Suggest correction - #2255 - 1994-05-27

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    $1000 5
The Russian Black Sea fleet was organized in 1776 by this court favorite of Catherine the Great

Show #2255 - Friday, May 27, 1994


Dave Maley, a public relations specialist from Ithaca, New York

John Evans-Klock, a budget examiner from Arlington, Virginia

Kevin Olmstead, an environmental engineering professor from Ann Arbor, Michigan (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,901)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
This African antelope is also known as a wildebeest
    $100 16
This song from "Annie" ends with the line "You're always a day away!"--makes sense
    $100 17
In November 1898 this rough riding colonel was elected New York governor
    $100 1
On road signs this gas station feature is the common symbol for a gas station ahead
    $100 11
You probably know chard by this longer name
    $100 26
Like its sister hotel in Memphis, the Peabody Orlando features a parade of these birds-- what a "quack"-up
    $200 7
No wild bears live in Antarctica, Australia or this continent
    $200 22
In "You're the Top", "You're a bendel bonnet, a Shakespeare sonnet, you're" this famous rodent
    $200 18
Of 350 crewmen, 260 were killed in the explosion of this battleship Feb. 15, 1898
    $200 2
In gas station names, these numbers, 10 digits apart, follow Phillips & Union
    $200 12
"The Dominator" made by this pizza delivery service is described as "over 2 feet of pepperoni pizza"
    $200 27
There's a Four Presidents Motel in Keystone, South Dakota, not far from this national memorial
    $300 8
Dugongs & these mammals are the only members of the order Sirenia
    $300 23
Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley song that asks, "What kind of lips are these that lied with every kiss?"
    $300 19
In 1897 the Pennsylvania Capitol in this city was destroyed by fire
    $300 3
Gasohol is usually a mixture of gasoline & this
    $300 13
Opera fudge, which is light in color, is this flavor, not chocolate
    $300 28
Built as a home in 1898, the Brigham Street Inn is an elegant bed and breakfast in this state capital
    $400 9
The golden species of this rodent is useful to laboratories because of its rapid breeding cycle
    $400 24
In "Finian's Rainbow", this title question precedes "Is that willow tree still weeping there?"
    DD: $700 20
On July 7, 1898 the president signed a bill annexing this Pacific island group to the United States
    $400 4
Due to deposits, older engines may need gas with a higher octane number to prevent this
    $400 14
Pork Scrapple is similar to goetta, except that goetta contains oats & scrapple, this meal
    $400 29
Mr. Patrick Henry's Inn in this Virginia city is near the church where Henry gave his "Liberty or Death" speech
    $500 10
Ambergris, a substance used as a base for perfumes, is formed in the intestines of these whales
    $500 25
A song from "Oklahoma!" says, "Don't throw bouquets at me" because this will happen
    $500 21
This poet died March 26, 1892 in Camden, New Jersey
    $500 5
In the 1930s Socony-Vacuum started selling gas under this brand name using a flying red horse logo
    $500 15
A shortbread cookie made by Nabisco, or an R.D. Blackmore novel set partly in Glen Doone
    $500 30
Guests at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in this Mass. city enjoy riding the swan boats in the Public Gardens

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin John Dave
$1,200 $400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin John Dave
$1,300 $2,200 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This telegraph pioneer painted "The Gallery of the Louvre" for his friend James Fenimore Cooper
    $200 11
Hasidism, a movement within this religion, was founded in the 18th c. by Israel Baal Shem Tov
    $200 26
In January 1990 the Parliament voted away its constitutional guarantee as the dominant party
    $200 21
She first performed her First Lady duties at a house on Cherry Street in New York City
    $200 16
In a duopoly there are this many sellers of a good or service
    $200 6
Chapter 3 of this 1935 classic is called "Camp on the High Prairie"
    $400 2
She began shooting small game for money at age 9, & by 16 had paid off the family mortgage
    $400 12
Ringatu & the Ratana Church are 2 religious movements among these New Zealand natives
    $400 27
This river forms most of the border between Bulgaria & Romania
    $400 22
It's said that she helped convince her husband to pardon Richard Nixon
    $400 17
Seignorage is the difference between the cost of the metal used to make these & their face value
    $400 7
Shortly before his death in 1989, Walter Farley finished writing his 21st book in this "Dark Horse" series
    $600 3
As a student, this psychiatrist was nicknamed Klex, meaning "inkblot", for his love of sketching
    $600 13
They were the priests & learned men of Celtic Gaul, Britain & Ireland
    $600 28
On Sept. 8, 1944 this country invaded Bulgaria
    $600 23
She dropped out of Smith College before marrying a Navy fighter pilot Jan. 6, 1945
    $600 18
Gross profit less the operating expenses of the business equals this
    $600 8
He called his second Narnia novel "Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia"
    $800 4
The father of this "Misanthrope" playwright was an official upholsterer to the King
    $800 14
She studied with Phineas P. Quimby before founding Christian Science
    DD: $1,000 29
This city is home to the Cyril & Methodius National Library
    $800 24
When her son Willie died, she bought expensive mourning clothes & special mourning jewelry
    $800 19
The increase realized when an asset is sold for more than its purchase price is this type of "gain"
    $800 9
His 1898 story "The Reluctant Dragon" appeared 10 years before "The Wind in the Willows"
    $1000 5
The Russian Black Sea fleet was organized in 1776 by this court favorite of Catherine the Great
    DD: $500 15
The creation story of this 6-tribe Native American group recounts the birth of twins Flint & Sapling
    $1000 30
This bridge wrapper is Bulgaria's most famous contemporary artist
    $1000 25
Her daughter-in-law Louisa was also a first lady
    $1000 20
An asset is described as this if it is cash or can be converted quickly into cash with little loss
    $1000 10
Maurice Sendak illustrated this "I, Claudius" author's children's story "The Big Green Book"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin John Dave
$5,700 $4,200 $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

It lies on the east bank of the Missouri River about 150 miles south of the Canadian border

Final scores:

Kevin John Dave
$2,900 $8,300 $11,800
3rd place: Carey Limousine rides + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis 2nd place: General Instrument satellite TV system + Sanyo 31" TV New champion: $11,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin John Dave
$5,700 $4,200 $10,800
14 R,
3 W
12 R,
1 W
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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