Suggest correction - #817 - 1988-03-08

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    $200 12
In Oliver Goldsmith's novel. Dr. Charles Primrose is "The Vicar of" this
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Show #817 - Tuesday, March 8, 1988


Theo Schiller, a school librarian originally from North Fork, California

Leslie Goodman-Malamuth, a freelance writer and housewife from Washington, D.C.

Lou Kaluza, a teacher from San Antonio, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
What was once the kingdom of Sardinia is now part of this country
    $100 16
These rodents can be classified as ground or flying, or, like Rocky, animated
    $100 12
The TV Academy acknowledged this awards show as the outstanding variety program
    $100 24
Cowboy word that completes song titles "On the Old Spanish..." & "Along the Navajo..."
    $100 11
Color of the stripes bordering the top & bottom edges of the American flag
    $100 6
This animal got its nickname from its weird, human-like cackle
    $200 2
It's the largest city in Ohio that's named for a Roman statesman
    $200 17
Scientists believe only the females of these spiders, Latrodectus mactans, bite humans
    $200 13
Though he's now the loudmouthed Slap Maxwell, he won an Emmy for "Sworn to Silence"
    DD: $300 25
Composer & singer of the following, which could be Charles Kuralt's theme song:

"On the road again / Just can't wait to get on the road again"
    $200 20
Customary time period for our flag to be displayed on a daily basis
    $200 7
Nitrous oxide
    $300 3
This island group some 5000 miles southwest of San Francisco is divided into "American" & "Western" parts
    $300 19
The European adder is the only snake you'll find slithering north of this line
    $300 14
This 3-time "Night Court" winner thanked the people who kept Michael J. Fox out of his category
    $300 28
Larry Gatlin sang, "She dropped me in" this city "so I know I had at least a mile to fall"
    $300 21
The largest free-floating flag, 60' x 90', hangs from the NYC/NJ bridge on holidays
    $300 8
In "Hey Diddle Diddle", it follows "the cow jumped over the moon"
    $400 4
The Gulf of Guinea is part of this ocean
    $400 22
Of birds, mammals, or amphibians, the most likely to be monogamous
    $400 15
Gena Rowlands won for her portrayal of this First Lady
    $400 26
The gov't permits the flag to fly continuously, weather permitting,
over F.S. Key's grave & over this fort
    $400 9
According to the famous phrase, "laugh & the world" does this
    $500 5
City that's capital of the Seychelles, or Australian state whose capital is Melbourne
    $500 23
As adults, most barnacles, sea squirts & sponges are sessile, which means this
    $500 18
1 of 2 married couples who were nominated for their roles on "St. Elsewhere"
    $500 27
It was borrowed from "To Anacreon in Heaven"
    $500 10
It's a figure of fun, not a corral of chuckling cows

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Lou Leslie Theo
$1,500 $500 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lou Leslie Theo
$3,000 $1,300 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And since we had "LAUGH" in the first round, we have [*] in this one.)
    $200 2
In western Europe, those few who could read or write usually did so in this classic language
    $200 1
In 1949, it began giving out its "Car of the Year" award
    $200 7
Known as "Big Bill", his serve has been clocked at 163.6 mph
    $200 12
In Oliver Goldsmith's novel. Dr. Charles Primrose is "The Vicar of" this
    $200 22
At 4,039 feet, Mt. Sunflower is the highest point in this Sunflower State
    $200 17
To worry in vain about that which cannot be undone
    $400 3
The Germans began their famous "Drang nach Osten", expansion in this direction
    $400 8
It describes its staff of writers & artists as "the usual gang of idiots"
    $400 25
Of 18½, 34½, or 51½ minutes, longest play time recorded for a single point
    $400 13
Last name shared by Amanda in Noel Coward's "Private Lives" & Hawthorne's scarlet woman
    $400 23
Venus's-flytrap is listed in World Book both as a wildflower & this type of plant
    $400 18
1983 movie about a scientist dropped off in the Arctic to study Canis lupus
    $600 4
After the empire of Charlemagne ended, hundreds of vassals ruled their own fiefs through this political system
    $600 9
It's "The Journal of Professional Adventurers"
    $600 26
In 1957, M.H. de Amorin began a Wimbledon round doing this 17 successive times while serving
    $600 14
Betty Buckley played this Dickens hero on Broadway, adding to his "mystery"
    $600 24
Named, like Cousteau's ship, for the Greek nymph, this orchid was John Muir's favorite flower
    $600 19
Specifically, it's the process of freezing & storing a dead human body for later reanimation
    $800 5
Christian artists of eastern Europe painted in this style named for the religious center, now Istanbul
    $800 10
"Essence" is essentially aimed at these readers
    $800 27
This man from Down Under, the only player to win the Grand Slam in singles, did it twice, in 1962 & '69
    DD: $1,900 15
2 of the 3 Shakespearean plays which have the name of a female character in the title
    $800 20
Term which means in hot pursuit, as hounds after a fox
    DD: $600 6
A treasure for its decoration & calligraphy, the medieval Irish Book of Kells contains these 4 biblical books
    $1000 11
This news weekly was originally founded by David Lawrence as 2 separate publications
    $1000 28
From 1926-33, she won 229 straight matches, the longest winning streak ever in tennis
    $1000 16
He killed Guy of Gisborne
    $1000 21
This actor said, "I'm not sure if I'm the ultimate nerd... or front man for the Brat Pack"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lou Leslie Theo
$6,400 $7,600 -$400

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 8th president was the last to be elected president while serving as vice president

Final scores:

Lou Leslie Theo
$12,400 $12,801 -$400
2nd place: trip to Xanadu Beach Resort in the Bahamas New champion: $12,801 3rd place: Yamaha PSR-90 portable keyboard

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lou Leslie Theo
$6,700 $6,500 -$400
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
8 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $12,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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