Suggest correction - #907 - 1988-07-12

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    $800 13
Now commonly used for electronic watch displays, these were 1st discovered back in 1888

Show #907 - Tuesday, July 12, 1988


Sheppard Clarke, a writer and researcher from Seattle, Washington

Brad Hildebrandt, a commercial loan officer originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Pete Tremblay, a law student originally from Boston, Massachusetts (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
Tennessee leads U.S. in production of this part of a lollipop
    $100 22
When these swollen leg veins are surgically removed, it can actually improve circulation
    $100 16
Endurance competition which includes swimming, running, & bicycling
    $100 10
He played a rebel soldier in the miniseries "North & South" before he went "Dirty Dancing"
    $100 1
This U.S. legal organization was created in 1878
    $100 21
Name of this toy, 1st introduced in 1945:
    $200 4
The dams & plants of the TVA have probably made this the most transformed river of modern times
    $200 23
From the Latin "to cut", it's a surgeon's knife
    $200 17
This can be a term during an academic year or during a pregnancy
    $200 12
In "Hello Again", Shelley Long said, "hello again" to this hunk from "L.A. Law"
    $200 2
Nearly half of the 56 signers of this 18th century American document were judges or lawyers
    $200 27
A Slinky made out of this was introduced in 1979, but the metal one still outsells it
    $300 5
In Lynchburg, you can visit this oldest registered distillery in the U.S.which holds license #1
    $300 24
A "patellectomy" is the removal of this, the patella
    $300 18
France had no national flag until the French Revolution, when this was adopted
    DD: $800 13
They played the 3 title men in "3 Men & a Baby"
    $300 6
A British "public prosecutor" is parallel to this post in the American legal system
    $300 28
According to the current jingle, Slinky performs this feat "alone or in pairs"
    $400 8
They were the most famous attorneys for the defense & prosecution at the Scopes trial
    $400 25
Surgeons can repair these "ruptures", which can be inguinal, incisional or diaphragmatic
    $400 19
A trinity, or a chord made of 3 tones
    $400 14
When he won an Emmy, he stuck out his tongue & then thanked Al Pacino & the 3 Stooges for inspiring him
    $400 7
Laws of this religion are administered by professional jurists known as "muftis"
    $400 29
Of using near pets, in a moving vehicle, or throwing coils out a window, the 1 the box doesn't warn against
    $500 11
Many sightseeing tours of Nashville will take you to this home of President Jackson
    $500 26
This colorless liquid, C4H10O, was formerly a common anesthetic
    $500 20
Term designating the earliest period of the Mesozoic Era
    $500 15
This comic who co-stars on "St. Elsewhere" is Itzhak Perlman's cousin
    $500 9
11th century event after which top English lawyers were called "serjeants" & the apprentices, "barristers"
    $500 30
When the crew tried a Slinky here April 15, 1985, they said it wouldn't slink at all & "sort of droops"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Pete Brad Sheppard
$2,700 $1,000 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pete Brad Sheppard
$4,500 $1,100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
Though he'd fled to England, he was recognized by the British as leader of all Free France in June 1940
    $200 25
If the flame in a Bunsen burner is yellow, then it's getting too little of this
    $200 5
Classic submarine story whose original title is "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers"
    $200 12
Though some may shave their heads, this inherited trait is all but unknown among Indian males
    $200 17
Ocean whose name is also an adjective meaning peaceful
    $200 27
Rossini wrote "The Barber of Seville", but Saint-Saens wrote about this "barber" of Samson
    $400 7
In 1945, nationwide restrictions were placed on display lighting to conserve this solid fuel
    $400 19
To escape this, a spacecraft must reach a minimum velocity of 25,000 mph
    $400 14
According to its full title, "Joseph Andrews" was written in imitation of this Spanish author's manner
    $400 10
A Pueblo tribe, it's the only major U.S. tribe that begins with "Z"
    $400 24
It describes an emotionless human or a normal snake
    $400 28
At the end of a Carl Neilsen opera, this shepherd boy is proclaimed king of Israel
    $600 3
In 1945, in this "equine" fighter, Lt. Col. J.C. Meyer took off & shot down 2 planes within 90 secs.
    $600 11
Deposits of zooplankton with chalky skeletons formed this famous site near Dover, England
    $600 15
He told about his job with Western Union in "Tropic of Capricorn"
    $600 1
Numbering about 140,000, most of whom live in the Southwest, it's the largest Indian group in the U.S.
    $600 23
Of discursive, sententious, or prolix, the one that can mean brief
    DD: $900 29
In B. Britten's opera, this biblical trio gets thrown into "the burning fiery furnace"
    DD: $1,000 6
In 1939, a secret German-Soviet agreement provided for dividing this country between them
    $800 13
Now commonly used for electronic watch displays, these were 1st discovered back in 1888
    $800 16
This Tennyson work starts with "The Coming of Arthur" & ends with "The Passing of Arthur"
    $800 2
A N.Y. political society was named for this chief of the Delawares
    $800 22
From Latin for "young person", it means pertaining to young persons
    $1000 4
In 1946, George VI gave Montgomery the title 1st Viscount of there, in honor of his great African victory
    $1000 20
This 18th century French chemist established the principle of conservation of matter
    $1000 18
James Joyce novel that presents the dreams & nightmares of H.C. Earwicker
    $1000 9
The word "wigwam" comes from this language group spoken by the 1st Indians to greet the Pilgrims
    $1000 21
It means consisting wholly of edible, usually herbaceous, plants
    $1000 26
Schoenberg's opera named for these 2 brothers features a golden calf & a burning bush

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pete Brad Sheppard
$5,700 $2,200 $1,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 5 presidents who were never elected president

Final scores:

Pete Brad Sheppard
$4,700 $4,398 $1
3-day champion: $27,301 2nd place: General Electric gas range + Regal cookware + Jeopardy! box game or Jeopardy! Challenger 3rd place: Magnavox VCR + Jeopardy! box game or Jeopardy! Challenger

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pete Brad Sheppard
$5,200 $3,100 $1,300
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $9,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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