Suggest correction - #8956 - 2023-10-23

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    $400 6
We know the conqueror seen here by this name

Show #8956 - Monday, October 23, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Diamonds quarterfinal game 2.


Leah Wiegand, a stay-at-home mom from Austin, Texas

Pasquale Palumbo, a financial advisor from Hawthorne, New York

Isaac Applebaum, a corporate development analyst from Mountain View, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
In 1638 the first class was in at this university, which consisted of 1 master in a single frame house & a college "yahd"
    $200 29
Mitch Hedberg:
"I like" this grain. It "is great when you're hungry & you want 2,000 of something"
    $200 7
She was in Kenya when she learned she had become queen on February 6, 1952
    $200 12
Also a fireplace implement
    $200 28
Created by Bill Watterson, this comic strip kid says of class bully Moe, "Never argue with a 6-year-old who shaves"
    $200 16
"Fight" this "with fire"
    $400 1
This university was formed around 1209 by people fleeing "town & gown" tensions in Oxford
    $400 3
This "Price is Right" host: "Hate your job? There's a support group for that--it's called everybody. They meet at a bar"
    $400 8
An Asian prime minister for 15 years, she was called "Indu" for short
    $400 13
A war vessel of the most heavily armed class
    $400 27
Line that precedes "they simply fade away" in a British army song
    $400 17
An American proverb says, "Money begets" this
    $600 2
Around 1257 the apparently unbashful theologian Robert de Sorbon founded the Sorbonne at the Univ. of this
    $600 4
A. Whitney Brown:
"I'm a" this "not because I love animals, but because I hate plants"
    $600 9
In 1767 this "Great" empress called a commission on legal reform
    $600 14
A hand weapon made of leather-covered metal
    $600 26
"He that fights and runs away may" these 5 words "but he that is in battle slain will never rise to fight again"
    $600 20
You'll find things are in order with "a place for" this "and everything in its place"
    $800 18
Franz Joseph inaugurated the new main building of the university of this capital, the oldest university in the German-speaking world
    $800 5
The irreplaceable Robin Williams said, "To a 3-year-old" this guy "is a 6-foot rat!"
    DD: $1,600 10
In 1993, True Path Party leader Tansu Ciller became the first female prime minister of this large Muslim country
    $800 15
To overwhelm with wonder
    $800 25
In his "Ballad of East and West", this Brit wrote, "East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet"
    $800 21
"Nothing" does this "like success"
    $1000 19
I come to wive it wealthily at the university of this, founded in 1222 by ex-University of Bologna students
    $1000 6
On "Between Two Ferns", this actor asked Ben Stiller, "Do you wish... you had ever followed your parents into comedy?"
    $1000 11
An exotic Dutch dancer & courtesan, she was executed by the French in 1917 on charges of spying for the Germans
    $1000 23
The art of negotiation between nations
    $1000 24
Shelley said of this, "Hail to thee, blithe spirit! Bird thou never wert"; Wordsworth said they "soar, but never roam"
    $1000 22
We're due for this proverb:
"Give credit where credit is" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Isaac Pasquale Leah
$0 $2,800 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Pasquale Leah
$3,800 $2,200 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
The Yakima:
To this larger Pacific Northwest river
    $400 18
Ruth Gordon played Mia Farrow's next-door neighbor in this scarefest
    $400 6
We know the conqueror seen here by this name
    $400 13
This grouchy librettist won a 1950 Pulitzer for his work on "South Pacific"
    $400 1
No, it's not a metallic sensory organ but a phrase meaning I'm insensitive to music & can't carry a tune
    $400 23
Both Cervantes & Ben Franklin wrote, "A word to" these people "is enough"
    $800 12
The Platte:
This river that runs to another river
    $800 19
Hilary Swank stars as Maggie Fitzgerald
    $800 7
After being banished from Iceland, this colorful guy established a colony in Greenland around 985
    $800 14
22nd & 24th POTUS
    $800 2
It's a term for a short-tempered person, not a feverish condition felt above the eyebrows
    $800 24
It's what the "I" stands for in the CIA (the one headed by William J. Burns)
    $1200 30
The Indus River flows 1,900 miles before emptying into this sea that shares its name with an adjacent peninsula
    $1200 20
Cary Grant & Katharine Hepburn grapple with a pet leopard
    $1200 8
Irish teenager Annie Moore made history here January 1, 1892
    $1200 15
The first player in the National League to be MVP two years in a row, he's known as Mr. Cub
    $1200 3
No, this is not a symptom of hepatitis but a deli appetizer smeared on rye bread; what am I...?
    $1200 25
In a Jay McInerney book title, these 2 words precede "Big City"
    $1600 28
The Hudson:
"Upper" this bay
    $1600 21
A wheelman for Atlanta bank robbers, Ansel Elgort plays a tinnitus-afflicted hero in this Edgar Wright flick
    $1600 9
Around the 1850s archaeologists unearthed the great library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, capital of this ancient empire
    DD: $2,500 16
This patron saint of Mediterranean sailors lent his name to a phenomenon seen during storms
    $1600 4
No, my scapula doesn't have osteomalacia--I'm talking about a road sign meaning the highway's edge is not firm
    $1600 26
A gem with this cut resembles two truncated pyramids set base to base
    DD: $1,500 29
The Vistula:
This sea
    $2000 22
Ben Affleck directed this tale about the kidnapping of a little girl
    $2000 10
This 6th century Byzantine emperor, lawgiver & Christian expelled pagan teachers from the Athens Academy
    $2000 17
Nickname of I. Lewis Libby who grew up to be Vice President Cheney's powerful chief of staff
    $2000 5
I don't personally have a gnarled extremity--this feature is on my old-fashioned bathtub
    $2000 27
This adjective that means "cunning" probably comes from the name of a "tamed" insectivore

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Pasquale Leah
$6,700 $4,900 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Before creating this record label in 1959, its founder worked on a Lincoln-Mercury assembly line

Final scores:

Isaac Pasquale Leah
$9,801 $4,900 $12,600
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Isaac Pasquale Leah
$9,800 $7,400 $7,600
16 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
17 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $24,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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