Suggest correction - #2253 - 1994-05-25

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    $500 30
Bride's magazine suggests using the "Spring" part of this Vivaldi work for the processional

Show #2253 - Wednesday, May 25, 1994


Pam Sink-Plemitscher, a homemaker originally from San Pedro, California

Kevin Olmstead, an environmental engineering professor from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Larry Shackley, a musician from Wheaton, Illinois (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 14
It's believed that this country's first clans arose c. 1000 A.D. during the reign of King Malcolm II
    $100 1
In 1988 this former James Bond was named "Best Supporting Actor" for "The Untouchables"
    $100 20
It's a large, square- ended, flat boat used to carry sand, coal or even garbage
    $100 9
In 1868 this city succeeded Milledgeville as the state capital
    $100 26
Sometimes the man who catches this places it on the leg of the woman who catches the bouquet
    $100 2
    $200 15
On a 1967 visit to Canada, Charles de Gaulle voiced support for this province's independence movement
    $200 6
This 1991 "Best Picture" winner starring Jodie Foster was the first to appear on home video prior to its win
    $200 21
We wonder how many miles the Spanish got to one of these 16th century treasure ships
    $200 11
This Protestant group constitutes Georgia's largest religious denomination
    $200 27
If your wedding is canceled, you should do this with the gifts you've received
    $200 3
    $300 16
In 1899, 26 nations took part in the 1st of 2 peace conferences held in this Dutch seat of government
    $300 7
On March 26, 1990, this revered Japanese director received an honorary Oscar for his body of work
    $300 22
In this popular strategy game, it takes 5 direct hits to sink an aircraft carrier
    $300 12
Tourists can visit this president's home, the Little White House, at Warm Springs
    $300 28
They're expected to seat the guests & escort the bridesmaids
    $300 4
    $400 17
In 1908 Bulgaria's King Ferdinand declared his country's full independence from this empire
    $400 10
This director received Oscar nominations for his first 2 films, winning for "The Graduate"
    $400 23
It's a ship with no regular schedule that takes hauling jobs as it finds them
    DD: $500 18
The USA's oldest orphanage, the Bethesda Home for Boys, opened in 1740 in this port city
    $400 29
Styles of these worn by brides include blusher, fly-away & birdcage
    $400 5
    $500 19
Founded in 1392, the Yi Dynasty ruled this country for over 500 years
    $500 13
Keith Carradine won a 1975 Oscar for composing "I'm Easy" for this Robert Altman film
    $500 24
The term for this small boat that's often towed hails from Hindi
    $500 25
Gutzon Borglum was the first sculptor to work on this 90-foot-high memorial east of Atlanta
    $500 30
Bride's magazine suggests using the "Spring" part of this Vivaldi work for the processional
    $500 8
a disreputable bar

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Larry Kevin Pam
$1,000 $1,300 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Larry Kevin Pam
$500 $1,200 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
"The Farther Adventures of" this Defoe character was released just 4 months after the original book
    $200 10
This soft variety of calcium carbonate created the white cliffs of Dover
    $200 2
This Californian lost the GOP presidential nomination to Ford by 117 delegate votes
    $200 17
From the 1600s until 1959, Tibet was under the rule of this religious leader
    $200 12
In 1992 this "Phantom" composer bought a view of London by Canaletto for $17.8 million
    $200 26
    $400 3
Among his Christmas books are "The Chimes" & "The Cricket on the Hearth"
    $400 18
Nonskid stair treads are commonly made of this substance that's also found on nail files
    $400 6
The North & South parts of this nation were officially reunited July 2, after 22 years of separation
    $400 22
In 1979 he was named Iran's supreme religious leader for life
    $400 13
At age 36 Rembrandt finished painting "The Night Watch" & he finished painting "The Starry Night"
    $400 27
Gateau Saint-Honore
    $600 4
This Truman Capote novel is narrated by Holly Golightly's neighbor, a writer she calls Fred
    $600 19
The most abundant sedimentary rock is this layered variety made of silt & clay
    $600 7
In July commandos from this country rescued 103 hostages at Uganda's Entebbe Airport
    $600 23
John Carroll, the first Roman Catholic bishop in the U.S., founded this Washington, D.C. university
    $600 14
In 1986 the Detroit Inst. of Arts celebrated 2 centennials, its own & this Mexican muralist's
    $600 28
Banbury cakes
    $800 5
In a Larry McMurtry novel, Augustus McCrae & Woodrow Call own a livery stable in this Texas town
    $800 20
This black volcanic glass was used by the ancient Maya for mirrors
    $800 8
On May 31 he signed a decree transferring the Philippine capital from Quezon City to Manila
    DD: $3,000 24
Under the leadership of this reformer, Geneva became the center of Protestantism
    $800 15
Art & Antiques magazine broke the story on this artist's secret cache of Helga paintings
    $800 29
Schaum Torte
    $1000 11
This author of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was blind for the last 15 years of his life
    $1000 21
It's a spherical, hollow stone lined with crystals
    $1000 9
Hundreds were killed in racial violence that began in this Black Township near Johannesburg
    $1000 25
This preacher's "Hour of Power" is telecast weekly from the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California
    DD: $1,000 16
His "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" is on display at the Art Inst. of Chicago
    $1000 30

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Larry Kevin Pam
$4,900 $7,800 $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Joan Ganz Cooney was president of this company 1970-1990

Final scores:

Larry Kevin Pam
$4,800 $11,500 $3,999
2nd place: AST color notebook computer + Sanyo micro cassette recorder + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $11,500 3rd place: Ducane gas grill + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for & Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Larry Kevin Pam
$4,900 $5,500 $9,800
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
25 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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