Suggest correction - #2270 - 1994-06-17

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    $100 8

Show #2270 - Friday, June 17, 1994


Warren Gray, an attorney from Severn, Maryland

Tom Druelinger, a financial analyst from East Aurora, New York

Roger Solberg, a college professor from Edinboro, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,899)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
    $100 1
The making of this Michael Jackson video won Best Video album of 1984
    $100 3
In 1932 this wireless telegraphy inventor built one of the first microwave telephone systems
    $100 4
One legend says this cat was late arriving on Noah's Ark & lost its tail as the door closed
    $100 7
You need minced fillets of these tiny fish to make green goddess sauce
    $100 15
If you're nervous, you can be said to have "ants" here
    $200 9
    $200 2
Although her "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" didn't win, she was named Best New Artist for 1984
    $200 6
In 1855 this manufacturer's reaper won the Grand Medal of Honor at the Paris Int'l Exposition
    $200 25
The American Curl got its name because these body parts curl back
    $200 19
Mousseline sauce is a light, airy sauce made by blending hollandaise with this kind of cream
    $200 21
This device is called the boob tube or the idiot box—except when "Jeopardy!" is on, of course
    $300 10
    $300 5
This bandleader's 1931 release "Mood Indigo" was honored in 1975 with a Hall of Fame award
    $300 16
In 1903, its first year of release, his invention sold 51 razors & 168 blades
    $300 26
The spotted ocicat is named for its resemblance to this wild cat
    $300 20
A sauce made from this fruity East Indian condiment is delicious on baked ham
    $300 22
Someone who flatters is a "polisher" of this fruit
    $400 11
    $400 13
In 1990 this country star received his first Grammy nomination for his "Friends in Low Places" release
    $400 17
While working as a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway, he printed a newspaper, the Weekly Herald
    $400 27
Like this cat from which it was bred, the Balinese may be a seal, blue, chocolate or lilac point
    $400 29
Hot chilies & garlic go into rouille sauce, often served with this French fish stew
    $400 23
An iceman is a thief who steals these
    $500 12
    $500 14
With 30, this Chicago Symphony conductor has won more Grammys than anyone else
    DD: $500 18
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford & this German physicist developed a device to count alpha particles
    $500 28
Though named for Ancient Ethiopia, it may have been the sacred cat of Ancient Egypt
    $500 30
Joy of Cooking's recipe for this Bloody Mary ingredient calls for 6 tablespoons of walnut catsup
    $500 24
Amount of money known as half a yard

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Roger Tom Warren
$1,500 $700 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Tom Warren
$3,200 $1,100 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1940s
    $200 1
In 1941 registration for this was extended in the U.S. to men 18-64
    $200 18
James Bay in Canada is the shallowest part of this larger bay
    $200 9
It's the English equivalent of the Spanish name Jorge
    $200 6
While Poseidon was the god of this, Pontus was the personification of it
    $200 26
In 1993 Dr. Joycelyn Elders replaced Antonia Novello in this post
    $200 13
"Call Her Miss Ross" is a tell-all biography of this singer
    $400 2
Last name of brothers Richard & Maurice, who operated a burger stand in California in the 1940s
    $400 22
Roughly 2/3 of the Italian peninsula is covered by these mountains
    $400 10
The Russian form of Natalie, it was Natalie Wood's original first name
    $400 7
Hippolyta, queen of these warrior women, is also known as Antiope
    $400 27
This government "service" wasn't established until 1916, 44 years after Yellowstone
    $400 14
He's the subject of a 1955 biography subtitled "Historian with a Camera"
    $600 3
As of 1949 phonograph records were available in these 3 standard speeds
    $600 23
The second smallest of South Africa's 4 provinces has this "colorful" name
    $600 19
The heroine of "The Little Foxes" has this first name, Latin for "queen"
    $600 8
Pleione was the mother of this group of seven sisters
    $600 28
It's the minimum number of electoral votes a state can have
    $600 15
This author of several unauthorized biographies is the subject of one herself: "Poison Pen"
    $800 4
In 1945 FDR, Churchill & Stalin met in Yalta & Truman, Churchill & Stalin met here
    $800 24
Rouen, where Joan of Arc met her death, is located in this region of northern France
    $800 20
French for "dainty", it follows "filet" on menus
    DD: $1,000 11
Her encounter with Zeus in the form of a swan caused her to lay an egg
    $800 29
In 1869, at a convention of nondrinkers, this political party was founded
    $800 16
In "All His Jazz", you can read all about this late choreographer
    $1000 5
Due to shortages in 1943, Tuesdays & Fridays were dubbed these kinds of days
    $1000 25
These Danish islands are believed to be the remnants of a land bridge that connected Iceland & Scotland
    $1000 21
This name that means "loved" was popularized by "Little Women"
    $1000 12
Akin to Vulcan, this Greek god of fire's forge was believed to be on the Aegean island of Lemnos
    DD: $2,000 30
In terms of the number of civilians employed, it's by far the largest cabinet department
    $1000 17
"Rebel Senator" is a 1966 biography of this South Carolina politician

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Tom Warren
$9,400 $4,700 $6,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

This island country's 2 official languages are Sinhalese & Tamil

Final scores:

Roger Tom Warren
$16,400 $9,350 $12,600
3-day champion: $37,299 3rd place: Panasonic camcorder + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Roger Tom Warren
$9,200 $5,200 $8,300
25 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $22,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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