Suggest correction - #2266 - 1994-06-13

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    $600 28
U.S. island group that's part of the Leeward Islands

Show #2266 - Monday, June 13, 1994


Stephen Slovasky, a librarian from Bridgeport, Connecticut

Mary Hetherington, a social worker from Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mike Stewart, a computer sales executive from El Cerrito, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,100)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
In Florida the 113-mile-long Overseas Highway connects this group of islands to the mainland
    $100 26
Used by men in competition, this saucer-shaped object measures 8 2/3" in diameter
    $100 6
An absent-minded person "has her head in" these—how heavenly
    $100 11
The black mamba is one of the largest & most dangerous of these
    $100 19
It's the coin to "Sing a Song of"
    $100 16
With most of Mongolia under his control by 1206, he set his sights on China
    $200 2
The Allegheny Mountains are a part of this larger chain
    $200 27
He's the only man to win 3 consecutive Olympic gold medals in the long jump
    $200 7
Shakespeare said "From the smoke into the smother"; we say "Out of the frying pan into" this
    $200 12
Unlike a bird's, this mammal's wings are made of a double layer of skin
    $200 21
Saucepan lid is rhyming slang for a quid, which is a term for this amount
    $200 17
He didn't duck Marco Polo in Peking, though back then the city was Cambaluc
    $300 3
You'll find this state capital on the west bank of the Pearl River in central Mississippi
    $300 28
In 1932 this American woman won Olympic gold medals in the 80-meter hurdles & the javelin throw
    $300 8
Abe Lincoln didn't invent the cliche "paddle your own" one of these, but he did like to say it
    $300 13
Named for its long beak, it's the species of dolphin that's been studied most
    $300 23
Like the old Dutch guilder, the British guinea was made of this metal
    $300 18
Of the 5 husbands of Rita Hayworth, the one who fits the category
    $400 4
This colorful region of Arizona extends from the Grand Canyon & includes part of Petrified Forest National Park
    $400 29
In this event runners must clear 2 kinds of obstacles: hurdles & water jumps
    $400 9
"Spectral" phrase for what a lost cause doesn't have
    $400 14
The shaggy hair of this wild ox is used by Tibetans to make cords & ropes
    $400 24
It was once a silver penny; now this word refers to British money of standard value
    $400 20
Fazlur Khan's 1974 design for this Chicago landmark included the first "bundled tube" construction system
    $500 5
You'll find few natural lakes in this state other than the Bottomless Lakes near Roswell
    $500 30
On Sept. 24, 1988 Jackie Joyner-Kersee set an Olympic, U.S. & world record in this event
    $500 10
Cloth is stretched on a tenter, so to be "on" these is to be stretched to the point of anxiety
    $500 15
The tiniest carnivore is a member of this family that also includes minks & ferrets
    DD: $800 25
From an Old English word for "a fourth part", it used to be 1/4 of a penny
    $500 22
In his "Critique of Pure Reason", he said the existence of God can't be proved scientifically

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mike Mary Stephen
$700 $1,400 $2,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Mary Stephen
$800 $2,800 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
First published in 1733, it "contained the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather..."
    $200 6
In the Bering Sea Little Diomede belongs to the U.S. & Big Diomede belongs to this country
    $200 12
The Kit Kat Klub in Berlin is the setting for this musical, so... "Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome"
    $200 11
It's the religion of most of the people of San Marino
    $200 22
This Indian leader began his final fast January 12, 1948; he was killed 2 1/2 weeks later
    $200 3
An early version of this D.H. Lawrence novel appeared under the title "The First Lady Chatterley"
    $400 2
This South Carolina port was established in 1670 at Albemarle Point
    $400 27
Study a map & "yule" know it has the largest land area of any Pacific atoll
    $400 16
Yvonne Elliman was the original Mary Magdalene in this early Tim Rice-Andrew Lloyd Webber musical
    $400 13
Vishnu's wife Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity in this religion
    $400 23
In recognition of his printing, he was granted a pension by the Archbishop of Mainz in 1465
    $400 7
His first book published in the U.S. was "The Cosmological Eye"; "Tropic of Cancer" came 20 years later
    $600 4
In 1614 this Jamestown leader mapped New England from Penobscot Bay to Cape Cod
    $600 28
U.S. island group that's part of the Leeward Islands
    $600 17
In 1990 Robert Guillaume donned a mask for an 8-month run in this role
    $600 14
In the 13th century a Japanese monk named Nichiren founded a sect of this religion that still has devotees today
    $600 24
After it fell into disrepair in the 1600s, his ship the Golden Hind was dismantled
    $600 8
Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur" was one of the sources Tennyson used to write this epic work
    $800 5
After he was banned from Mass. Bay, this minister spent the winter of 1635 with the Wampanoag Indians
    $800 29
Reindeer Island sits in this province's Lake Winnipeg
    $800 18
The 1978 Tony Award for Best Musical went to this show based on the music of Fats Waller
    $800 20
The Maya called the feathered serpent deity Kukulcan; the Aztecs called him this
    $800 26
This Scottish-born naturalist was largely responsible for the establishment of Yosemite & Sequoia Nat'l Pks.
    $800 9
This Thomas Mann novella was originally published in German as "Der Tod in Venedig"
    $1000 15
In 1770 this newest colony was the least populous, with only 33,000 residents
    $1000 30
During WWII Germany occupied this "12 Island" group that was turned over to Greece in 1947
    $1000 19
Among the shows he's choreographed are "the Will Rogers Follies" & "Grand Hotel"
    DD: $2,000 21
Polytheism was restored to Egypt after the death of this pharaoh who had made Aton the supreme god
    $1000 25
In 1946 this Norwegian statesman became the first secretary-general of the U.N.
    DD: $1,500 10
In "The Gift of the Magi", a young husband sells this item to buy his wife a set of combs

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Mary Stephen
$3,000 $9,400 $5,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This first passive communications satellite, launched in 1960, simply reflected radio signals

Final scores:

Mike Mary Stephen
$6,000 $7,300 $1,999
2nd place: Berkline sofa + Lane video cabinet New champion: $7,300 3rd place: Samsung LaserDisc player + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mike Mary Stephen
$3,000 $11,400 $6,900
10 R,
2 W
23 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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