Suggest correction - #8930 - 2023-09-15

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    $1600 2
The front of a 2015 Argentine 50 peso note features a map of these islands

Show #8930 - Friday, September 15, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 1, final game 2.


Hari Parameswaran, a hardware engineer from Cupertino, California (subtotal of $1,600)

Jill Tucker, an operations manager from Mulino, Oregon (subtotal of $19,600)

David Maybury, a magnetics engineer originally from Richmond, Virginia (subtotal of $6,728)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
It's the element
& it's a god
    $200 27
Home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the striking concert hall seen here is named for this man
    $200 29
At one point in this Agatha Christie book, the Karnak is anchored at Abu Simbel
    $200 26
"Maybe you're just like my mother, she's never satisfied" is from this song in "Purple Rain"
    $200 22
Some of this empress' favorite cats were said to be Russian Blues, naturally, & they had the run of the Winter Palace
    $200 30
Chisel the Z from an abundant mineral & it becomes this liquid measure equal to one-fourth of a gallon
    $400 21
Traces of Pb, this element, are found in everyday substances like old house paint, where they can be dangerous
    $400 20
In September 1930 former governor Alfred E. Smith laid the cornerstone for this building that would top off at 103 stories
    $400 19
Agatha Christie brought this brilliant Belgian to life in "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", her debut novel
    $400 25
John Mayer endured these carrion eaters "hiding right outside my door... They've never gone this long without a kill before"
    $400 23
Inky cat footprints are found in the writings of this 19th century British founder of modern nursing who owned dozens
    $400 24
Take Z beer away from a word for a heavy drinker & get this person at a sporting event voicing their displeasure
    $600 7
Most of what we call this elemental foil is actually made with aluminum
    $600 18
His 1930s design of the Johnson Wax HQ building in Wisconsin included the great workroom with its "lily pad" columns
    $600 17
Though her first name is Jane, the Agatha Christie detective is usually just called this
    $600 3
"I'll raise you like a" this mythical bird, sang Fall Out Boy, who rhymed it with remix
    $600 1
Not satisfied with your basic kitty, Salvador DalĂ­ owned Babou, one of these wild cats of Central & South America
    $600 13
Pop the Z off a pimple & get this Stephen King title
    $800 2
Consuming too much of this element, atomic number 11, can lead to high blood pressure
    $800 6
On a clear day you can see Illinois, Indiana & Michigan from the skydeck of this building on South Wacker Drive
    $800 5
A young woman named Victoria Jones gets embroiled in a mystery in Agatha's novel "They Came to" this Iraqi city
    $800 10
In 2015 Lana Del Rey did croon this melancholy tune whose title refers to a farewell or final performance
    $800 11
This American author had a beloved pet named Catterina, who we hope was not the inspiration for his horror tale "The Black Cat"
    $800 14
Deny the Z of a ballroom dance & it becomes this first name of a 19th century U.S. poet
    $1000 4
Time to find out who's got the big mo, & this big Mo helps stimulate chemical reactions that get rid of sulfur in petroleum
    $1000 8
Originally the Union Gospel Tabernacle, it was home to the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974
    $1000 16
More than 460 actors & actresses have appeared in this play that originated as a request of the BBC for Queen Mary
    DD: $2,000 9
In the 1960s Fleetwood Mac had an international hit with their song about one of these seabirds; Coleridge put one in a poem
    $1000 12
This gorilla famous for learning sign language once adopted a kitten that she cared for & named "All Ball"
    $1000 15
Take the Z off the case in a type of mystery novel with little violence & it becomes this word for shy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David!. Jill Hari
$4,600 $1,800 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David!. Jill Hari
$6,400 $3,000 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
This art movement got its name from an 1872 Monet masterpiece detailing an early morning Le Havre landscape
    $400 29
It's said this currency of India goes back to a silver coin introduced by Sher Shah in 1542
    $400 27
3... 2... 1! Mission Control, we've achieved this success, also known as a rocket launch
    $400 26
"Last Week Tonight" host who learns the inside scoop on pickpocketing from Fagin
    $400 25
Gatorade bills itself as a thirst this, from the Old English for "extinguish"
    $400 28
The unopened tomb of the 1st Qin emperor of this country is said to contain booby traps that trigger crossbows
    $800 19
Monet painted a series of these in different colors & though it would've been appropriate, without a sleeping Little Boy Blue
    $800 20
Add a letter to the Angola currency & it becomes this December Pan-African holiday
    $800 21
It can describe an argument without flaws & beyond criticism, or a vehicle impervious to gunfire
    $800 22
Ishmael & crew ready their harpoons in preparation to capture a "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" star
    $800 23
A commercial featuring thirsty polar bears called "Northern Lights" was a big hit for this brand
    $800 24
Both later became prime ministers; this one claimed Louis Botha took him prisoner in an ambush in November 1899
    $1200 3
It's lucky this Pierre gave us the 1875 portrait of Claude Monet seen here
    $1200 1
In a symbol for Japanese currency, parallel bars adorn this letter
    $1200 7
It can mean an argument or conflict; Steven Yeun & Ali Wong get into one in a Netflix series
    $1200 13
Paul Blart portrayer takes a ride on a really big piece of fruit
    $1200 8
In this book, the tiger Richard Parker was originally named Thirsty
    $1200 18
This Carthaginian Elephant Man trapped Roman legions at the Battle of Cannae
    $1600 4
Nice yard work, Claude! In Giverny, Monet created a pond of these flowering plants that inspired his last major set of paintings
    $1600 2
The front of a 2015 Argentine 50 peso note features a map of these islands
    $1600 16
Hardwood trees can be described by this adjective, meaning they have photosynthesis structures that are not needlelike
    $1600 17
Tiny Tim says, "God bless us every one" for an iconic comedian & Eunice in "Mama's Family"
    DD: $3,000 10
Excessive thirst may be a symptom of high blood sugar, also known by this 13-letter name
    DD: $5,000 9
In WWI the "Lost Battalion" lacked food & medical supplies while trapped behind enemy lines in this forest
    $2000 5
At the Met in New York, you can see Monet's this city on the Seine "Cathedral: The Portal (Sunlight)"
    $2000 6
Curacao uses the Netherlands Antillean this, the name of the old Dutch currency
    $2000 15
This large & powerful canine breed with an 11-letter name was once bred to protect game land from poachers
    $2000 14
Rowling's whiz kid has trouble with a certain rock & a "chilly" WWE star
    $2000 11
In "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" he wrote, "Fame is the thirst of youth"
    $2000 12
In 1187 this leader delivered a major blow to the kingdom of Jerusalem when he trapped an army of crusaders at the Battle of Hattin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David!. Jill Hari
$14,800 $7,800 $19,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The only dwarf planet located in the inner Solar System, it's named for an ancient deity of planting & harvests

Final scores:

David!. Jill Hari
$29,600 $7,800 $35,200

Cumulative scores:

David!. Jill Hari
$36,328 $27,400 $36,800
1st runner-up: $20,000 2nd runner-up: $10,000 Tournament champion: $35,000 + advance to the 2023 Champions Wildcard tournament

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David!. Jill Hari
$13,800 $7,800 $22,800
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
11 R,
1 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $44,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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