Suggest correction - #8939 - 2023-09-28

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    $400 25
This actor seems bad at the outset of "Deadpool 2", but there was no question about his alignment in "Infinity War"

Show #8939 - Thursday, September 28, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 3, final game 1.


Barb Fecteau, a high school librarian from Beverly, Massachusetts

Jilana Cotter, a senior data analyst from Dade City, Florida

Michalle Gould, a librarian from Laguna Beach, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In the original Pinocchio story, the guy given this name in the movie is just called the talking cricket
    $200 26
Sorta like Hercules, the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." have to fend off this evil organization
    $200 27
Arterioles are a link between arteries & these fine blood vessels
    $200 15
The "International House of" these, doesn't serve hotteok, a deliciously sweet type of one
    $200 12
Effleurage is a smooth, 2-handed stroke used in this "national" type of massage
    $200 19
What sayest thee? Dost thou mean this thing whereon beads are slid for counting?
    $400 3
In a tale by Beatrix Potter, Tom Thumb & Hunca Munca are "two bad" these rodents
    $400 25
This actor seems bad at the outset of "Deadpool 2", but there was no question about his alignment in "Infinity War"
    $400 28
It's often a warning when this tuft or plume on a cockatoo's head stands up
    $400 13
Bibimbap is a mixture of foods served with one of these on top, usually sunny-side up
    $400 9
Focusing on stimulating this part of the body, Eunice Ingham developed the concept of reflexology
    $400 20
The striped & brindled coat of yon cat now hath its own name, this
    $600 4
She is Harry Potter's pet owl & airmail delivery system
    $600 11
Iron Monger was the villain in "Iron Man"; this similarly named guy was the baddie in "Black Panther"
    $600 14
From the Latin for "to carry", it's the time period between conception & birth
    $600 10
Chimaek is all the rage, a dish that pairs fried chicken with this potent potable, perhaps a Busan lager
    $600 6
The name of this type of massage from Japan means "finger-pressure"
    $600 16
Good news! No longer need we say "shedding its leaves at the end of its growing season"--herewith a word for that
    $800 2
Polynesia is the parrot who teaches this title physician how to talk to the animals
    $800 23
He was a good "Birdman", but in "Homecoming" he preyed upon Spider-Man
    $800 30
The chelae on arthropods are these, & it may make them crabby if you mess with them
    $800 21
The Korean dish known as army stew contains some of this canned meat made ubiquitous by Hormel
    $800 7
2-word term for the type of massage that targets muscle layers further below the skin than usual
    $800 17
From the zesty Italian tongue cometh this word for a large, plush residence; someday methinks it will have its own pants
    DD: $1,200 5
The title character of this 19th c. tale had "a pretty white star on my forehead. I was thought very handsome"
    $1000 24
On "Daredevil", Vincent D'Onofrio plays this foe who sounds like he'd be at home at a bowling alley
    $1000 29
This material, such as your stapes, is formed by ossification
    $1000 22
"B", is for this Korean staple, barbecued, often with garlic & ginger
    $1000 8
On-site massage is also called this type, which comes from the Latin for "body" & can mean "relating to a large company"
    $1000 18
My anatomist doth dub it the "hipbone basin" but I must inform him that it is now known by this word of 6 letters

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michalle Jilana Barb
$1,600 $5,000 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michalle Jilana Barb
$3,400 $6,400 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
In the 1920s & '30s this literary group that included Dorothy Parker met regularly for lunch at a NYC hotel
    $400 2
9 wire arches called wickets are used in this backyard game
    $400 30
These 2 beastly symbols are used to describe advancing & declining stock markets
    $400 28
In August 1578 this English navigator sailed around Cape Horn
    $400 6
No spy should be without one of these aptly named outer garments worn by British soldiers in WWI
    $400 26
Before you ask for mine, you should know it's from the Greek for "self-written"
    $800 21
The Dumbarton Oaks Mansion was the site of a 1944 meeting that proposed forming what became this world body
    $800 22
Dating back 50 years, "Maze War" & "Spasim" were some of the first of this type of video game, abbreviated FPS
    $800 27
It's the income from your investment, or a triangular street sign
    $800 25
Willem Schouten, who rounded the Horn, named it after his birthplace in this country
    $800 9
Although this company's name was trademarked in 1871, its logo didn't appear on men's underwear until many decades later
    $800 18
The prefix "eu" means good, so this word comes from the Greek for "good death"
    $1200 5
During the 1604 Hampton Court Conference, this king accepted a request for a new translation of the Bible
    $1200 16
The classic game Reversi is aka this game, like a Shakespearean title character
    $1200 10
If you invest in a "CD" down at the bank, it's not music, but one of these
    DD: $5,400 4
An around-the-world yacht race that requires sailors to round Cape Horn awards a trophy named for this author
    $1200 8
From 1915 to 1947 the Tirocchi sisters brought haute couture to this capital of a tiny U.S. state
    $1200 13
This liquid part of the blood derives its name from the Greek for something molded or formed
    DD: $2,000 19
In February, 1945, FDR, Churchill & Stalin met at the Livadia Palace near this Black Sea resort
    $1600 1
In Scrabble, these 2 letter tiles are the most lucrative, each worth 10 points
    $1600 11
From the Latin for "year", it's an investment or retirement fund that pays out yearly
    $1600 24
In 1910 he said he was sailing from Norway to the Arctic Ocean via Cape Horn, but he was really headed to the South Pole
    $1600 7
This French designer's "New Look" for 1947 included a narrow waist & padded hips
    $1600 14
From Greek for "color", it means pertaining to color, or to a musical scale that's been modified
    $2000 20
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V called the 1521 meeting of this assembly at Worms
    $2000 17
In chess there are this many possible opening first moves for white
    $2000 12
To determine a company's performance before you invest, check out its P/E ratio, this
    $2000 23
This British naval captain "Endeavour"ed to sail around the Horn--& did in 1769
    $2000 3
In 1939, she closed her Paris shop & spent the rest of World War II in the Ritz hotel with her German boyfriend
    $2000 15
A battery of tests will tell you this element's name is from the Greek for "stone"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michalle Jilana Barb
$11,400 $19,200 $3,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Debuting at Carnegie Hall in 1893, it was written by a European living in New York & partly inspired by "The Song of Hiawatha"

Final scores:

Michalle Jilana Barb
$21,400 $29,200 $6,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michalle Jilana Barb
$11,400 $19,000 $10,600
13 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $41,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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