Suggest correction - #2224 - 1994-04-14

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    $600 23
Acer saccharum is the sugar maple & Acer rubrum is this

Show #2224 - Thursday, April 14, 1994


Melinda Chatain, a freelance writer from Amagansett, New York

Joe Reinhard, a receiving clerk from Union, New Jersey

David Stewart, a songwriter from Brooklyn, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
The Dibble iceberg tongue hangs off this continent
    $100 8
In golf you can use up to 14 of these but if you break one you can't borrow another player's
    $100 11
On May 4 this smallest U.S. state commemorates the date it proclaimed independence from Britain
    $100 1
Thomas Hastings' Hymn "Toplady" is the music for this Augustus Toplady poem & its words "cleft for me"
    $100 21
This machine replaced mother hens for keeping eggs warm until they hatch
    $100 26
    $200 4
It's the continent that's home to the International Court of Justice
    $200 9
This soccer player has to dress differently from the other players & the referees
    $200 12
The end of a 1575 epidemic in this city is commemorated by a procession of gondolas each July 17
    $200 2
These parade pieces may be written in 2/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time & Sousa was King of them
    $200 22
It's the machine that compacts straw or hay into easy-to-store blocks
    $200 27
    $300 5
On this continent a very nice guy is called a "bonzer bloke"
    $300 10
In hockey they must be 40-48" high, made of wood or fiberglass & painted white
    $300 13
Traditionally, these leave San Juan Capistrano on October 23
    $300 14
His real first name is Riley; the initials came from "Blues Boy", a name he used as a disc jockey
    $300 23
This unit used for picked fruit is equal to 4 pecks
    $300 28
    $400 6
The Berbers are native to this continent's northern coast
    $400 15
A free kick in football may be performed as a drop kick, a place kick or one of these
    $400 17
On December 5 Haiti celebrates its discovery by this man
    $400 18
On a stringed instrument, it or they may be C-, F- or rose-shaped
    $400 24
It's the 2-word term for applying pesticides by plane or helicopter
    $400 29
    $500 7
It's the continent with the second-greatest number of Confucians
    $500 16
In cricket these are placed 22 yards apart, at either end of the pitch
    DD: $1,000 20
On November 3 this country observes its 1903 independence from Colombia
    $500 19
This Hungarian began his public piano career after rejection by the Paris Conservatory at the age of 12
    $500 25
This organization for young people is abbreviated FFA
    $500 30

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Joe Melinda
$600 $1,200 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Joe Melinda
$4,900 $2,200 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Richard Olney is famous for an 1895 corollary to this 1823 doctrine
    $200 21
You can identify different types of these trees by their leaves, bark & acorns
    $200 2
St. Frideswide is patron of this English city & its university
    $200 26
The new Richelieu wing that opened in 1993 doubled this museum's display area
    $200 1
He finished "Paradise Lost" & began "Paradise Regained" in Chalfont St. Giles, Buckinghamshire
    $200 16
When this Steven Spielberg film opened in June 1993, it had the best first week ever—$81.7 million
    $400 8
In 1830 there was about 30 miles of this in the U.S.; by 1850 there was about 9,000 miles
    $400 22
Common name for the edible seeds in the cones of pinon trees
    $400 3
This visionary saint of Lourdes died at the age of 35
    $400 27
Opened in 1972, the Van Gogh Museum in this capital city houses about 600 of the artist's works
    $400 12
This author of "Lord of the Flies" & winner of the 1983 Nobel Literature Prize died in 1993
    $400 17
From the Latin for "legal knowledge", it's the term for the formal science of law
    $600 9
In 1837 he built his first steel-bladed plow at his blacksmith shop in Grand Detour, Illinois
    $600 23
Acer saccharum is the sugar maple & Acer rubrum is this
    $600 4
Saints named Ladislas & Stephen were both kings of this country
    $600 30
Several museums, including the Silver Museum, are in this Florence, Italy palace
    $600 13
Arthur Koestler's novel about the Moscow trials of the 1930s was called "Darkness at" this time
    $600 18
Gibberish, or the specialized language of a profession or trade
    $800 10
The 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy versus this man condoned "separate but equal" practices
    $800 24
A type of crab is named for this tree which it climbs
    DD: $1,600 5
He's the patron saint of dancers & even has a "dance" named for him
    DD: $4,000 28
This country's National Museum building was designed by Saarinen, Gesellius & Lindgren
    $800 14
Half of this "The Time Of Your Life" author's ashes were interred in California & half in Armenia
    $800 19
From 1615-1642, he served as architect to King James I & then King Charles I
    $1000 11
Lincoln's secretary, he went on to negotiate treaties with England's Julian Pauncefote
    $1000 25
The most massive tree is a giant sequoia named for this general; its seeds weigh about 1/5,000 oz.
    $1000 6
This English king died a week after Westminster Abbey was consecrated
    $1000 29
One room of Lisbon's military museum is devoted to this captain who opened a new trade route to India in 1498
    $1000 15
E.M. Forster, John Maynard Keynes & Virginia Woolf were members of this literary group
    $1000 20
Founded as El Paso del Norte c. 1660, this city is Mexico's largest on the border with the U.S.

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Joe Melinda
$1,900 $9,200 $3,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

On receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, she said, "I accept in the name of the poor"

Final scores:

David Joe Melinda
$3,800 $11,100 $4,000
3rd place: Samsung camcorder New champion: $11,100 2nd place: trip to Hilton Head Island

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Joe Melinda
$5,400 $8,400 $3,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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