Suggest correction - #2283 - 1994-07-06

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    $200 6
Born in 1729, this Russian empress had a secret room near her bed for entertaining lovers

Show #2283 - Wednesday, July 6, 1994


Wendy Richards, a secretary from Arlington Heights, Illinois

Dan Gist, an aviation training consultant from Reston, Virginia

Marcia Meldrum, a Ph.D. candidate from Port Jefferson, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was established in 1954 as a Pacific version of this one
    $100 14
This singer's beautiful Moon River Theatre is a showcase for his collection of paintings & Navajo blankets
    $100 6
In cooking, reducing concentrates the flavor of wine & removes this
    $100 7
This voracious South American fish is also called the piraya
    $100 8
Peasant women once reddened their cheeks with the juice of this borscht ingredient
    $100 24
If you want to visit this city more than once, toss a coin in the Trevi Fountain
    $200 2
In 1906 Teddy Roosevelt sent troops to stop a revolt & restore order in this country
    $200 15
This performer's Blue Velvet Theatre is named for one of his biggest hits
    $200 12
The French have about 1 billion bottles of this stockpiled in Epernay & Reims
    $200 11
The sardine got its name from an island in this sea
    $200 9
Ancient Egyptians outlined these facial features with a cosmetic made from ground ants' eggs
    $200 27
French, not Parsi, is the language you're most likely to hear in this capital
    $300 3
After this notorious czar died, several pretenders claiming to be his son tried to seize the throne
    $300 16
Appropriately, "Yak in the box" lunches are served at this Odessa-born comic's lunchtime shows
    $300 13
Traditionally, Rhine wines come in bottles of this color
    $300 19
The American paddlefish & this caviar producer are both members of order Acipenseriformes
    $300 10
These small decorative items often hid or drew attention away from smallpox scars on the face
    $300 28
This African river doesn't flow in a straight line
    $400 4
After he invaded Italy in 1797, Napoleon offered to extend the territory of this country that Italy surrounds
    $400 17
He celebrated the 20th anniversary of his biggest hit by opening his Yellow Ribbon music theater in 1993
    DD: $1,000 22
Claret is an all-encompassing term for the red wines of this French region
    $400 20
This fish uses water, not arrows as its name implies, to bring down insects
    $400 25
Ceruse, a skin whitener, was dangerous because it was made from this soft metallic element
    $400 29
Blonds outnumber "Dark Men" in this country
    $500 5
Pol Pot's retirement as head of this Cambodian Communist group was announced in 1985
    $500 18
The celebrity stampede to Branson began in 1983 when this "Hee Haw" host opened a theatre there
    $500 23
Italy's wine-producing regions include the Piedmont & this, home of the Chiantis
    $500 21
In 1982 one of these Japanese ornamental carp sold for over $50,000
    $500 26
For centuries women have tinted their nails with this orange-red dye made from leaves
    $500 30
If you take the superexpress train, Tokyo is only about 3 hours from this city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marcia Dan Wendy
$900 $900 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marcia Dan Wendy
$1,500 $4,000 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In an Icelandic saga, this dreaded Hun is known as Atli
    $200 23
According to Catholic tradition, it's the place where the dead atone for their sins before going to heaven
    $200 16
During the summer you can watch the changing of the Governor General's Foot Guards in this city
    $200 21
This configuration in Ursa Major is also known as the Plow
    $200 6
Born in 1729, this Russian empress had a secret room near her bed for entertaining lovers
    $200 1
"Those Who Love" is Irving Stone's novel about this first couple to live in the White House
    $400 12
Famous for its caryatid porch, the Erechtheum on this Greek hill may have been designed by Mnesicles
    $400 24
This term for foods permitted under Jewish law is from the Hebrew for "right" or "fit"
    $400 17
In 1953 Whitehorse replaced Dawson as capital of this territory
    $400 22
In the night sky, the Pleiades appear to be riding on the back of this bull
    $400 7
She's 4 years younger than her sister, Queen Elizabeth II
    $400 2
"The Sicilian" has been called "Not so much a sequel to as a mirror of" this Mario Puzo novel
    $600 13
Terence wrote 6 of these, including "The Mother-in-law" & "The Eunuch", then disappeared
    $600 25
While teaching Greek at Oxford, he led a serious religious club known as the Methodists
    $600 18
Edmunston is in New Brunswick & Edmonton is the capital of this province
    $600 30
This constellation represents the Nemean lion, killed by Hercules
    $600 8
Britannica says King Francis I of this country so revered his mother that he knelt when he spoke to her
    $600 3
When Alan Paton wrote "Cry, the Beloved Country" he was a principal at a reformatory in this country
    $800 14
The sacred oracle of Amon saluted this "Great" Macedonian as a son of the god Amon
    $800 26
This religious leader's teachings are called the Dharma
    $800 19
This largest Saskatchewan city's name comes from a Cree word for a regional berry
    $800 29
In about 12,000 years, Vega will become this, as Polaris is today
    $800 9
Gustav IV Adolf was just 13 when he became king of this country in 1792
    $800 4
Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote an epic 1967 novel called this many "Years of Solitude"
    $1000 15
Ashurbanipal, who assembled a great ancient library at Nineveh, ruled this kingdom 668-627 B.C.
    $1000 27
During Holi, a spring festival in this religion, caste and social distinctions are temporarily suspended
    DD: $1,000 20
Iqaluit is the administrative center of this large island
    DD: $300 28
Representing a mythical multi-headed water serpent, it's the largest of all constellations
    $1000 10
Indonesia became independent of the Netherlands in 1949, during the reign of this Dutch queen
    $1000 5
1958's "The Magic Barrel" was the first volume of short stories by this author of "The Fixer"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marcia Dan Wendy
$9,500 $6,200 $1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Established in 1795, this committee has jurisdiction over social security, tariffs & all revenue measures

Final scores:

Marcia Dan Wendy
$12,500 $12,399 $2,700
2-day champion: $25,000 2nd place: trip to Vancouver Island, Canada 3rd place: Panasonic GPS receiver + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Marcia Dan Wendy
$9,500 $5,600 $2,700
21 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
14 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $17,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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