease porridge this way
    $200 26
In an interview, this Aerosmith frontman said, "Your kids never think of you as a rock god"
    $400 23
151 feet tall, Manhattan adjacent, it comes with 29-foot reading lamp attached!
    $400 20
Meaning "under the penalty", you've been served! (with this word from Latin, right now)
    $400 22
Instead of cilantro, we'll use slips of yew slivered during one of these of the Moon
    $400 18
A plant eater
(9 letters)
    $400 25
If Mary's lamb had didaskaleinophobia, it would have been too scared to follow her here
    $400 24
Aerosmith sang she's "got a gun"--"What did her daddy do?"
    $600 2
4,500 years old, its royal headdress of limestone makes it the finest in noseless architecture!
    $600 19
If you're "not of sound mind" to stand trial, you're this 3-word Latin phrase
    $600 21
You'll get a nice crunch with scale of dragon & this sharp item from a wolf
    $600 17
A fraud or a fake
(4 letters)
    $600 5
Georgie Porgie didn't suffer from philemaphobia, a fear of this
    $600 15
This Aerosmith power ballad says, "Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for the tear"
    $800 9
You'll take "El Gigante", a 72-foot one of the Moai, or stone statues on this island? Great, now let's talk shipping
    DD: $1,000 8
This Latin word, still used today, originally meant "he pledged"; today, it's a sworn written statement
    $800 12
Root of this, the plant that killed Socrates; not hard to find at a good organic produce store
    $800 13
Steeplechase barrier
(6 letters)
    $800 4
While Mary, Mary was quite contrary, she didn't seem to have anthophobia, a fear of these
    $800 3
Aerosmith covered "Come Together" in this 1978 movie that starred Peter Frampton & the Bee Gees
    $1000 10
Sure, it's 1,815 feet tall, but its elevators can rise at 20 feet per second! You'll be home in Toronto in no time!
    $1000 7
If the movie title had some Latin, Paul Newman would've starred in "The Iudicium", or this
    $1000 11
Cool it with the blood of this large, colorful African monkey & you're done--who wants to taste?
    $1000 14
Excessive arrogance or pride
(6 letters)
    $1000 6
As he may have had peniaphobia, a fear of poverty, he was in the counting-house counting all his money
    $1000 16
"I Don't Want To Miss A Thing", Aerosmith's first No. 1 hit, was from this movie

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Garrett Bryce Brianne
$7,200 -$400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Garrett Bryce Brianne
$7,800 $2,800 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Because he ruled a different country from the other two.)
    $400 25
Eve Plumb said, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" as this middle daughter on "The Brady Bunch"
    $400 24
A pool shark playing these knows the ball hits the side & bounces off at the same one
    $400 28
Even though I'm a Beefmaster cow, one of the six essential qualities I fulfill is the ability to give this
    $400 26
Henry VII,
Louis XIV,
Richard III
    $400 30
"The period before a short stroll", or the introductory statement of the U.S. Constitution
    $400 29
In the epic "Argonautica", Eros' arrow makes Medea fall in love with this man
    $800 4
In this 1978 film Eve Arden plays the principal who threatens a cocky T-Bird with "banging erasers after school"
    $800 23
The line along which a bishop in chess moves, it cuts a square into 2 triangles
    $800 27
I know you've got to keep tabs, so sure, put that RFID tag on this part where they usually go on cattle
    $800 14
Frederick the Great,
Ivan the Terrible,
Peter the Great
    $800 22
"To prepare for an exam insufficiently", or a Broadway acting replacement
    $800 20
In Greek myth Eros was often the son of this love & beauty goddess by any of several godly fathers
    $1200 7
Eve is the first name of this character played by Naomie Harris in "Skyfall"
    $1200 3
This term meaning "having two equal sides" usually refers to triangles but can also be used of trapezoids
    $1200 15
I'm a Duroc pig, raised for this rendered fat
    $1200 12
Edward I,
Oskar I,
Gustav I
    $1200 21
"Put on that frock again", or right a wrong
    $1200 19
The Romans called Eros Cupid or this, which they also put after "Omnia Vincit"
    $1600 6
Anne Baxter played Evelyn Heath in "Guest in the House" & Eve Harrington in this 1950 film
    $1600 2
Some of the dimensions of the Parthenon resemble the "golden" type of this quadrangle
    $1600 16
As I am this breed, you might wanna keep your distance
    $1600 11
Frederick III,
Nicholas II,
Wilhelm II
    DD: $1,000 18
"A colossal brim of a cap", or an overseeing manager
    $1600 9
Hesiod listed Eros as one of the primordial deities along with Gaia & this amorphous, messy one
    $2000 5
In this 1957 film Joanne Woodward had a trio of personalities including Eve White & Eve Black
    $2000 1
A spheroid might say, you can call me prolate or this, like the Earth--just don't call me late for dinner
    $2000 17
Don't worry, I show no signs of this, FMD for short--the U.S. hasn't had an outbreak since 1929 & let's keep it that way
    $2000 10
Carloman II,
Ferdinand VII,
Juan Carlos I
    $2000 13
"A school class for a prisoner", or a large open space for crowds at an airport
    DD: $7,000 8
This word for the mind shares a name with a girl loved by Eros

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Garrett Bryce Brianne
$27,400 $10,400 $12,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Goshute, a Western people, called this vast body of water Teittse Paa, meaning "bad water"

Final scores:

Garrett Bryce Brianne
$27,400 $10,400 $4,399
Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Garrett Bryce Brianne
$22,800 $10,400 $12,600
23 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
17 R,
4 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $45,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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