Suggest correction - #2169 - 1994-01-27

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    DD: $2,000 21
N. Hawksmoor assisted John Vanbrugh in designing this palace for the Duke of Marlborough

Show #2169 - Thursday, January 27, 1994


Annie Gottlieb, a freelance writer from New York City, New York

Joe Shaefer, an investment advisor and author from Honolulu, Hawaii

Andrew Zarutskie, a press secretary originally from Newburgh, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The popular vote by which JFK beat this man in 1960 was the closest since 1888
    $100 8
In 1984 this "E.T." director formed a production company & named it for his 1969 short "Amblin'"
    $100 2
Of about 500 active ones of these, Cotopaxi & Guallatiri are among the most active
    $100 17
Insulting military wear for mothers
    $100 26
Drew Berkowitz called it "the only thing that will really prevent baldness"
    $100 16
A digestive enzyme called bromelain comes from this Hawaiian fruit
    $200 3
In 1960 he offered the VP slot to this man to appease Southerners & was surprised that he accepted
    $200 12
This director's then wife Marcia served as editor on his 1977 film "Star Wars"
    $200 4
Term for the valleys that are the deepest parts of the ocean floors
    $200 20
These shoes come in light brown & white; Pat Boone wears the white ones
    $200 27
Walter Winchell described it as "a town where they place you under contract instead of observation"
    $200 18
This heavily armored Union warship was said to look like a "cheese box on a raft"
    $300 5
JFK had been president for less than 3 months before the disastrous landing at this Cuban site
    $300 13
He appeared in "The Birds" as a man in front of a pet shop with white terriers
    $300 9
The bulk of the Earth is contained in this silica-rich layer
    $300 22
They're the metal projections on the soles of athletic shoes, or the shoes themselves
    $300 28
It's the kind of pipe the Caterpillar was smoking when he met Alice in Wonderland
    $300 19
One explanation for this Penn. nickname is that it's centrally located among the 13 original states
    $400 6
This boat commanded by JFK collided with the Japanese destroyer Amagiri in August 1943
    $400 14
This Swede's first English-language film was "The Touch" in 1971
    DD: $700 10
This language gave us the words erg, a sandy desert, & hammada, a rocky desert
    $400 23
On the Roman military types of these, the laces go up the calf
    $400 29
Mary Baker Eddy said this is "not a condition of matter, but of mind"
    $400 21
In 1892 a Denver lawyer created this breakfast cereal, using a machine that pressed wheat into thin strips
    $500 7
Recovering from a double spinal fusion in 1954, he began work on this Pulitzer Prize-winning book
    $500 15
He could have titled his 1971 autobiography "It's A Wonderful Life" instead of "The Name Above the Title"
    $500 11
These land masses are generally classified as continental or oceanic
    $500 24
Its "Instapumps" cost about $200 & feature a device that injects CO2 into a bladder
    $500 30
Oscar Wilde said, "Anybody can make" this; "only a great man can write it"
    $500 25
Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, Aventine & Palatine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andrew Joe Annie
$1,800 $500 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Joe Annie
$1,800 $800 $3,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
To produce those charming smiles, these were generally cleaned with a green hazel twig
    $200 12
Often fitted with glass, it's an opening in a ceiling to let the sunshine in
    $200 23
It's the English title of the ever-popular Mozart opera "Le Nozze di Figaro"
    $200 1
Countries bordering on this gulf include Qatar & Saudi Arabia
    $200 14
A single one of these by a spacecraft is called a pass
    $200 6
She first told the tale of Peter Rabbit in a letter to her former governess' son
    $400 15
These fairs held in the Champagne area included annual ones for cloth & leather
    $400 13
It's the combined structure atop a church that includes the tower & spire
    $400 24
"Nothung! Nothung!" is Siegfried's song about his sword in this composer's opera "Siegfried"
    $400 2
The Bay of Tangier on Africa's northern coast is an inlet of this strait
    $400 25
Term for the time in its descent when a capsule comes back into the earth's atmosphere
    $400 7
This author of "The Age of Innocence" was born Edith Newbold Jones in 1862
    $600 16
The Duke of Apulia first issued this coin in the mid-1100s; the clue here is "Duke"
    $600 19
A style of window popular in commercial buildings of the 1890s is named for this Illinois city
    $600 28
This ragtime composer's opera "Treemonisha" is about a baby found under a tree by a woman named Monisha
    $600 3
During WWI 2 famous battles took place near this longest tributary of the Seine
    $600 8
Flannery was this "Wise Blood" author's middle name; her first name was Mary
    $800 17
In the 1122 Concordat of Worms, Henry V gave up the right to appoint these church leaders
    $800 20
Architect Sir John Soane's eccentric home in this capital city features mock ruins & an Egyptian crypt
    DD: $1,000 27
A soprano plays the role of the Sandman in this 1893 Humperdinck opera
    $800 4
Lisbon lies on this river, the longest on the Iberian Peninsula
    $800 9
This author of "The Thorn Birds" published "The First Man in Rome", a historical novel, in 1990
    $1000 18
At the turn of the 13th century, St. Francis of Assisi & this Spaniard founded friar movements
    DD: $2,000 21
N. Hawksmoor assisted John Vanbrugh in designing this palace for the Duke of Marlborough
    $1000 26
This "Peter and the Wolf" composer was only 9 when he wrote his first opera, "The Giant"
    $1000 5
Noted for its high tides, this bay separates Nova Scotia from New Brunswick
    $1000 22
The passengers, cargo, supplies, etc. that are carried up by the rocket
    $1000 10
"The Sisters Rosensweig" is a recent play by this writer of "The Heidi Chronicles"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Joe Annie
$1,400 $2,200 $9,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Name shared by the southernmost province of Belgium, a country on its border & a capital city

Final scores:

Andrew Joe Annie
$2,800 $4,200 $5,700
3rd place: Olympus 35mm camera 2nd place: Bassett bedroom furniture + Bassett mattress New champion: $5,700

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Andrew Joe Annie
$3,400 $2,200 $10,200
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
1 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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