Suggest correction - #2247 - 1994-05-17

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    DD: $1,700 20
With 180 to 200 threads per inch, this cotton textile is a popular bedsheet material

Show #2247 - Tuesday, May 17, 1994


Mark Bartos, a landscape designer originally from McHenry, Illinois

Jan Krause, a homemaker from Nottingham, Pennsylvania

Erhard Konerding, a librarian and instructor from Middletown, Connecticut (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,002)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
Unlike bees, most wasps do not collect this
    $100 4
Richard Basehart was in charge of the Seaview & in 1993 Roy Scheider took charge of this sub
    $100 21
"Devil Anse" was the head of this feudin' family, mortal enemies of the McCoys
    $100 11
In Arthurian legend, Vivien, who lives underwater, is also known as "The Lady of" this
    $100 16
It's a spreadable paste of foie gras
    $100 1
A pencil is un crayon & this pencil feature is une gomme
    $200 8
The unau sloth has 2 toes on each of its front feet, while the ai sloth has this many
    DD: $600 27
In the '60s he asked Ed Sullivan in New York to kiss him good night; in the '90s, Xuxa in Spain:
    $200 22
Huron, South Dakota boasts a 40-foot statue of one of these birds—it would look good "under glass"
    $200 12
This supreme Norse god has a magic spear called Gungnir
    $200 17
"Rack of" this meat can be prepared as crown roast
    $200 2
This kind of food container is un panier a pique-nique; no ants allowed
    $300 9
Types of these rodents include fox, Eastern Gray & flying
    $300 28
After 1 season "Toma" evolved into this series starring Robert Blake
    $300 23
This state hosts an annual Rose Festival in Tyler; yellow ones must be popular
    $300 13
Originally, this lustful piper was an Arcadian deity
    $300 18
Marie Antoinette's food for the masses
    $300 3
The French name for this body part is la colonne vertebrale
    $400 10
The ptarmigan's feathers are speckled in summer but turn this color in winter
    $400 29
As part of the WQED floor crew in 1972, Michael Keaton sometimes ran the trolley on this children's show
    $400 24
Farmington in this "Down East" state was once the "Earmuff Capital of the World"
    $400 14
A gorgoneion, a representation of this part of a gorgon, supposedly protects you from the evil eye
    $400 19
One of these may be king, snow, blue or stone
    $400 5
This accessory, un parapluie, might be especially useful in Avril—April
    $500 26
The mammalian order Proboscidea consists of the Asian & African species of this animal
    $500 30
On the revival of this show, Greg Morris' son Phil played Barney Collier's son Grant
    $500 25
Boca Grande in this state has streets named Dam-if-I-Know, Dam-if-I-Care & Dam-if-I-Will
    $500 15
This Greek messenger god's chic winged sandals were a gift from his father, Zeus
    $500 20
This cabbage cousin may have deep green leaves tinged with blue
    $500 6
If you travel to France, you should know this phrase that means "Do you speak English?"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erhard Jan Mark
$1,600 $1,400 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erhard Jan Mark
$2,400 $4,000 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $200 6
In the late 19th century it was said that the "Sun never sets" on its dominions
    $200 9
It takes about 5,000 "worms" to produce 1 raw kilogram or 2.2 pounds of this
    $200 22
The chanter is the part of this Scottish instrument that plays the melody
    $200 12
About 1500 miles wide, it was named by 15th century Spanish explorers for Indians in the area
    $200 17
This Ohioan entered the U.S. Senate on December 24, 1974 & he's been there ever since
    $200 1
The next to last line in this play is "Now go thy ways; thou hast tamed a curst shrew"
    $400 7
Around 1260 this empire was divided into 4 khanates
    $400 18
Donegal tweed comes from Donegal in this country
    $400 23
This 3rd "B"s "German Requiem" had its first complete performance in Leipzig in 1869
    $400 13
The Coral Sea was named for its coral & this sea was named in part for the color of its coral
    $400 27
In 1950 this Tenn. senator gained fame as head of a committee investigating organized crime
    $400 2
In a play within a play, Pyramus asks her to meet him at Ninny's tomb
    $600 8
Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire & Otto I founded the empire now known as this
    $600 19
Heavier than velvet, its name is from the Latin for "fuzzy"
    $600 24
When a key on this instrument is pressed, a jack is raised & a plectrum plucks a string
    $600 14
This sea located between Italy & the Balkan Peninsula was named after an ancient Roman port
    DD: $2,800 28
On May 31, 1989 this Speaker of the House who faced ethics charges announced his resignation
    $600 3
Prospero's first line in this play is "Be collected; no more amazement..."
    $800 10
Constantine I turned this city into Constantinople & made it his empire's capital
    DD: $1,700 20
With 180 to 200 threads per inch, this cotton textile is a popular bedsheet material
    $800 25
He premiered 2 operettas in 1910, "Naughty Marietta" in October & "When Sweet Sixteen" in December
    $800 15
Smaller than Texas, this European sea yields about 5% of the world's fish catch
    $800 29
This 1856 GOP presidential candidate later served as governor of the Arizona Territory
    $800 4
Thurio is "a foolish rival to" one of the title gents in this comedy set in Italy
    $1000 11
The actual name for this empire was Tahuantinsuyu, Quechuan for "Land of the Four Quarters"
    $1000 21
Count Hilaire de Chardonnet is called the father of this synthetic fabric that he invented in 1884
    $1000 26
Siegfried Wagner was a pupil of this "Hansel and Gretel" composer
    $1000 16
Fed by many freshwater streams like the Neva, Oder & Vistula, it has a low salt content & freezes easily
    $1000 30
Former Alabama governor George C. Wallace's middle name
    $1000 5
He's Lady Capulet's nephew in "Romeo and Juliet"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erhard Jan Mark
$6,400 $5,000 $8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Montreal, Tehran & Jerusalem are cities for which Moshe Safdie has designed these communities of prefab modules

Final scores:

Erhard Jan Mark
$10,400 $5,000 $12,801
2nd place: trip to Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd place: Piel leather garment bag + leather executive overnight bag New champion: $12,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Erhard Jan Mark
$6,400 $7,400 $7,900
18 R,
0 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $21,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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