Suggest correction - #2158 - 1994-01-12

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    $400 14
The 2 main categories of melon are muskmelon & this large type

Show #2158 - Wednesday, January 12, 1994


Dennis O'Brien, a computer programmer from East Meadow, New York

Pat Stockhausen, a consultant from New York City, New York

Steve Ashworth, a financial consultant from Mount Kisco, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
On May 10, 1865 this Confederate president was captured by Union troops in southern Georgia
    $100 11
The temple variety of this citrus fruit has many seeds
    $100 26
It's the residence that replaced the bison on the back of the nickel
    $100 16
From 1912-1949 it was the Republic of China; in 1949 this word was added to the name
    $100 21
Lawrence Kasdan directed Kevin in "Silverado" & this 1983 film about college chums reunited for a funeral
    $100 1
The only Top 40 hit by the Beatles that fits the category
    $200 4
Shooting began in this Penn. battle when Confederates searching for shoes ran into Union cavalry
    $200 12
The blossoms of these gourds are edible & sometimes are stuffed & deep-fried
    $200 27
A coin of this value was minted 1864–1873, so if you wanted to put its worth into a conversation...
    $200 17
The Chengdu Zoo is known for its display of these giant endangered animals
    $200 22
Kevin made his film debut in this 1982 Meryl Streep film about an Auschwitz survivor
    $200 2
Frank Sinatra sang about them "exchanging glances"
    $300 5
About his campaign, this general later wrote, "Behind us lay Atlanta, smoldering and in ruins"
    $300 13
Indian corn can have red, blue, brown & purple kernels; butter & sugar corn has these 2 colors
    $300 28
There are no quarters dated 1975 & the 1976 quarters also have this year on them
    $300 18
Over 2,000 years ago, the Chinese read books made from strips of this plant
    $300 23
In this 1993 film, Kevin Kline impersonates the President of the United States
    $300 8
Kris Kristofferson wrote this impassioned plea that begins, "Take the ribbon from your hair"
    $400 6
This Black orator helped organize 2 Black regiments from Massachusetts during the War
    $400 14
The 2 main categories of melon are muskmelon & this large type
    $400 29
Some say the design on the 1992 Olympic baseball dollar was copied from a baseball card of this Texas pitcher
    $400 19
Reuters reports that these formerly P.C. jackets are now gathering dust in Chinese warehouses
    $400 24
Kline sang & danced in the 1983 film version of this Gilbert & Sullivan classic
    $400 9
This Cole Porter classic begins, "Like the beat, beat, beat of the tom-tom, when the jungle shadows fall"
    $500 7
Before Mobile Bay, his naval victories included New Orleans & Port Hudson
    $500 15
The English is the common garden variety of this legume
    DD: $1,500 30
From 1948-1963 the half-dollar had this object on its back
    $500 20
Preparation of this fowl dish may begin more than 2 days before it's served
    $500 25
In "I Love You To Death", Kevin runs into this woman, his real-life wife
    $500 10
This potent potable discovery tune is from "Gigi"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Pat Dennis
$2,100 $700 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Pat Dennis
$5,300 $2,200 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
King Fahd ibn Abd al-Aziz as-Saud
    $200 1
This opposite of frantic comes "before a storm"
    $200 27
In 1987 Susumu Tonegawa became the first man from this country to win the prize for Physiology or Medicine
    $200 7
This kind of natural disaster damaged the dome of Hagia Sophia in 558, 989 & 1346
    $200 12
Bram Stoker wrote this novel after hearing stories about Walachian ruler Vlad the Impaler
    $200 17
Winning entries in this contest have included an apple nut lattice tart & snappy turtle cookies
    $400 22
President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
    $400 2
3-letter antonym of straightforward for Stone or Stallone
    $400 28
Sir Ronald Ross won the award for discovering how this disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito
    $400 8
The Duke of Wellington is buried in a crypt under the floor of this London cathedral
    $400 13
In this modern classic, fathers Merrin & Karras try to rid Regan MacNeil of a demon
    $400 18
Sam Gutowitz, who founded a famous record store chain, was better known by this name
    $600 23
President Fidel V. Ramos
    $600 3
Antonyms in Kentucky's state motto are united & divided & this pair
    $600 30
Richard Willstatter won in 1915 "for his researches on plant pigments, especially" this one
    $600 9
Giuliano de Medici was assassinated inside Il Duomo, the magnificent cathedral in this city
    $600 14
The setting for this 1967 Ira Levin novel, a gloomy Manhattan apt. building, is based on one where he had lived
    $600 19
The oldest one known, the Codex Vaticanus, was written in Greek around 350 A.D.
    $800 24
President Ion Iliescu
    DD: $2,700 4
These 2 antonyms anagram to "eats stew"
    $800 29
It took 50 years but in 1986 Ernest Ruska was finally honored for his development of this microscope
    $800 10
This world-famous landmark on Red Square is actually a combination of 9 chapels
    $800 15
Jack Torrance terrorizes his family after they move into a haunted hotel in this Stephen King novel
    $800 20
In folklore this cowboy is the inventor of roping, branding & the six-shooter
    DD: $1,000 25
Emir Shaikh Jabir al-Ahmad as-Sabah
    $1000 5
This antonym for imaginative is also a term for one who walks
    $1000 26
Richard Taylor, Jerome Friedman & Henry Kendall were honored in 1990 for proving the existence of this particle
    $1000 11
This city's beautiful cathedral stands near the Alcazar Palace, as Carmen could have told you
    $1000 16
This author of "Koko" & "Ghost Story" grabs readers by "The Throat" in a 1993 thriller
    $1000 21
The Althing, Europe's oldest parliament, was established by Vikings in this country in 930

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Pat Dennis
$8,100 $3,200 $8,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The town in which he was born in 1870 was later renamed Ulyanovsk

Final scores:

Steve Pat Dennis
$8,400 $3,400 $16,201
2nd place: General Instrument satellite TV system + RCA 27" color TV 3rd place: Krieger watch + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis New champion: $16,201

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Pat Dennis
$7,100 $3,200 $6,500
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
14 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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