Suggest correction - #2198 - 1994-03-09

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    $500 12
Stage name of Edith Holm Sondergaard, who won the 1st Oscar for "Best Supporting Actress"

Show #2198 - Wednesday, March 9, 1994

Fred Frank game 5.


Byron Walden, a mathematician originally from Frankfort, Kentucky

Brian Callaghan, a world traveller from Washington, D.C.

Fred Frank, a painter from San Francisco, California (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $52,699)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
The Australian Opera Company is based in a famous theatre in this city
    $100 5
Born John Elroy Sanford, he played Fred Sanford on "Sanford and Son"
    $100 30
Of the 3 birthstones for June, it's the one most likely found inside an oyster
    $100 25
Technically, this word refers only to the male peafowl
    $100 19
A printer's apprentice at age 12, this Huck Finn author later owned a publishing house
    $100 17
    $200 4
The Royal & Ancient Golf Club is in this city named for Scotland's patron saint
    $200 8
Nathaniel Adams Coles recorded hits like "Mona Lisa" under this name
    $200 20
L. Frank Baum's birthstone, it's found in the name of a fictional place he created
    $200 13
This African bird can grow over 8 feet tall & in excess of 300 pounds
    $200 21
Fewer than 50 copies of his "42-line" Bible, printed in the 1450s, still exist
    $200 10
Queen Mary,
Queen Elizabeth,
Andrea Doria
    $300 1
The Nelson River, an outlet of Lake Winnipeg, is the longest river in this Canadian province
    $300 6
It was George Emmett McFarland's famous nickname, as any "Little Rascal" could tell you
    $300 27
Thailand is a good place to find the blue type of these September birthstones
    $300 22
The American white species of this bird drives fish into shallow water & scoops them up with its pouch
    $300 9
The Duke of Parma's printer Giambattista Bodoni designed one of these now called Bodoni
    $300 16
A car,
a politician,
panty hose
    $400 2
This capital of Cyprus is 150 miles from Beirut
    $400 11
Armando Anthony Corea is known to jazz fans by this nickname
    $400 28
Wearing this greenish- blue gem, a March birthstone, was once supposed to provide courage
    $400 23
The turkey vulture of the New World is also called the turkey this, especially in Hinckley, Ohio
    $400 18
In 1729 at age 23 he & Hugh Meredith started publishing the Pennsylvania Gazette
    $400 14
A marionette,
an apron,
a violin
    DD: $700 3
It's the religion of about 90% of the people who live in the Gambia
    $500 12
Stage name of Edith Holm Sondergaard, who won the 1st Oscar for "Best Supporting Actress"
    $500 29
This red January birthstone is a symbol of constancy
    $500 24
The male of the Adelie species of this bird may lose 40% of his weight during mating & incubation
    $500 26
Pierre-Simon Fournier & Francois-Ambroise Didot developed this scale for letter size
    $500 15
A cold,
a rumor,

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Fred Brian Byron
-$200 $500 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Brian Byron
-$300 $4,000 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
The execution of Mary Stuart was one reason Philip II sent this naval group against England in 1588
    $200 11
He had to delay finishing "The Last Judgment" for the Sistine Chapel after he fell from a scaffold
    $200 30
It owns all of the Apollo capsules & loans them out to other museums around the world
    $200 20
Appropriately, this agency's toll-free number ends with the number 1040
    $200 2
To make beurre noisette, heat this until it's as brown as a nut
    $200 19
In a Longfellow poem, Nokomis, the old woman, stands on its shore pointing westward
    $400 6
After it crashed in 1937, this German dirigible burned well into the night
    $400 12
Alice Neel was noted for her portraits of the people of this city's Spanish Harlem
    $400 21
In June 1985 the U.S. sent a prince from this country into space
    $400 3
This Massachusetts Democrat is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources
    $400 28
English name of the creatures that the French serve on a special dish called an escargotiere
    $400 29
Type of tree that George Pope Morris pleaded with the woodman to spare
    $600 7
In 1979 Greece was elected to full membership in this "Continental" organization
    $600 8
In 1888 Gauguin spent a short time in Arles visiting this artist
    $600 13
The Russian equivalent of this U.S. craft is the Buran, which can fly by remote control
    $600 16
This term for a slate of candidates sounds like you have to buy it at the box office
    $600 27
It's a style of frying fish & serving it with tomato sauce, as well as an airport near Paris
    $600 22
According to Tennyson, it's what the 600 had left, right & in front of them in the Valley of Death
    $800 1
Hosokawa Masamoto, a warlord, drove Shogun Yoshitane out of this capital city in 1493
    DD: $2,000 9
His signature on his paintings was sometimes followed by Kres, for Cretan
    $800 14
It was the Soviet successor to the Salyut Space Station
    $800 17
This adjective describes a legislature with a single chamber, such as Nebraska's
    $800 25
These salad ingredients known as coeurs de palmier may also be braised & served in sauce
    $800 23
Her poem number 280 begins, "I felt a funeral, in my brain, and mourners to and fro"
    $1000 5
During WWI this British officer & archaeologist was made advisor to Faisal, son of the Sharif of Mecca
    $1000 10
This sculptor of "Bird in Space" also executed a work called "Flying Turtle"
    $1000 15
The last Saturn V moon rocket used to put this into orbit May 14, 1973
    DD: $2,098 18
Late Kansas governor whose daughter Nancy is a senator from Kansas
    $1000 26
Larousse Gastronomique suggests soaking these framboises "with sugar in good red wine"
    $1000 24
Said to be Abraham Lincoln's first love, she's the subject of a poem by Edgar Lee Masters

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Brian Byron
$4,798 $10,600 $2,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of only 2 men elected to Congress after serving as president

Final scores:

Fred Brian Byron
$4,800 $11,229 $4,100
2nd place: NEC notebook computer + Pollenex air cleaner New champion: $11,229 3rd place: Samsung 19" TV/VCR + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fred Brian Byron
$4,400 $9,400 $2,100
19 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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