Suggest correction - #2146 - 1993-12-27

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    $200 6
It's any place swarming with activity, not just a bee's home

Show #2146 - Monday, December 27, 1993


Kate Charlesworth-Miller, a homemaker from Dublin, Ohio

Harold Katz, a real estate broker originally from Sharon, Pennsylvania

Debbie Peryea, a waitress from Keeseville, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
This seaway connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic
    $100 1
When Dimitri Tiomkin "scored" with a 1954 Oscar, he thanked these 3 Bs of classical music
    $100 2
The embroidery or crewel type of this implement has a long eye for easier threading
    $100 26
Popular sweet varieties of this fruit include Jaffa, blood & navel
    $100 13
Since 1909 his head has been on over 250 billion U.S. coins
    $100 16
An extremely chubby winged mammal
    $200 7
Biscuit tortoni isn't bread but a frozen dessert that originated in this country
    $200 3
It was the first color film to win a "Best Picture" Oscar &, fittingly, it had a "Scarlett" heroine
    $200 4
The sewing of pieced or patchwork kinds of these was a popular folk art in preindustrial America
    $200 27
A monument to this type of grape stands in the Massachusetts town where it was developed
    $200 14
The barrow ground squirrel of Alaska does this for 9 months of the year
    $200 17
If you wear this kind of knapsack across your front, its name becomes a misnomer
    $300 8
Raj Gondi is one of the major dialects of Gondi, a language spoken chiefly in this country
    $300 5
He was an Oscar-winning producer before he won an acting Oscar for his performance in "Wall Street"
    $300 23
"Reptilian" name for a high turnover collar that hugs the throat
    $300 28
Mexican & Key are other names for the West Indian variety of this fruit
    $300 15
Leo Pisker has collected over 135,000 of these, so no one will ever leave a ring on his furniture
    $300 18
An adorable woodwind
    $400 9
You'll find Sevastopol, the site of a famous 1854-55 battle, on this peninsula
    DD: $400 11
"Babette's Feast", based on a story by this woman, was the 1st Danish winner as "Best Foreign Language Film"
    $400 24
The accordion type of these have folds resembling the bellows of that instrument
    $400 29
About 60% of U.S. pear production is of this variety named for the man who introduced it
    $400 20
In 1990 Dale Lyons ran a marathon in 3 hours, 47 minutes carrying one of these on a spoon
    $400 19
In a famous song, this title phrase precedes "Where'd ya get those peepers?"
    $500 10
A tower outside Dublin visited by this novelist in 1904 now houses a museum dedicated to him
    $500 12
Never nominated for "Best Director", he got a Supporting Actor nomination for "Sunset Boulevard"
    $500 25
Meaning to mend by weaving yarn or thread across a hole, it's the method used to repair socks
    $500 30
Americans consume more of this fruit than any other, yet it was little known in the U.S. before 1870
    $500 21
In 1990-91 Philips Classics celebrated the 200th anniversary of his death with all his works on 180 CDs
    $500 22
Mrs. Onassis' attendants

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Debbie Harold Kate
$600 $300 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Debbie Harold Kate
$1,000 $1,500 $3,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
She was the heiress & half sister of King Henry IV when she married Ferdinand in 1469
    $200 10
St. Bridget, a patron saint of this Emerald Isle, founded a double abbey there
    $200 14
Term for the signature on the back of a check
    $200 6
It's any place swarming with activity, not just a bee's home
    $200 8
Praxiteles was among the first to humanize this country's gods & goddesses in sculpture
    $200 1
John Milton's sequel to it was "Paradise Regained"
    $400 23
He was appointed head of the Nationalist forces in the Civil War October 1, 1936
    $400 11
St. Andrew's Cross isn't T-shaped; it's shaped like this letter
    $400 27
The Nikkei Stock Average is an index based on the prices of 225 stocks on this exchange
    $400 7
A form is a resting place for one of these animals & it may come in handy after it races a tortoise
    $400 18
A hand holding an apple found on the island of Melos may have belonged to this marble statue
    $400 2
Mr. Kurtz' dying words in this Joseph Conrad novel are "The horror! The horror!"
    $600 24
Spain became the 16th member of this western treaty group in 1982
    $600 15
After "carrying" this saint for years on the calendar, the Roman Catholics dropped his July 25 feast day in 1969
    $600 28
A premium is the sum of money paid to buy this type of policy
    $600 9
The name of this horse house is from the Latin for "standing place"
    $600 19
Augusta Savage sculpted "Lift every voice and sing", a tribute to Black music, for this city's 1939 World's Fair
    $600 3
Her unfinished novel "The Watsons" is regarded by some as an early version of "Emma"
    $800 25
This name by which Spanish national hero Rodrigo Diaz is known means "lord" or "master"
    $800 16
Hey, he's the patron saint of lost causes
    DD: $500 29
The theory of this University of Chicago economist is populary called Monetarism
    $800 12
After soaring an eagle comes home to roost in this nest
    $800 20
In 1902 this "Bronco Buster" sculptor published his first novel, "John Ermine of the Yellowstone"
    $800 4
Anthony Burgess' "Nothing Like the Sun" is a novel about this Elizabethan playwright
    $1000 26
The fall of this city in 1492 marked the end of the reconquest of Spain from the Moors
    DD: $2,000 17
Murdered in 1170, he was canonized in 1173
    $1000 30
His law states that bad money forces good money out of circulation
    $1000 13
This term for the breeding ground of penguins is named for another bird
    $1000 21
This British abstract sculptor's first major commission was "North Wind", completed in 1929
    $1000 5
Part II of this allegory deals with the journey of Christian's wife & children to the Celestial City

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Debbie Harold Kate
$4,100 $4,900 $4,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

This English innkeeper kept 40 horses ready for customers but gave them no choice in the one they got

Final scores:

Debbie Harold Kate
$8,199 $1,599 $0
New champion: $8,199 2nd place: trip to Fort Myers, Florida 3rd place: pair of MCI video phones + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Debbie Harold Kate
$4,600 $5,300 $6,100
13 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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