Suggest correction - #2221 - 1994-04-11

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    $600 3
After a less than enthusiastic opening night, he revised "Madama Butterfly"

Show #2221 - Monday, April 11, 1994


Allen Newman, an Episcopal priest from the Bronx, New York

Ruth Breckenridge, a programming analyst originally from Wayne, New Jersey

Al Thomas, a postal service technician from New York City, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
In the U.S. this was raised to $1.25 an hour
    $100 26
On "The Honeymooners", Ed Norton was a city sewer worker & Ralph Kramden worked as this
    $100 7
The "raw" type of this fiber is reeled from the cocoons still containing the gum or sericin
    $100 4
The Highland Rim area of this state completely surrounds the Nashville Basin
    $100 11
Without consulting Congress, Nixon ordered an invasion of this Vietnam neighbor in April 1970
    $100 1
It can be a pirate flag or a card game where players try to get "21"
    $200 18
When the Navy decommissioned its fleet of these, they were deflated & packed away
    $200 27
Diane Ladd, who played Flo in the film version, turned up as waitress Belle on this sitcom
    $200 22
The Chantilly type of this fabric was first made in the 18th century
    $200 5
In terms of population, Erie is the third-largest city in this state
    $200 13
Black Hills State University is located in Spearfish in this state
    $200 2
From the color of polish, it's an old name for a shiner of shoes
    $300 19
Newton Minow, chairman of this group, complained about many things, including game shows
    $300 28
On "Sesame Street", this Muppet makes his home in a garbage can
    $300 23
The name of this man-made fiber may come from French meaning "ray of light"
    $300 6
This capital of Mississippi is the "Crossroads of the South"
    $300 14
Over 90% of Poles are followers of this church
    $300 3
Huey Newton was one of the founders of this party
    $400 20
In March he was named director of the Peace Corps
    $400 29
It was the nickname of Kim Fields' character Dorothy Ramsey on "The Facts of Life"
    $400 24
Lycra, used in swimsuits, is a trademark of this chemical company
    $400 8
The extreme western part of Alaska's Aleutian Islands is in the same time zone as this other state
    $400 15
This spice that comes in "quills" is essential to make Cafe Brulot & Bananas Foster
    $400 10
This chess piece tells Alice, "The great art of riding is to keep--" & promptly falls over
    $500 21
This Kenyan leader, imprisoned since 1952, was released on August 21
    $500 30
In a 1977 TV special, he turned up married to Zelda Gilroy
    $500 25
The Sea Island type of this fiber was originally brought to the U.S. from the West Indies
    DD: $1,000 9
On an alphabetical list of the New England states, this one comes first
    $500 16
In this John Steinbeck novelette Kino, a fisherman, finds a large gem but it brings only tragedy
    $500 12
This New York City architect was shot & killed in 1906 by a jealous husband

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Al Ruth Allen
$2,600 $200 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Al Ruth Allen
$4,200 $1,400 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
He was the first U.S. president who had a father named John & a son named John
    $200 21
The curly-leafed variety of this herb is used as a garnish; the flat Italian, for flavoring
    $200 26
If a dog bites you, first do this to the wound, then cover it with a sterile dressing
    $200 11
One of the oldest known structures used as an observatory is this one in Wiltshire, England
    $200 1
By the time he completed his ninth symphony in 1824, this composer was totally deaf
    $200 16
"The Little Red Book" of the Red Guards
    $400 7
William Bradford lived in Leyden in this country for several years before he set sail for Plymouth
    $400 22
In 1893 the justices of the Supreme Court declared that this was a vegetable, not a fruit
    $400 27
A choking victim may be saved with this "maneuver" whether he's sitting, standing or lying down
    $400 12
An observatory at Jaipur in this country has a sundial built in the 1720s with a column height of almost 90 feet
    $400 2
Although Mozart is not buried at St. Sebastian's Church in this city, his wife & father are
    $400 17
"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", adopted in 1789
    $600 8
Lord Cornbury, who held this political office in N.Y. & N.J. 1702-08, enjoyed dressing up like a woman
    $600 23
Also called aubergine, this is often salted & drained before cooking
    $600 28
A victim of severe sunburn may develop these; do not break them open
    DD: $1,700 13
The first coronagraph was used in 1930 at the Pic Du Midi Observatory in these mountains in France
    $600 3
After a less than enthusiastic opening night, he revised "Madama Butterfly"
    $600 18
"The Bear" & "The Sea Gull"
    $800 9
Peyton Randolph represented this college in the House of Burgesses 1752-1761
    $800 24
Montmorency is the sour or "pie" type of this fruit cultivated most often in the U.S.
    $800 29
It's what the CP stands for in CPR
    $800 14
Until 1976 the Hale Telescope on this California mountain was the world's largest reflector at 200 inches
    $800 4
Selections in his "Peer Gynt" suite include "Anitra's Dance", "Morning" & "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
    $800 19
1532's "The Prince"
    $1000 10
She was the second wife of Napoleon I & the mother of Napoleon II
    $1000 25
"The Joy of Cooking" suggests cooking the Savoy type of this longer than the regular type
    DD: $200 30
Pressure on this artery found just below the groin may help control bleeding from a leg wound
    $1000 15
In 1675 England's King Charles II founded this observatory located on what became the Prime Meridian
    $1000 5
In 1907 he was appointed professor of piano at the Royal Hungarian Academy of Music
    $1000 20
The 18-book Mahabharata, an epic attributed to Vyasa

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Al Ruth Allen
$4,600 $5,000 $9,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 presidents who became widowers & remarried while in office

Final scores:

Al Ruth Allen
$799 $1,600 $8,200
3rd place: Panasonic fax machine + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico New champion: $8,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Al Ruth Allen
$4,100 $5,800 $8,100
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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