Suggest correction - #742 - 1987-11-24

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    $300 3
If you went out without your coat, your mom might have warned you about this lung inflammation

Show #742 - Tuesday, November 24, 1987

Jeopardy! Round only.


Kate Neville, a home business entrepreneur from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

John Knight, a news reporter originally from Pekin, Illinois

Michael Compton, a payroll supervisor from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,399)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Jeopardy! suggests you mail 1 of these, not a letter, if you wish to be a contestant
    $100 24
Before you'd go off to summer camp, mother would sew these into all your clothing
    $100 15
The kimono was not originally Japanese but an adaptation of the p'ao, a robe from this country
    $100 18
"Vanna Speaks"
    $100 25
Girls as well as boys now live in this village founded by Father Flanagan
    $100 1
"I asked my mother, 'what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?' Here's what she said to me"
    $200 7
A ghost or a specter, like the one at the opera
    $200 21
Crisscross, hunters', & Indian star are 3 types of these, each equally good for marshmallow toasting
    $200 17
During the 1200s, it's where a woman wore her wimple
    $200 20
"Harpo Speaks!"
    $200 27
Nebraska's largest city is named for this Indian tribe
    $200 2
"Raindrops on roses & whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles & warm woolen mittens,..."
    $300 3
If you went out without your coat, your mom might have warned you about this lung inflammation
    $300 22
If you went camping in the '60s with your "pop-top", you were referring to this imported vehicle
    $300 12
Women's dresses of late 19th c. had exaggerated sleeves to make this look smaller
    $300 10
"Satchmo My Life in New Orleans"
    $300 28
1st observance of this, which some wanted to call Sylvan Day, was held in Nebraska in 1872
    $300 16
"They've got some crazy little women there & I'm gonna get me one"
    $400 4
The 7th Sunday after Easter, also called Whitsunday
    $400 23
1987 summer camp film that features Jim Varney as the same character he plays in commercials
    $400 13
This French designer's "New Look" collection of 1947 was a reaction to wartime austerity
    $400 11
"Jesse: The Man Who Outran Hitler"
    DD: $700 29
On the west steps of Nebraska's capitol building is a Daniel C. French statue of this president
    $400 8
"These are words that go together well"
    $500 5
Caesarion, son of Caesar & Cleopatra, was actually 15th Egyptian ruler of this line
    $500 26
World Book says the best height for this article of camp wear is 9"
    $500 14
Though shoes go back to circa 4000 B.C., shoes designed individually for these weren't common until 19th c.
    $500 19
"Somebody Up There Likes Me" & its sequel, "Somebody Down Here Like Me, Too"
    $500 30
Called Nebraska's outstanding natural feature, this wide, shallow river drains 3/4ths of the state
    $500 9
"She was always young at heart, kinda dumb & kinda smart & I loved her so"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael John Kate
$2,600 -$200 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael John Kate
$3,700 $200 $0
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