Suggest correction - #2258 - 1994-06-01

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    $200 16
Carel Fabritius was one of the finest painters trained in this Dutch artist's workshop

Show #2258 - Wednesday, June 1, 1994


John Szczepanski, a freelance painter from Buffalo, New York

Laura Munzer, an attorney originally from Oakland, New Jersey

Dave Maley, a public relations specialist from Ithaca, New York (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $35,401)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
    $100 13
Rumors that he'd resign sent the Dow up 23 points Aug. 7, 1974; 2 days later the rumors proved true
    $100 1
The first film appearance of this fictional lawyer was "The Case of the Howling Dog" in 1934
    $100 26
Catholic cardinals wear scarlet skullcaps; the Pope wears this color
    $100 21
They can be 60 feet high & produce football-sized brown fruits
    $100 6
1 Samuel 16 describes David as a cunning player of this instrument
    $100 7
From the Greek for "bring together", it's a Jewish house of worship & religious instruction
    $200 14
On Feb. 1, 1977 Marin County in this state began rationing water
    $200 2
Actors who played this "Treasure Island" role include Wallace Beery, Robert Newton & Orson Welles
    $200 27
This cap with a pompon in the center is a part of the Scottish national dress
    $200 22
Sea lions have external ones; true seals don't
    $200 8
Sometime before his betrayal of Jesus, he was appointed treasurer of the disciples
    $200 12
A brief statement of the content of a novel, play or movie
    $300 15
In October 1977 this former PM of India was arrested & charged with corruption while in office
    $300 3
In 1968 Doris Day co-starred with Brian Keith in her last film, "With Six You Get" this
    $300 28
The shapka, a fur hat that can be up to 2 feet high, is usually identified with these Russian soldiers
    $300 23
Erosion of granite or granite-type rocks is the source of the quartz type of this
    $300 9
James, talking about faith in his epistle, refers to "the patience of" this man
    $300 18
A group of symptoms & signs collectively indicating a disorder, such as Marfan's or Down's
    $400 16
Vice President who succeeded to the presidency of Argentina in 1974 after her husband's death
    $400 4
"Any Which Way You Can" was a sequel to this film
    $400 29
Makers of hats for men are called hatters; makers of hats for women are called this
    $400 24
These birds may be herring or laughing
    $400 10
Not only shall they "inherit the earth", but they "shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace"
    $400 19
This type of agency buys articles, comic strips & columns for distribution to newspapers
    $500 17
This ex-Treasury Secretary was indicted in 1974 for taking a bribe from milk producers but was later acquitted
    $500 5
In 1961 this "Meet John Doe" director released his last feature, "Pocketful of Miracles"
    $500 30
When introduced into the U.S. in the 1860s, this English hat named for its maker was renamed the Derby
    $500 25
They attach themselves to rocks by threads, create low-quality pearls & are cut up for bait
    DD: $500 11
In the Old Testament, the first of the 2 books to bear this name lists genealogies from Adam to Saul
    $500 20
In music it's shifting the accent to a beat that's not normally accented

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Dave Laura John
$300 $1,100 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Laura John
$1,100 $3,100 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In Fort Myers, Florida you can visit "The Mangoes", the winter home that suited this car manufacturer to a "T"
    $200 6
This country mints its coins in Pretoria
    $200 16
Carel Fabritius was one of the finest painters trained in this Dutch artist's workshop
    $200 11
This college degree is abbreviated B.F.A.
    $200 26
Still's disease is another name for the juvenile rheumatoid type of this disease
    $200 18
This Scottish queen was the subject of Antonia Fraser's first biography
    $400 2
In 1981 Francois Mitterrand attended the 200th anniversary observance of Cornwallis' surrender here
    $400 7
Some of the first coins issued by this Caribbean nation in 1807 pictured its president, Henri Christophe
    $400 17
The 1867 execution of this emperor of Mexico inspired one of Manet's few historical paintings
    $400 12
In his "Republic", this philosopher advocated a curriculum based on the education of an elite class
    $400 27
Prolonged exposure to asbestos often leads to asbestosis, a disease of these organs
    $400 20
"To Reach Eternity" is a collection of letters by this "From Here to Eternity" author
    $600 3
The village of Pleasant Hill, Ky., founded by this celibate sect in 1805, is now a living history museum
    $600 8
This nation's coins of the 1820s were minted on Aegina with presses bought from the Knights of St. John
    $600 19
In Renoir's 1872 painting of this oldest Parisian bridge, his brother Edmond appears in 2 places
    $600 13
This Supreme Court case held that separate facilities for black & white students were unconstitutional
    $600 28
Eqvalan is a leading product for the treatment of parasite infections in these quadrupeds
    $600 21
In 1974 he published "Aunts Aren't Gentlemen: A Jeeves and Bertie Story"
    $800 4
This First Lady's birthplace is a tourist attraction in Weymouth, Massachusetts
    $800 9
Gold sovereigns issued by this small European nation in 1982 depicted the Bishop of Seo de Urgel
    $800 23
This French Rococo painter was known as "Frago" for short
    $800 14
This teachers' union affiliated with the AFL-CIO was founded in 1916
    $800 29
An endemic goiter, the most common type, is caused by a diet deficient in this
    $800 22
He wrote about his people, the Kikuyu, in "facing Mount Kenya" before he became president of Kenya
    DD: $1,200 5
Now an inn, the Governor Calvert House that faces this city's state capitol was built for Chas. Calvert in the 1700s
    $1000 10
When this country revised its coinage system in 1967, all of its new coins were inscribed in Tagalog
    $1000 24
Time magazine nicknamed this abstract expressionist "Jack the Dripper"
    DD: $1,000 15
The first public version of these schools invented by Friedrich Froebel opened in St. Louis in 1873
    $1000 30
The swelling of these salivary glands is the main symptom of the mumps
    $1000 25
She wrote about Central America in the novel "A Book of Common Prayer" & the nonfiction book "Salvador"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Laura John
$3,300 $7,700 $9,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This term for one who exposes political corruption comes from a character in "The Pilgrim's Progress"

Final scores:

Dave Laura John
$6,600 $0 $15,500
2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Dakotah comforter 3rd place: Magnavox VCR + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis New champion: $15,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Laura John
$3,300 $7,700 $9,500
11 R,
2 W
19 R,
1 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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