Suggest correction - #2262 - 1994-06-07

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    $200 14
This cartoonist coined the phrase "Happiness is a warm puppy"

Show #2262 - Tuesday, June 7, 1994


Roberta Maguire, a substitute teacher from New York City, New York

Dan Loney, a graduate student originally from Iowa City, Iowa

Bob Majeska, a research scientist from Danbury, Connecticut (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,799)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Like the Colorado, the Yellowstone River flows through a canyon named this
    $100 5
This Wisconsin football team's Hall of Fame includes a Vince Lombardi collection
    $100 9
He sent his first radio signals in 1895, when he was 21
    $100 18
The largest dam built by these rodents was 2,140 feet long, 12 feet high & 20 feet thick
    $100 21
Zooty, a slang term that means flashy, comes from the name of this '40s fashion fad
    $100 4
This literary character declared, "I am the mightiest of the jungle fighters. You are Jane Porter"
    $200 2
The Big Black & Red Rivers flow into this mighty one
    $200 6
One of the highlights at this Springfield, Mass. Hall of Fame is a film called "Hoopla"
    $200 13
When he became emperor of Japan in 1926, he was 25 years old
    $200 27
Also called an ant bear, the giant species of this mammal has a sticky tongue over 1 foot long
    $200 23
In 1834 a punch press invented by Xavier Jouvin revolutionized the making of these hand coverings
    $200 14
This cartoonist coined the phrase "Happiness is a warm puppy"
    $300 3
Fulton's steamboat Clermont was sent up this river August 17, 1807
    $300 8
Dick Button & Sonja Henie are among the notables honored at this sport's Colorado Springs Hall of Fame
    DD: $500 19
Seen here, he was only 22 when a plane crash cut short his life:
    $300 28
This endangered ape of Borneo & Sumatra is now protected by law in Indonesia & Malaysia
    $300 24
Louis XIV often wore extremely wide ones of these on his shoes instead of buckles
    $300 15
In a December 29, 1940 fireside chat, he said, "We must be the great arsenal of democracy"
    $400 7
The name of this tributary of The Wabash became a nickname for William Henry Harrison
    $400 11
Exhibits at this sport's Hall of Fame in N. Carolina trace it from its origin in Scotland to the present
    $400 20
At the tender age of 26, he became the commander-in-chief of the Carthaginian Army
    $400 29
Breeds of this domestic mammal include Suffolk, Cheviot & Merino
    $400 25
The "picture" style of this framed a woman's face & made her look as pretty as a picture
    $400 16
"Patriot Games" author who said, "I've made up stuff that's turned out to be real, that's the spooky part"
    $500 10
This river forming most of the border between Georgia & South Carolina sounds like a grassland
    $500 12
If you "cross-country" to Ishpeming, Michigan, you'll find this sport's national hall of fame
    $500 22
She was 23 when her first novel, "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter", was published
    $500 30
The songs of this whale with big flippers have been recorded for several albums
    $500 26
This skinny, miniskirted model inspired the 1960s fad of painting spiky lashes under the eyes
    $500 17
When named as Walter Mondale's running mate, she said, "Vice president--it has such a nice ring to it!"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Dan Roberta
$2,100 $500 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Dan Roberta
$2,700 $1,500 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Natural gas & this product account for about 99% of Brunei's exports
    $200 6
Norman Rockwell's art appeared in Life, Boys' Life, Look & over 300 times on the cover of this magazine
    $200 9
His books like "Metaphysics" & "On the Soul" were originally lecture notes, either his or his students'
    $200 14
An antonym of creditor, it's one who owes money to another
    $200 20
Ballerina Violette Verdy became the first female director of this French city's Opera Ballet in 1977
    $200 17
A literary memorial that honors a deceased person, or the inscription on a tomb
    $400 2
This country in which cattle are considered holy has more of them than any other country
    $400 7
When founded in 1897, the Jewish Daily Forward was published in this language, not Hebrew
    $400 10
Plutarch said this rival of Pompey was subject to attacks of giddiness
    $400 18
The Monetary Control Act of 1980 requires U.S. banks to deposit funds with this central banking system
    $400 19
This term can refer to short poems that have a songlike style, or the words to a song
    $600 3
About 3% of this country occupies the eastern tip of Southern Europe; the rest is in Asia
    $600 8
In 1992 this British humor magazine ceased regular publication after 151 years
    $600 13
Adrastus, leader & sole survivor of the 7 against this city, later led the sons of the 7 against it
    $600 24
This term for a first- class, low-risk stock comes from the colorful counters used in poker
    $600 21
Alexander Pope called it "My Weapon"; George S. Kaufman said it's what closes on Saturday night
    $800 4
Hong Kong's largest urban area is located on this mainland peninsula across Victoria Harbor
    $800 11
This New York City borough's Eagle newspaper folded in 1955
    DD: $1,500 15
This doctor of Marcus Aurelius systemized all the medical knowledge to his time, the 2nd century A.D.
    $800 27
As a youngster this sitarist was a dancer with his older brother Uday's dance troupe
    $800 22
This term for epics written in medieval Iceland often refers to modern adventure stories, too
    DD: $2,500 5
They're the 2 countries with the highest percentages of Shiite Muslims
    $1000 12
This major source of medical news is published each week by the Massachusetts Medical Society
    $1000 16
Considered the first to act separately from the chorus, he did it from behind a mask
    $1000 25
This political economist wrote "The Affluent Society" in 1958 & "The Nature of Mass Poverty" in 1979
    $1000 26
Her great modern dance works include 1946's "Cave of the Heart", inspired by the legend of Medea
    $1000 23
A Petrarchan sonnet consists of an octave followed by a stanza with this many lines

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Dan Roberta
$6,500 $3,200 $1,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Since 1948 over 8 million tons of granite have been removed in sculpting this man & he's not finished

Final scores:

Bob Dan Roberta
$6,500 $2,799 $3
2-day champion: $16,299 2nd place: Insight 386X computer + MCI video phones + Jeopardy! home game 3rd place: Olympus Superzoom 3000 camera + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Dan Roberta
$6,500 $4,500 $4,300
18 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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