Suggest correction - #2265 - 1994-06-10

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    $500 27
During the '50s this French doctor developed his psychoprophylaxis or "Mind Prevention" classes

Show #2265 - Friday, June 10, 1994


Kim Story, an actor and singer originally from Memphis, Tennessee

Mike Stewart, a computer sales executive from El Cerrito, California

Bob Majeska, a research scientist from Danbury, Connecticut (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $33,300)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
On January 31 the U.S. formally recognized Transjordan & this country
    $100 6
In "Dennis the Menace", Walter Matthau played this curmudgeonly character
    $100 12
If a trucker says he has "bubble trouble", he may have a flat one of these
    $100 11
A scale that's played rapidly, or what you don't want to get in your pantyhose
    $100 21
The fetus may get an attack of these; baby books don't mention if saying "Boo!" will cure them
    $100 23
    $200 2
There were about 40,000 horologists making these in the U.S.
    $200 7
After originating the role of this cargo officer on Broadway, Henry Fonda played him on film
    $200 13
The 2 main types of these are hot air & gas
    $200 15
The Biwa is a 4-stringed lute from this country also known for its Biwa pearls
    $200 22
The C in C-section is short for this
    $200 24
    $300 3
The cornerstone for its headquarters was laid October 24, 1949
    $300 8
After losing his job, Michael Keaton was saddled with domestic duties in this 1983 comedy
    $300 14
Guinness says the smallest of these one-wheeled vehicles ever ridden was just 8 inches high
    $300 18
This woodwind is sometimes called a blackstick
    $300 25
While in this organ, the baby has a womb with no view for about 9 months
    $300 28
    $400 4
2 women fined & jailed for their WWII broadcasts were Iva D'Aquino, Tokyo Rose, & Mildred Gillars, known as this
    $400 9
In a 1993 film, Richard Gere played this title role
    $400 16
San Franciscans know that BART is an acronym for this
    $400 19
Its tune may have come from a song with a similar title, "Britannia, The Pride Of The Ocean"
    $400 26
In a 1993 experiment, George Washington University researchers split these into "twins"
    $400 29
    $500 5
In February Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty was sentenced to life imprisonment in this country
    $500 10
The first name of this Gary Cooper character was Longfellow
    DD: $500 17
Vehicle at the center of the "Quadriga of Victory", the statue atop Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
    $500 20
"Moritat" was the original German title of this song from "The Threepenny Opera"
    $500 27
During the '50s this French doctor developed his psychoprophylaxis or "Mind Prevention" classes
    $500 30

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Bob Mike Kim
$1,700 $1,000 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Mike Kim
$3,200 $2,000 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
This sea in the North Pacific was first explored by a Russian, Semyon Dezhnev, in 1648
    $200 21
A cookbook is associated with chefs, but the term "cook the books" is associated with this profession
    $200 1
This agency began protecting the president after the McKinley assassination in 1901
    $200 11
A labor dispute in 1978 forced this London paper to shut down for nearly a year
    $200 26
On Monday nights in New Orleans, many sit down to a traditional dish of red beans & this
    $200 6
From the shore, poet Sidney Lanier observed the Civil War battle of these ironclad ships
    $400 17
One of the finest fishing areas in this sea is the Dogger Bank off the coast of England
    $400 22
An etymologist studies the history of these
    $400 2
This presidential retreat is perched on the highest point in Catoctin Mountain Park
    $400 12
To tell you the truth, Lenin was an early contributor to this paper whose name means "truth"
    $400 27
Your cream will whip into a larger volume if you do this first to the bowl & beaters
    $400 7
This author of "The Catcher in the Rye" landed on Utah Beach on D-Day
    $600 18
In this sea the Aruba Gap joins the Colombian & Venezuelan basins
    $600 23
Louis Agassiz, Charles William Beebe & Charles Darwin are classified as these; Darwin was the Beagle's
    $600 3
This president gave a TV tour of the White House in 1952, long before Jackie Kennedy
    $600 13
Published in Cape Town, the Argus is one of this country's largest English-language dailies
    $600 28
Miso soup contains strips of kombu, which is this
    $600 8
This "Trees" poet received a posthumous Croix de Guerre in WWI
    $800 19
Ports on this sea include Odessa, Ukraine & Samsun, Turkey
    DD: $1,000 24
From Late Latin for "shopkeeper", it's an old term for a druggist
    $800 4
His wife, nee Julia Dent, was the first presidential wife called "The First Lady of the Land"
    $800 14
Al-Ahram, published in this city, is the dominant newspaper in the Arab world
    $800 30
The meats in saltimbocca are prosciutto & this
    $800 9
His experiences aboard 2 destroyer-minesweepers provided the background for "The Caine Mutiny"
    $1000 20
This sea lies between Papua New Guinea & the Great Barrier Reef
    $1000 25
Cars are driven by chauffeurs & these are driven by mahouts
    DD: $1,400 5
Thomas F. McLarty holds this title in the Clinton White House
    $1000 15
Argentina's 2 most influential dailies are "La Nacion", founded in 1870, & this one founded in 1869
    $1000 29
Tzatziki is a Greek side dish made with this health food & cucumber
    $1000 10
This "A Rumor of War" author was a member of the first U.S. ground-combat unit in Vietnam

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Mike Kim
$9,800 $9,600 $4,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

Like her sister Parthenope, who was named for Naples, she was named for the city of her birth

Final scores:

Bob Mike Kim
$399 $19,100 $3,600
3rd place: trip to Palm Springs & stay at the Ingleside Inn + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis New champion: $19,100 2nd place: Singer Furniture dining room set + Cuisinart stainless flatware by Towle

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Mike Kim
$9,600 $9,200 $4,300
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $23,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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