Suggest correction - #2197 - 1994-03-08

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    $100 16
It's the most common eye color

Show #2197 - Tuesday, March 8, 1994

Fred Frank game 4.


Dave Goldfeder, an engineer from Montvale, New Jersey

Sara McHugh, a political science student from Closter, New Jersey

Fred Frank, a painter from San Francisco, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $38,499)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
According to Hindu belief, dying on the banks of this river guarantees eternal peace to the soul
    $100 5
The Vince Lombardi Trophy features a life-size replica of this piece of equipment
    $100 30
One may be bar or foot
    $100 24
He's Ichabod Crane's pursuer in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
    $100 16
It's the most common eye color
    $100 20
It's an informal synonym for mother, as well as an embalmed Egyptian
    $200 11
Wellington Harbour, an almost circular bay, indents this country's North Island
    $200 4
In 1984 he won 3 individual Olympic gold medals, for the 100-meter run, 200-meter run & long jump
    $200 7
The Heriz & Tabriz are Persian types of these
    $200 26
745.7 watts, or 550 foot-pounds per second
    $200 17
The pulse point highest on your body is located here
    $200 21
When you're forced to concede defeat, you "cry" this
    $300 8
The Philippine capital is located on this bay
    $300 1
On Sept. 29, 1976 he was named to replace Walter Alston as manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers
    $300 12
A folding armchair with a canvas back & bottom is named for this job in the film industry
    $300 27
This slang term for an automobile was popular in the 1890s
    $300 18
It's the "right pipe" for food to go down
    $300 22
The Esperanto word for this relative is frato
    $400 9
The Bering Strait connects the Bering Sea of the Pacific with the Chukchi Sea of this ocean
    $400 2
He won the heavyweight boxing title in 1952 & retired undefeated 4 years later
    $400 13
Sconces hold candles & andirons hold this
    $400 28
In Act V of Shakespeare's "Richard III", King Richard says these lines twice
    DD: $3,000 15
These blood cells number fewer than the red cells but more than the white cells
    $400 23
The son of your son or daughter
    $500 10
Odessa & Sevastopol are important ports on this sea
    $500 3
In the 1970s & 1980s, Earl Anthony was this sport's leading money winner 6 times
    $500 14
A dressing table with drawers & a mirror at which a lady may take a "makeup" test
    $500 29
Horace McCoy's first novel, it tells the story of a man who murders his marathon dance partner
    $500 19
Latin for "little grape", it moves up when you say "Ahh"
    $500 25
This prefix for relatives by remarriage comes from an Old English word meaning "to bereave"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Fred Sara Dave
$6,100 $100 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Sara Dave
$7,300 $400 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We had RELATIVES in round one. We have [*] in this one, a fun category.)
    $200 14
The existence of these tapes was revealed by Alexander P. Butterfield on July 16, 1973
    $200 1
Its equatorial canyons were named Valles Marineris after the Mariner craft that photographed them
    $200 20
His "Long Day's Journey into Night" is 3 acts longer than his "The Long Voyage Home"
    $200 18
The state is divided into just 5 of these, including Kent & Bristol
    $200 11
He killed his brother Remus in a quarrel over who had seen more vultures
    $400 13
Louise de Koven Bowen became president of this settlement house after Jane Addams' death in 1935
    $400 15
The planet with 100% cloud cover that's closest to the sun
    $400 21
This Hecht & MacArthur comedy includes workers from the Post, Journal, Daily News & Tribune
    $400 19
This breed of chicken is Rhode Island's state bird
    $400 10
Though usually presiding on Olympus, he could also be found living with the Ethiopians
    $400 26
In the early '70s he starred in his own TV variety show, "Rollin'", with the First Edition
    $600 2
This novelist refused the Pulitzer Prize for "Arrowsmith" but accepted the Nobel Prize 4 years later
    $600 16
With the lowest density of any planet, it could float on water even without its "life ring"
    $600 22
In this Lawrence & Lee drama, Bertram Cates is tried for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution
    $600 4
This Providence university's oldest building served as a barracks during the American Revolution
    $600 7
Jocasta hanged herself when she discovered that this man, her husband, was also her son
    DD: $2,000 3
On April 26, 1980 this Secretary of State resigned in opposition to Jimmy Carter's Iran hostage rescue attempt
    $800 17
It's believed that this largest satellite of Neptune was captured by the planet, not created with it
    $800 23
It's Teddy who comes home in this playwright's "The Homecoming"
    $800 5
Touro synagogue in this resort city is the nation's oldest synagogue
    DD: $2,500 8
The Iliad portrays Thanatos, the personification of this, as the brother of Hypnos, sleep
    $800 28
In the '60s & '70s this director was the enfant terrible of the British cinema
    $1000 12
On Dec. 4, 1952 this president of the United Auto Workers was elected head of the CIO
    $1000 25
The most distant planet that can be seen with the naked eye
    $1000 24
The "Bus Stop" in William Inge's play is in this Plains state
    $1000 6
The state has 38 islands, most of them in this bay
    $1000 9
The Trojan priest Laocoon & his 2 sons were crushed to death by 2 of these sent by Apollo
    $1000 27
A former rodeo rider, this cowboy star of the '20s was famous for doing tricks on his horse Tarzan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Sara Dave
$12,800 $2,000 $2,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1993 she became the first American woman since Pearl Buck to win the Nobel Prize in Literature

Final scores:

Fred Sara Dave
$14,200 $3,999 $4,001
4-day champion: $52,699 3rd place: Benrus watch 2nd place: trip to Honolulu, Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fred Sara Dave
$11,500 $2,000 $2,400
30 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
3 W
11 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $15,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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